Fancast: Doctor Who

Fancast: Doctor Who

To celebrate the show's 48th Anniversary, I give you a bigger and better version of my Doctor Who cast.

By MrBlueSky - Nov 23, 2011 12:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

First off, this is not a cast for a film adaptation, but rather my own taken on the classic television show. My style for it is that it would be a mix of the current episodes, David Tennant's run on the show, and Tom Baker's run. I've taken a few liberties and added American voice actors. As for the show runner, I chose Peter Jackson (director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong, and The Lovely Bones. The guy admits that he is a fan of Doctor Who, and it would be wonderful if he could bring his vision to the show.

Without further ado, here is the cast:


James McAvoy as The Doctor: A 900 year old Time Lord from the Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous who travels through time and space in his blue box called the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space). He is the last of his kind, because of the Last Great Time War between his species and the Daleks. He has saved the Earth thousands of times, invented the banana daiquiri in 17th Century France, and was briefly married to both Queen Elizabeth I and Marilyn Monroe.

Reason for Casting: Each actor has played their own interpretation of the Doctor, so its stupid and pointless to argue which Doctor is the best. McAvoy was rumored for the role of the 11th Doctor, and it would be fantastic if he could play the 12th Doctor. Anyway, my version of the Doctor would speak in McAvoy's X-Men: First Class accent and occasionally offer people Jelly Babies (like the Fourth Doctor). His attire would be an olive green blazer with a burgundy tie kept in a Winsdor knot, a white dress shirt, slate grey slacks, and brown loafers. He also occasionally wears a hat (similar to the Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh Doctors), in this case a beige pork pie hat.

Emma Watson as the Doctor's Companion: The Doctor usually travels with a male or female companion, who aides him throughout his adventures.

Reason for Casting: Even though I don't want to see Watson in a CBM (yet), I think she would make a great companion to McAvoy's Doctor.

Tom Kenny (voice) as K9: The doctor's robotic pet dog from the 51st century, which refers to him as "Master" and his companion as "Mistress".

Reason for Casting: Kenny is a very talented voice actor and I think he would be great as K9.

Keeley Hawes as Professor River Song: An archeologist from the 51st Century who has encountered the Doctor numerous of times, yet has revealed little about herself because of "spoilers". She is currently imprisioned in a 51st Century jail for killing "the best man she ever known".

Reason for Casting: I haven't seen much of Hawes' work, including the original, and good version of Death at a Funeral. From what I've seen, I think she'd make a good alternative to Alex Kingson.

Nathan Filion as Captain Jack Harkness: An omnisexual former Time Agent and con man. He once traveled with the Doctor before being killed and then resurrected by Rose Tyler (through the use of the Time Vortex). He became immortal as a result. He now heads the Cardiff region of Torchwood, monitoring a spacial rift.

Reason for Casting: Jack is suppose to be immortal and John Barrowman is unfortunately showing signs of aging. I think Fillion would be a great replacement for Barrowman, especially after seeing his work on Firefly.

Ian McKellan (voice) as The Face of Boe: A wise and rumored ancient being who is possibly one of the oldest living beings in the universe. He has encountered the Doctor on several occasions.

Reason for Casting: I casted McKellan based on his performance as Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Robbie Coltrane as Dorium Maldovar: An old, fat, and blue black market dealer from the 51st Century.

Reason for Casting: I originally had Stephen Fry in this role, but SuperDude001 said that the intelligent Fry doesn't fit the role of dumb old Dorvium. I went with my second choice, Robbie Coltrane, since he has played a similar character in Goldeneye and The World is Not Enough.

Anne Hathaway as Idris: An excitable young woman who lives on a sentient asteroid called House, and whom the Doctor calls a "Mad Bitey Lady" (since she bit the Doctor on the neck when they first). She briefly became a host for the TARDIS's personality matrix.

Reason for Casting: When I first saw The Doctor's Wife, Idris reminded me alot of Hathaway. Plus it also doesn't hurt that she and McAvoy have previously starred together in Becoming Jane.


Clancy Brown (voice) as the Daleks: An evil alien race from the planet Skaro. They were once Kaled mutants, until they were genetically modified and placed in a robotic shell, with all emotion but anger and hate removed. They're determined to exterminate all non-Dalek life and conquer the universe. Since the Doctor has defeated them so many times, they consider him their greatest enemy.

