Ok, so the Ghost Rider: spirit of vengeance trailer premiered today! I personally thought it looked brutal, over the top and gritty. Just the way ghost ride should be. But some people are still having a hard time with nic cage playing the rider. It has new directors and most likely a completely different type of script. The action looks spectacular in my opinion, he breathes what looks to be brimstone and slams some dude into the ground with his chain. If that's just the teaser, I'm exited to see the extended trailer, let alone the movie it's self. I think with a different Crew, nic cage could pull this off. Ok, the first ghost rider movie obiviously isn't winning the movie of the year award, but it was ok in terms of it being the first attemp at a ghost rider film. The corny one liners were a little much and the fights could have been better, way way better. But all in all it was horrible, it was ok at best.
The spirit if vengeance seems to be everything that he first film was not, from what I could see in the trailer anyway. His skull doesn't even look that cheesey off white milky color from the first movie, it seems as if the really wanted to take the rider to a whole other level, and I think they very well could have done that. What do you think? Also, the movie comes out February 2012, do you think that's to soon? Should it be at least a few more months to work out all of the kinks? Give me you're thoughts!
Thanks for reading!