THEHAWK Casts Wonder Woman's friends and foes

THEHAWK Casts Wonder Woman's friends and foes

THEHAWK casts 9 of Wonder Woman's allies and 19 of her greatest foes.

By THEHAWK - May 27, 2009 01:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

This is a casting I have been working on for a while. It is all of Wonder Woman’s major enemies and supporting cast. Let me know what you think, enjoy.


When the Gods created the Amazons on the bottom of the sea, the first one that broke the surface became Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, the second one to break the surface was Antiope. They lived in peace until the arrival of Herakles and his men. he and his men robbed, drugged, and rape the tribe of Amazonians. Hippolyta cried out to Athena for aid, Athena gave it on the condition that the Amazonians not seek retribution against their attackers, on the grounds that it would violate their ideals. Hippolyta agreed, and the Amazon’s were released from their bonds. Antiope led the Amazons as they slaughtered their attackers. After this she and half of the Amazons severed all ties with the Gods and left their lands , shortly before Hippolyta moved them to Paradise Island. Her group eventually became the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall.

Wow that was a lot of typing. Anyway an actress with regal bearing is needed. She needs to seem like she has seen battles and horrors. Cate Blanchet is extremely talented and would be perfect for the role.


Artemis was born an Amazon as a member of the Egyptian tribe of Bana-Mighdall, who migrated from Greece to various European and Middle Eastern countries before finally settling in Egypt. Over the centuries the Bana-Mighdallian weapons and services became above par and were in much demand. This way of living continued until the late 20th century. It was into this period that Artemis was born. As a child, Artemis was raised in poverty among her tribe, running naked through barren hills and often hungry. By the time she was 10 years old she was trained to carry 50 lbs. packs silently across night battlefields. Queen Hippolyta began to see visions of the future. One of those visions included Wonder Woman dying. Keeping this to herself, she called for a new Contest for the title of Wonder Woman. Initially excluding the new Amazons, Queen Hippolyta submitted to a vote on the whole to include them at Diana's behest. Through some mystical managing on Hippolyta's part, Artemis eventually won the Contest and became the new Wonder Woman.

I think the best woman for the job is a fan favorite for the role of Wonder Woman, I’m talking about Jessica Beil.

Donna Troy

Her origin story is too long and confusing to condense so I will just say she was created as Wonder Woman’s sister. She is a very interesting and important character.

I honestly had the hardest time with this character, so I decided to go with Erica Durrance, I am open to suggestions.

Etta Candy

In her 1940s incarnation, Etta Candy is a spirited, rotund young woman who leads the fictional Beeta Lambda sorority at Holliday College and aids Wonder Woman in her adventures. She is known for her moxie, her love for candy, and for her trademark call "Woo! Woo!"
Since the 1987 Etta has been romantically linked with, and eventually married to, Steve Trevor, who is no longer Diana's love interest.
A career Air Force officer, Etta serves as Steve Trevor's aide when he is framed for treason as part of Ares' scheme to spark a global war. Etta is fiercely dedicated to her friends, and her faith in Steve's innocence helps him clear his name, even though the two temporarily become fugitives while helping Wonder Woman overthrow Ares' plans. While on the run, Steve and Etta realize their love for one another. A happy couple, they remain friends with Wonder Woman.
This version of Etta would go on to develop an eating disorder.

KeepItReal came up with this choice and I can’t think of a better one Ginnifer Goodwin.


This original version of the character possessed black hair. According to this story, Hippolyta and the Amazons once resided in "Amazonia" in the days of ancient Greece, until they were beguiled and bested by the demi-god Hercules. This caused them to lose the favor of their patron goddess, Aphrodite. To regain their status, the Amazons were forced to leave the mortal world and relocate to Paradise Island. There they established their own society, free from the evils of man's world. So long as they remained there and Hippolyte retained possession of her magic girdle, the Amazons would be immortal. Much of this history was adapted and expanded upon in the modern version of the Wonder Woman comics.

I think the best Hippolyta would of course be the original Wonder Woman herself Lynda Carter.