Reason fro Casting: Even though the Daleks' voices will be modified to sound more electronic, I still went with a voice actor. I chose Brown since he is a great voice actor and has played villainous roles before (e.g. Lex Luthor in Superman: The Animated Series).

Mark Strong (voice) as the Cybermen: The Cybermen originate from Earth's twin planet, Mondas. They were once an organic species, until they modified themselves with cybernetic parts, until they become a cold and calculating species, devoid of all emotion. On several occasions, they have attempted to invade Earth and convert its inhabitants into Cybermen, but havee been stopped by the Doctor.

Reason for Casting: I like to thank SuperDude001 for suggestion this choice. Strong has played similar characters before, such as Lord Blackwood in Sherlock Holmes.

Doug Jones as the Siliurians: The Silurians are reptilian humanoids that predate the dawn of man. When a large asteroid threaten to collide with Earth, the Silurians hid underground and went into hibernation. However, the large asteroid became Earth's moon. They SIlurians now wait underground, hoping one day to reclaim what they believe to be rightfully theirs.

Reason for Casting: Jones is a master at playing otherworldly creatures. The Silurians wouldn't be a stretch for him.

Tom Hardy as the Sontarans: A cloned humanoid species that have a militaristic culture and are currently engaged in a 500o year war with the Rutan host. The Sontarans have a short and stocky build and look like potatoes to human beings.

Reason for Casting: I think Hardy would be brilliant as the Sontarans, or at least the Sontarans seen in The Sontaran Experiment.

Anthony Daniels (voice) as The Ood: A peaceful and benevolent species who all are a part of a shared conscious led by the Ood Brain. They were use a slave labor during the 42nd Century before rebelling. The Ood have been known to be possessed by evil entities.

Reason for Casting: Daniels' Star Wars character, C3-PO, reminded me alot of the Ood when I first saw them in The Impossible Planet.

John DiMaggio (voice) as the Judoon: A rhinoceros like species that are employed as a mercenary police force by the Shadow Proclimation.

Reason for Casting: DiMaggio has usually voiced big, bombastic characters, so thought the Judoon fitted him.

Keith David (voice) as the Silence: The Silence is a religiously order that is devoted to killing The Doctor. Their agents, called Silents, are forgotten when someone looks away from them. The Silence then leaves post-hypnotic suggestions,\, which the person retains. The can also absorb electricity and fire it from their hands.

Reason for Casting: David has voiced alien beings before (such as the Arbiter in the Halo games). He could easily play the Silence.

Christopher Lee (voice) as the Dalek Emperor: The supreme ruler of the Dalek Empire and the command Dalek. The first Dalek emperor was one of the first Daleks created, and was to one to exterminate their creator, Davros.

Reason for Casting: One of my friends suggested that Lee voice the Daleks. However, I feel that somebody with a presence as Lee deserves to voive to head of all Daleks rather than a simple Dalek.

Jared Harris as Davros: The megalomaniac mad scientist from Skaro who created the Daleks to end a 1000 year war between the Kaleds and the Thals. He is horribly scarred and crippled, with his wheel chair doubling as a life support system. Thirty seconds without it would kill him.

Reason for casting: Harris has this very creepy presence to him, which is perfect for Davros.

Benedict Cumberbatch as The Master: A renegade Time Lord who had grew up with the Doctor on Gallifrey, and wishes to rule the universe. He is said to be insane, which is caused by a never ending drumming inside his head.

Reason for Casting: Benedict has been a fan favorite for the next incarnation of the Master. I think he would make a brilliant Master, judging by his work.

Helena Bonham Carter as The Rani: A renegade Time Lady (female counterpart to a Time Lord). She is an scientific genius who treats (including morality) as inferior to her research. The Rani has enslaved entire planets to have a steady supply of test subjects and to continue her research uninterrupted.

Reason for Casting: I mainly casted Carter because of her performances as Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Potter films and the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland.

Eddie Izzard as The Dream Lord: A psychic manifestation of the Doctor's dark side, who has the ability to manipulate dreams.

Reason for Casting: Izzard is one of my favorite comedians. I think he would be pretty good as the Doctor's dark yet slightly comical side.

