Apparently the next FF movie will be titled: Fantastic Four: Reborn. Imaginative eh? Harry Knowles over at AICN goes on to say that the film will be a complete reboot of FANTASTIC FOUR. Well we knew that anyway. But it does show that they are serious about moving on the project. To be honest I thought it would be a long time before we saw this, if ever. Knowles also says that he thinks Fox may have pulled their socks up after the success of Avatar, and that: "they've started working with really great folks and I'm hearing that 'quality' might be a new precious commodity." Its just one man's observation of course, but lets hope he's right.
All we know aside from this is that the reboot was announced on the same day that Disney revealed that they would be acquiring Marvel. Akiva Goldsman was hired to produce the reboot. Michael Green, a producer/writer for Smallville, Everwood and Heroes who co-wrote the upcoming big screen adaptation of The Green Lantern, has been hired to write the script.
Oh and apparently the next Die Hard movie will be titled:
Die Hard 24/7. How anyone could possibly give a damn after the last movie is beyond me but there you go.
If Fox make this film a bit less corny don't completely miscast half of the characters this time around it could work. Although I was never a fan of the team anyway, and I guess they are just sort of corny by their very nature. Who knows. Its not one of the more exiting prospects for me anyway.