Mala was one of the most important Amazons in the Golden Age adventures of Wonder Woman. Mala was with Diana when they discovered Steve Trevor floating in the sea, and they worked together to bring him to shore. Mala was also the last Amazon standing alongside a masked Diana during the contest to determine who would venture into Man's World as the Amazon champion. She has long been a close friend to Diana and one of the Amazonian’s strongest warriors.

I believe this choice speaks for itself, Keira Knightly as Mala. She has the bearing and presence necessary for the role.


Formed from clay as a twin to Diana (Wonder Woman), the dark skinned Nubia was kidnapped by Mars, who raised her, controlling her mind so that she would help him bring down the Amazons.
After a session in the Amazon Memory banks, Diana is confronted by an armored female warrior who challenges her to single combat. The two initially wrestle, then face each other with swords. Diana and the intruder seem evenly matched until the intruder knocks the sword from Diana's hands, and then hesitates to kill her, giving Diana the chance to wrestle her to a draw. She posses all the powers of Wonder Woman. Her Post-Crisis version Nu'Bia also possesses the ability to open dimensional portals and a paralyzing "Cold Sight".

To play this role I picked one of my favorite actresses. I feel she is one of the most skilled and under rated actresses in Hollywood. Naomi Harris.

Steve Trevor

Steve Trevor, the male Lois Lane. Steve Trevor was an intelligence officer in the United States Army during World War II whose plane crashed in the isolated homeland of the Amazons. He was nursed back to health by the Amazon princess Diana, who fell in love with him and followed him when he returned to the outside world, where she became Wonder Woman (and also his coworker, Diana Prince.)
Steve Trevor was portrayed as an American military hero who often fought battles both alone and alongside Wonder Woman. At the same time, he was also a traditional superhero's love interest: repeatedly becoming kidnapped and needing to be rescued by Wonder Woman, as well as pining after the superheroine in the red-and-blue outfit while failing to notice her resemblance to his meek, bespectacled co-worker Diana Prince.

I had trouble casting this role, Steve needs to be strong and compassionate, I think that both Josh Lucas and Jude Law would be great for the role.

Wonder Girl

Cassandra Sandsmark is the second character to be called Wonder Girl; the first being Donna Troy. Cassandra is the daughter of Dr. Helena Sandsmark, (a noted archaeologist with whom Wonder Woman was working) and the Greek god Zeus.[2] During a fight with a Doomsday clone[3] and another battle with Decay, she created a costume and used magical accoutrements (the sandals of Hermes and the gauntlet of Atlas) to help Wonder Woman, much to her mother's horror. Cassandra later had the opportunity to ask Zeus for a boon, and requested real superpowers. Zeus granted her request, but gave Dr. Sandsmark the ability to deactivate them. Dr. Sandsmark, however, reluctantly accepted her daughter's wish to be a superhero and rarely if ever uses this ability.

Someone else, I believe it was KeepItReal, also suggested this actress for the character, and I couldn’t agree more. Kristen Bell is perfect for Wonder Girl.


Ares is the son of the Greek god Zeus and god of war. His mere existence falls into conflict with Wonder Woman's peaceful way of living. Time and again he has tried to cause strife in the world but remains defeated by the Amazon princess. He was referred to by the Roman name Mars for most of the pre-Crisis period.

Ares needs to be tough, he needs to be cool and persuasive, calm under pressure. He needs an experienced, dramatic actor, I am torn on which actor is right. So I chose Brad Pitt or Daniel Craig.

Baroness Paula Von Gunther

Wonder Woman's first recurring arch-nemesis, a ruthless Nazi spymaster, evil scientist, and femme fatale. After several battles, Wonder Woman discovered The Baroness was only working for the Nazis because they were holding her daughter hostage. In a daring raid, Wonder Woman rescued the child and returned her to Von Gunther, who gladly turned against her former masters and helped the Amazon Princess round up the Nazi spy ring. Taken to Transformation Island, the Amazon rehabilitation community, The now-reformed Baroness and her daughter Gerta joined the Amazons, using their scientific skills to benefit Paradise Island.