Daniel Day-Lewis as Rassilon: The founder of Time Lord civilization and a central figure in Gallifreyan history. Some hail him as a hero while others see him as a corrupt Megalomaniac.

Reason for Casting: This is probably one of the few times I cast an actor of Lewis's caliber. The guy is simply an extraordinary actor. He'd simply own this role.

Please leave your thoughts and comments below. I hope you have enjoyed this article.
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AC1 - 11/23/2011, 12:56 PM
Has this been posted before? Because I remember a lot of this stuff from another fan cast, such as James McAvoy and the outfit you described, Emma Watson, Keely Hawes and Nathan Fillion.
Hellsing - 11/23/2011, 12:57 PM
Have you seen Fillion lately the dudes not exactly young either hell he looks older than Barrowman, whilst I think he's a great actor you need to go for a younger actor.Besides that decent cast although I don't really get why every single characters being recast but what ever there not bad picks at all.
Hellsing - 11/23/2011, 1:01 PM
and Mcavoy and Watson are excellent picks, I would not have a problem with any of these choices on the big screen but thats not going to happen since its a total reboot. Gary Oldman would be sweet pick for the Doctor if they go for some one a bit older (which I doubt) but Mcavoy would be a good choice too
MrBlueSky - 11/23/2011, 1:04 PM
@ACira This was to celebrate Doctor Who's 48th Anniversary. The very first serial, An Unearthly Child aired today. This is just an expanded version of my previous cast. What do you think of my picks?

@Hellsing I haven't seen Fillion lately. And this cast is just to celebrate the show's 48th anniversary.
MrBlueSky - 11/23/2011, 1:07 PM
@Hellsing Oldman actually sounds like a good pick for the Doctor. I just find it extremely stupid that they're rebooting almost 50 years of history.

@SuperDude001 Thanks! I really hope Moffat decides to cast him. And could you please name the misses for me?
Hellsing - 11/23/2011, 1:24 PM
oh right my bad MrSky, but like I said over all its a solid cast.
Hellsing - 11/23/2011, 1:26 PM
and man your not alone, every new regeneration is more or less a soft reboot IMO. But lets just hope that they don't ruin it, I can some what understand there thinking behind completely rebooting the series but still.
MovieGuy2178 - 11/23/2011, 1:44 PM
@MeBlueSky: First of all I like your cast, second (and this is for all you whovians out their), they are NOT rebooting the series. There just making their own vision of Doctor Who, so when people see the movie they won't have to watch billions fo episodes in order to understand it.
MovieMaster - 11/23/2011, 2:55 PM
I want Tom Hiddleston for the Master and I always thought that Andy Serkis could do good motion-capture Cybermen. Other than that, solid cast!
DDD - 11/23/2011, 4:14 PM
Nice stuff MRBLUESKY@!

CUMBERBATCH as the MASTER...Brilliant!
MrBlueSky - 11/23/2011, 8:54 PM
@SuperDude001 You have some good points there, dude. How about Robbie Coltrane for Dorvium?

@ncreb Thanks.

@MovieMaster Tom Hiddleston was my second choice for the Master. I'm not so sure about Serkis.

@DDD Thanks man!! Glad you like my Master choice.

@wolverinesfury I saw it and this is what I think of it:

@Thorverine Damn, Neeson does look alot like Delgado.
ScootyPuffJr - 11/24/2011, 7:55 AM
Very fun cast my man.
Also, I never imagined John DiMagio to look like that...holy crap...
MovieMaster - 11/24/2011, 8:42 AM
@MrBlueSky- Yeah, coming to think of it, I don't want him either :P I always envisioned Michael Fassbender as a younger Davros.
Oarsis - 11/24/2011, 6:30 PM
This is REALLY good!
I have never seen Dr. Who...but based off looks and acting skills, the actors fit VERY well!

PLUS Emma Watson...Is sexy!
LEEE777 - 11/25/2011, 5:35 AM
Wow I can see MAC and WATSON easy and STRONG and the others brilliant casting... don't know a couple of the characters but all seem spot on!

My fav, DDL... that man can do no wrong,amazing actor!

Big thumbs @ Blue, love it!
MRSV - 11/28/2011, 6:36 AM
It would be a waste of Mark Strong to just have him voice the Cybermen, IMO. He'd be PERFECT as the Master.
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