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We also have some quotes from Director Peter Jackson from this month's issue of Empire..
“The tone is actually the part of it I’m enjoying the most now. We are being more humorous than ‘Lord Of The Rings,’ but that is the characters. I’m dealing with a whole bunch of extenuate and forthright dwarves who are not afraid to say what they think. They have a healthy disregard for the icons of Middle Earth.”
“We couldn’t tell Martin our dates until after the MGM situation was sorted out, which was the reason Guillermo ultimately left,” Jackson said of the project’s uncertainty at the time. As a greenlight approached, Freeman had to officially decline the role to get ready for the second season of “Sherlock Holmes.” Jackson scoured audition tapes for a backup (Matthew Goode is one of the few actors who admits he auditioned), but nobody stuck like Freeman. Jackson would watch the first season of ‘Holmes’ to torture himself and was completely “miserable.” Eventually he took matters into his own hands. “I called Martin’s agent myself: could he ask Martin if we could make Bilbo work around ‘Sherlock’? Freeman quickly agreed and the production began mapping out a reconfigured shoot which would allow the new Bilbo Baggins to return to the U.K. for his scheduled BBC shoot.
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