She needs to be a strong woman and the best choice, even though I hate her would be Angelina Jolie.

Blue Snowman

Byrna Brilyant, a small town school-teacher and scientist who disguised herself as a man, used a telescopic snow ray to create and reverse blizzards.

The best choice for this obscure villain is Renee Zellweger, she is probably one of the few actresses alive that could keep this from being campy, if at all possible.


There have been several Cheetah’s over the years.

Wonder Woman #6 (October 1943) The original Cheetah, Priscilla Rich, was a beautiful dancer and philanthropist who developed an odd sort of split personality when she felt overshadowed by Wonder Woman. Donning a costume made from a cut-up cheetah-skin rug, she vowed to destroy the Amazon princess.

Wonder Woman #274 (December 1980) A second pre-Crisis Cheetah, Debbi Domaine, the niece of the original, appeared a number of times as well. An ecologist, she was kidnapped, brainwashed into a feral ecoterrorist, and trained in unarmed combat by Kobra. Post-Crisis, Debbi never became the Cheetah.

Wonder Woman (vol. 2) #7 (August 1987) (as Barbara Minerva); #8 (as Cheetah) The current Cheetah, Barbara Minerva, is a former archeologist and treasure-hunter who sold her soul to the plant-god Urtzkartaga for power and immortality, not realizing she'd be bound in eternal servitude to him.

This choice was made by Joslezio, and I couldn’t agree more. Parker Posey for any of the Cheetahs


Circe is based on the Greek mythological character of the same name. A witch and sorceress of vast power, specializing in illusion and transformation spells, Circe was originally a minor villain but post-Crisis has become one of Wonder Woman's most formidable foes.

Circe is a sexy, strong character, so naturally a strong sexy actress is needed. Monica Bellucci is an amazing actress and would bring so much to this role.


After destroying her body by taking the drug known as "Tar", LeTonya Charles is given cybernetic implants by her aunt Sarah Charles, who maintains the cybernetic components of the super-hero Cyborg. However, instead of using her new gained abilities for good, she has decided to serve her own selfish desires and has become a villain, coming into conflict with Wonder Woman.
Cyborgirl, not Cybergirl, get you mind out of the gutter. Meagan Good would be an amazing Cyborgirl.

Dark Angel

Dark Angel is the spirit of an ancient demon summoned forth by the German Nazi Baroness Paula von Gunther during World War II. Finding an enemy in Wonder Woman's mother Queen Hippolyta, the two battled on several occasions. Seeking revenge, Dark Angel secretly transported herself onto Themyscira and kidnapped Hippolyta's daughter Donna Troy, mistaking her for Diana. She placed Donna in suspended animation until rescued years later by the now adult Diana as Wonder Woman. Diana returned Donna to Paradise Island, but she eventually returned to Man's World as Wonder Girl.

This is a pretty important character and I have wanted this pick for a long time, I think that Natalie Portman would be perfect for this role, her voice would be deceptive of the characters true nature.

Doctor Cyber

A female criminal mastermind and head of an international crime syndicate, Doctor Cyber was Wonder Woman's arch-nemesis during a period when she had given up her Amazon powers and become a white-costumed karate expert. During an early battle, Cyber's face was horribly burned. Vowing revenge for her ruined beauty, she became obsessed with having Wonder Woman's face removed and surgically grafted on her own. She also teamed up with Batman foe Doctor Moon in this period. A cyborg version of the character has appeared post-Crisis, but not as a Wonder Woman villain.

Naomi Watts would be great in this role.

Doctor Poison

Sensation Comics #2 (February 1942) Princess Maru joined the Nazi forces in 1942 and became Doctor Poison, hiding her gender behind an oversized costume and mask. In an early adventure, she developed a toxin called "Reverso" which when administered would cause people to do the opposite of what they are told. Later, she joined Villainy Inc., and would do battle with Wonder Woman time and time again, using her skills for chemical warfare.

