The Harry Potter franchise quickly became one of Warner Bros.' most successful series of movies, but after the studio had run out of books to adapt...well, what could they do next? The Fantastic Beasts franchise got off to a promising start, but rapidly went downhill after execs seemingly started trying to make it a full-blown Harry Potter prequel.
Now, it's looking like that series of movies has abruptly ended, meaning we'll never get the conclusion to a story that, while disappointing, still had its fair share of redeeming qualities.
However, the Wizarding World could very well live on in live-action courtesy of HBO Max. Variety (via asked the streaming service's Head of Originals, Sarah Aubrey, whether reports they're making a Harry Potter TV series are accurate. While she said nothing is "active development," it appears as if they're mulling over a multitude of ideas.
"There’s nothing like a ‘Harry Potter’ fan, in terms of their endless appetite for storytelling and new ways of interacting with these characters," Aubrey started. "So whether it’s the reunion or live events or games, we’re very much in the business of creating new content for those fans and thinking what to do next."
"We don’t have a series in active development right now. But we are very much in that business, because fans are just clamoring for more storytelling.”
That's not a complete no, and makes us believe something might be on the way. There are any number of stories that could be told in Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic, or in any number of locations and, whether the studio realises it or not, they wouldn't have to have "Harry Potter" in the title (or anywhere near the series itself, for that matter).
We'll have to wait and see what happens with this one, but it's certainly exciting to start thinking about what the future might hold in store for this iconic franchise.
What would you like to see from a TV series set in the Wizarding World? Let us know in the comments section below.