Wonder Woman, vol. 2, #151 (December 1999) The current Doctor Poison has yet to be identified, but claims to be the granddaughter of the original. Having used herself as a subject for bio-chemical experiments, she's developed the ability to secrete various toxins and chemicals.

I think Denise Richards would be great for either character, she has an attractive face and posseses the necessary skill for the role.

Doctor Psycho

Ridiculed as a child for his small stature and strange appearance, Doctor Psycho grew up to be highly sexist and mysoginist. Formerly a brilliant student, he went mad and turned to crime after being framed for a crime by a rival who stole the only girl he ever loved. A Little person with telepathic and psychic powers, he was originally intended to be an archetypical Mad Scientist and spirit medium, but that image was dropped post-Crisis. He is one of Wonder Woman's most deadly foes.

This crazy character is probably my favorite Wonder Woman villain, I especially love Gail Simone’s version of him during Villains United, in which he led the attack on Metropolis. He has been a major player in the DC Universe lately. I think my choice may strike some of you as odd, but let it sink in for a minute. Robert Downey Jr. as Doctor Psycho. He is a great actor and with the aid of CGI he would be a great Psycho, I have often wanted to see RDJ as a villain and this seems like a good choice.

Duke of Deception

A servant of the evil god Mars, he embodied deceit, confusion, and treachery, using his godlike powers of illusion, shape-shifting, and influencing minds to further the cause of war. He sometimes worked with Mars' other flunkies, the Earl of Greed and Lord Conquest. One of Wonder Woman's most persistent foes, he plagued her throughout the Golden, Silver, and Bronze Ages.

This choice goes without explanation, Andy Serkis, the man who played Gollum in LOTR, would be great for the role because of his voice.


Giganta, another one of Wonder Woman's most notorious enemies, was originally a gorilla who was super-evolved by Professor Zool. Her modern day version is Doctor Doris Zuel, a medical doctor suffering from a fatal disease who hoped to transfer her life essence into Wonder Woman. When Wonder Girl foiled her attempt, her essence was placed into a gorilla. She then transferred her essence into Olga, a circus strong-woman who had the power to grow to gigantic size. She is now a continuing thorn in Wonder Woman's side.

This was one of those roles that was a nightmare to cast. Giganta needs to be attractive, but still look like she may go on a rampage. I considered several actresses for the role. I finally picked Michelle Ryan.


Hades is based on the Greek mythological character of the same name. For most of his life, Hades clothed himself in a classical Greek toga and wore his black hair in ringlets. In recent years however, many of the gods adopted modern clothing in an attempt to evolve with the times. Hades took to dressing in a dark black suit with top hat and cane.

This has to have a skilled actor, one with a dramatic personality. Josh Brolin would be ideal for Hades.


A stage magician who disguised herself as a man, Hypnota was accidentally shot in the head during a rehearsal for her stage show. Treating the gunshot wound with an experimental surgery saved her life, but also gave her the ability to use "Blue Electric Rays of Dominance" emanating from her "Mid-Brain". Using this new power for crime, she enslaved her sister, the weak-willed Serva, and used her as a pawn while selling hypnotized captives to the Saturn slave traders. She later became a member of Villainy Inc.

Lili Taylor would bring the screen presence for this role.


An alien, Osira crash landed in ancient Egypt centuries ago and attempted to bring peace to the planet, using her vast telepathic powers to dominate mankind. After a time, some of the locals succeeded in trapping her in a pyramid in Egypt for many centuries but she was accidentally freed in modern times. She attempted to re-establish her control over the world but was stopped by Wonder Woman.

Thandie Newton was amazing in W she would be amazing in this movie, I really hope to see more roles for her in the future.

Queen Clea

Cruel ruler of the Atlantean city of Venturia, where women were large and powerful and men were stunted, weak, and servile, Queen Clea often forced her subjects to battle in gladitorial combat. Wanting to take over all of Atlantis she eventually stole the Trident of Poseidon to make herself supremely powerful. She was stopped by Wonder Woman and later joined Villainy Inc. as an attempt at revenge.

She is considered by many to be Wonder Woman’s arch enemy, who better to play this powerful foe than the original Warrior Princess, Lucy Lawless.

Silver Swan

Pre-Crisis, Helena Alexandros was a homely ballerina passed up for roles until she struck a bargain with her ancestor, the war-god Mars: power and beauty in exchange for killing Wonder Woman. She had great strength, the ability to fly, and a powerful sonic scream.

Post-Crisis, Valerie Beaudry was deformed by her parents' exposure to radiation but had nascent abilities to control sound. Industrialist Henry Armbruster seduced and even married her to convince her to submit to experiments that enhanced her sonic powers and transformed her into a beautiful woman. But she remained insecure and emotionally dominated by Armbruster, who used her as a weapon against Wonder Woman.

A third Silver Swan, Vanessa Kapatelis, was actually a longtime friend of Wonder Woman, kidnapped by Circe, Doctor Psycho, and others, brainwashed into hating her former idol, and turned into a murderous cyborg.

I think Nikki Cox would be amazing in all of the roles, especially as Vanessa.


The Aztec trickster god was first the unseen consort of Circe who then betrayed the sorceress. Creating unrest in the fictional country Tropidor, Tezcatlipoca was also responsible for enslaving a lost tribe of Amazons.

I picked a very recognizable actor for this role the one and only Antonio Banderas.

White Magician

The sorcerer Thomas Asquith Randolph made a pact with a demon in order to acquire more magical power as his previous magic began to wane with age. During his climb to power he became stunted in his rise several times by both Wonder Woman and her fellow Amazon sister Artemis. Wonder Woman was finally able to destroy the evil wizard-turned-demon but at the cost of Artemis' life.

For this role I picked an actor that starred in one of my favorite movies, he played the monstrous Alex De Large in Clockwork Orange. The one, the only Malcolm McDowell, he himself is a comic fan and has lent his voice for Mad Mod on the Teen Titans tv series.

Ok, the writers need to come up with some new characters, I mean honestly 4 Cheetahs, 3 Silver Swans, 2 Dr. Poisons. Anyway let me know what you think of these picks of mine.
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THEPHOENIX - 5/27/2009, 1:45 PM
Hmmm. Lot of pretty girls up there in revealing outfits.
THEHAWK - 5/27/2009, 1:50 PM
And it begins (SIGH)
YohonKalic - 5/27/2009, 1:57 PM

Hawk probably had to go through alot of naked women sites to find those pics, I wouldnt let my man do that.

OOOH hey Hawk do you have netflix???

THEHAWK - 5/27/2009, 2:04 PM
Yeah why Yohon. Hey wadaminuke you tryin to start a fight up in here?
YohonKalic - 5/27/2009, 2:13 PM

Do you have that same avatar?

KEROSENE - 5/27/2009, 2:21 PM
what, no wonder woman/diana pick?
THEHAWK - 5/27/2009, 2:51 PM
@Kerosene. No I was indecisive and I usually never cast the maIN character. I try to do the ones no one thinks about, the supporting characters and Villains.

@Yohon, What??
YohonKalic - 5/27/2009, 3:10 PM

Do you have the same avatar on netflix as you do here?

THEHAWK - 5/27/2009, 3:22 PM
Oh no, I thought you were asking about the pictures, sorry. Anyway, I get movie rentals now for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
KeepItReal - 5/27/2009, 3:36 PM
OMFG!!! OMFG!!! DUDE... WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!! You can do no wrong for like the next... 48 hours!... And so I command it and so it is done!

You hit so many of them on the nose its not even FUNNY! SICK!! I want to really tell you but I am sooo excited right now you have no idea. I need time to get my thoughts in order you were SOOO GOOD! YOU ROCK! (plus my fingers are "broken" from all the typing LOL)

(only one thing. Wonder Girl I suggested Jenna Dewan or if she couldnt do it cuz she died or got the plague and if it was a SMALL role Megan Whore Fox.But I dont like that hooker now so perhaps Mila Kunis? I dont want to get blamed for Kristen but I will take the heat for the 48 hours then I will say "it wasnt me". I actually said Kirsten Bell for PowerGirl:)

I'll be back!
TheMyth - 5/27/2009, 3:41 PM
Daniel Craig for Ares, [frick] Brad Pitt! I'm not much of a Wonder Woman fan I must confess. I have very little knowledge of her character, but I would definitely see this movie.

I think KeepItReal just creamed herself...
TheSoulEater - 5/27/2009, 3:47 PM
Brolin's the best out of em.
KeepItReal - 5/27/2009, 3:52 PM
myth.. shut up!.. stop it man!.. i did not!...(jus a lil).. lol..
THEHAWK - 5/27/2009, 3:57 PM
@Real I'm glad you liked them. I had already cast Bell for Cass way back when when someone suggested her for Harley, and I thought you said the same for her lol. She reminds me of this one Teen Titan issue where Cass and Conner were kissing on top of the tower and Wonder Woman comes out of nowhere and throws him halfway across the state. I can't find that pic anywhere though :(

I wish you could tell THEPHOENIX I could do know wrong lol.

@Myth for Ares it really depends on which artist and writer is doing him, some issues its Craig, the others its more Pitt-ish.

@Soul. Yeah he is probably the first one I picked.
KeepItReal - 5/27/2009, 4:03 PM
You are right, maybe I dont remember it was how long ago. My bad. =:) I wish this were the movie for real with these picks. NIIICE!

Where's Phoenix.. I'll tell him!.. =:)
THEHAWK - 5/27/2009, 4:18 PM
Her Real, tell her. That's Jen my fiance, she just started adding today, she was the first comment on this page. Myth came up with her name.
TheMyth - 5/27/2009, 4:34 PM
Jen is as big an X-fan as I am and I'm glad she's finally got an account on here. Tell her I'm honored she went with my choice of names.
THEHAWK - 5/27/2009, 5:44 PM
Yes she is Myth, yes she is.
Phinehas - 5/27/2009, 11:23 PM
I'm very disappointed...
THEHAWK - 5/27/2009, 11:55 PM
Why are you diappointed?
Joslezio85 - 5/28/2009, 2:01 AM
well hawk, sir. I know very little about Wonder Woman. So I won't act like I do. But, from what I do know. Your choices are quite well done. Especially that Cheetah pick. lol.
Shaman - 5/28/2009, 9:07 AM
Yeah, your best pic is totally CHEETAH!!!!

Actually, all your pics are great except Kristen Bell... I just hate her. Laura Ramsey'd be better i find :))

And of course, here's Jodi Lyn O'Keefe as Wonder Woman:

THEHAWK - 5/28/2009, 12:30 PM
Thanks I'm glad you liked them.

I still think that is your best Shaman
Shaman - 5/28/2009, 1:04 PM
LOL That's why i put it up here for ya LOL :P But i do agree that instead of looking like the picture i had in front of me, what was captured was Wonder Woman's essence.
Betty - 5/28/2009, 3:28 PM
Who the hell are all these characters? You know this much about Wonder Woman? Damn.

Some of the character pics look like they were from the 40's. Was that the last time they were a part of her story? Why did you choose them? Why didnt you get better pics of the characters?
THEHAWK - 5/28/2009, 7:15 PM
No Betty that's just most of the pics I could find, and a lot of her enemies are from teh 40's. These are the enemies that had the most appearances.

Hey everyone, check out my new story.

Batman 5 Shadow of the Bat part 1

it also has links for the other two.
KeepItReal - 5/31/2009, 7:32 PM
I took so long to come back because I agreed with practically everything! And had to savor the moment. Antonio Banderas, Lynda Carter, Malcolm Mcdowell, Josh Brolin, Jessica Biel, Parker POsey! Damn! they were all spot on!!! It was fantastic. what a treat I got. Like a lil kid in the candy store! =:) thank you..

Cate Blanchet as Antiope... I never would have thought of Cate though of course you're right. She is very talented actress. I dk if I could see her as an Amazon but I did as the Baronness. But like you said she is good so who knows. I pictured someone like Téa Leoni for Antiope.

Erica Durrance as Donna Troy... I dont know who she is. Now Tiffany Amber Thiessan, she would be good. The sparkling eyes..and good actress.

Keira Knightly as Mala......... I cant see her going up against say someone like Jody Lynn. Perhaps if she went on a diet to gain weight, bulk up? But right now she seems too frail and wispy to be a Amazon IMHO. If its going against WW then I would say Rhona Mitra. She's good & stronger than Keira IMHO

Naomi Harris as Nubia.......... I thought she was Gabriel Union when I saw her picture! She look just like the comic and she is a underrated actress! She is Fantastic!

Josh Lucas and Jude Law as Steve Trevor... OMG! WAAAY better than Huch Jackman tht I picked! (I mean I love him and all but fair is fair!) Either one I think but I would start with Jude Law.

Daniel Craig as Ares........... DEFInITELY Daniel! It has to be him! He has that ruggedness, that raw, straight up bad guy kill first ask later look. Even when he smiles he doesnt look like he means it. Its why I dont like him for James Bond. Bradd Pitt is just alright. He did good Achilles but he is over exposed IMHO.

Angelina Jolie as Baroness Paula Von Gunther.. Wow. I didnt think of her for it... I though of Cate Blanchette! (she played a good nazi in the new Indy movie). Somebody suggested Angelina for Circe... I think it was Davidcub... and I have to say it stuck with me! She can play evil. Of course Monica Bellucci is drop dead gorgeous and looks like the one picture with the black dress. I dont see her as evil though, not a villian.

Natalie Portman as Dark Angel... She is a great actress and it would be deceiving to put her as the villian but imho not believeable. I had imagined someone say like Fairuza Balk.

Denise Richards as Doctor Poison.. I strongly dislike her but I must admit she fits the role.

You picks were spot on. I was so excited I have to admit. I get excited because well... she is my favorite and am waiting so long to see a movie made and done right. I wish that they could see the fans point and wishes and do for Wonder Woman what they have done for Batman Begins and Ironman. I want it to be good. It be cool if you were in the casting department.

Thank you for the shout out! it was cool and nice to see =:) you are one cool cat.... i mean hawk!

To ThePhoenix... Hawk is one of the best here. He is nice, smart, candid, but fair. Even when you dont see eye to eye. It must make you proud and happy to know you got the cool guy wtih all the respect all to yourself. =:) He is spot on in this thread of his and could do no wrong in cbm in my eyes (well for last 48 hours! LOL). The phoenix and the hawk... niiiice...
THEHAWK - 6/1/2009, 1:35 PM
Thanks Real.

I was so glad I finally found a role for Banderas, I have been looking for so freakin long.

Glad you liked my Steve picks. Jude would bring more drama to the character, but Josh could bring some of the lighter sides of Steve, give him a rougish air.

I to thought of Cate for Baroness, but I couldn't see her with the sadistic cruelty Baroness needs. Cate has a regal bearing that says royalty.

I'll comment more later, I have to finish another casting!
Merinator - 6/6/2009, 12:43 PM
Very well done, but I think I would preffer Daniel Craig as Steve Trevor.
THEHAWK - 6/7/2009, 12:41 AM
Thanks Merinator. Craig could do a good Trevor, but I think he would be a better Ares.
LEEE777 - 6/8/2009, 4:54 PM
Nice HAWK!!! I like 'em all apart for LOIS LANE as DONNA TROY! Damn, whats wrong with JODI O'KEEFE! Of course if she don't get WW! ; )

Nice work though dude, very nicely done!

P.s. I especially like the SILVER SWAN pic!!!
Domino - 6/12/2009, 5:49 PM
Hey what about Krista Allen for the role of WW?
AshleyWilliams - 7/13/2009, 8:22 AM
taylor cole as donna troy!
LEEE777 - 8/4/2009, 7:50 AM
Again very nice! Just pressed on your link HAWK in the new WW cast by FROGMAN!

Weeks have passed i can probably get over as DONNA TROY now lol! ; D

Cool beans!
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