Supermax Moving Forward Without Green Arrow?

Supermax Moving Forward Without Green Arrow?

Sony's Columbia Pictures has acquired the original spec horror action script Supermax from actor/writer Christopher Allen Nelson.

By divo - Sep 09, 2009 10:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Green Arrow
Source: Latino Review & Bloody Disgusting



Your hopes might be crushed, DC Comics fans. Word has come down the line that this Supermax is NOT the Justin Marks Green Arrow movie re-drafted. It's a totally different screenplay that happens to share the same title. This one is just a supernatural prison break movie...

...which makes me oh-so-sad, because the Green Arrow Supermax was badass. More could probably be made of writer Christopher Allen Nelson's background in special effects, but only to provide context for this supernatural prison movie.

The good news rolled into this update is that the Marks Supermax still exists somewhere (probably in the hands of Warner Bros, who has a long-standing deal with DC Comics - which they own), we'll just probably never hear of it referred to as "Supermax" again

Original article:

The plot synopsis of the current draft has been boiled down to remove this reference:

"Supermax" takes place in a Maximum Security Prison for the Super-Natural as a skilled guard must join forces with a lethal inmate after a riot ensues in order to fight his way through various monsters and mad-men in order to survive.

The version we heard of doesn't make mention of any skilled guard, and the "lethal inmate" could still be someone other than The Green Arrow. However, what made Supermax so cool as a spec script was its origin story peppered throughout a unique adventure where the wrongly accused Oliver Queen (Green Arrow's identity) is put in a prison for supervillains (think Arkham Asylum mixed with Alcatraz) and forced to break out before jailhouse assassins from the DC rogues gallery can kill him.

I hope the script that was just bought for six figures from Nelson and Rouse is at least similar, as DC needs to start unifying its super-person universe to keep up with Marvel when The Avengers hits.

The obvious warning light is that the news in no way mentions The Green Arrow, so the character might have been dropped from whatever version of the script just got sold. It sounds like a similar idea, just not with a recognizable character in the lead role.

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divo - 9/9/2009, 10:19 AM
apparently so...
MatchesMalone - 9/9/2009, 10:40 AM
I really hope they did remove Green Arrow from the script for this thing. It sounds cool, but I really want a Green Arrow origin movie with Black Canary, Red Arrow, Connor Hawke, and Speedy.
MatchesMalone - 9/9/2009, 10:43 AM
An Animal avatar is all you need to be cool:)
superdog - 9/9/2009, 11:08 AM
Then I'm the coolest. It sounds like a ripoff. They need a good copyright attorney.
Welcome back tea :)
RaxusPrime - 9/9/2009, 11:22 AM
this is good. id like to see him hit the big screen but not before Green Lantern.
supermarioworldE - 9/9/2009, 11:26 AM
Don't you mean Ryan Reynolds! lol
Shaman - 9/9/2009, 11:27 AM
Way to go Ed!!! THAT IS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD NEWS!!!! *swings fist in idiotic glee, a la Anchorman*

Supermax was a shitty concept for a FIRST Green Arrow film!!! Now bring in his origin feature already!!!

Josh Holloway for Green Arrow!!!

l0rdleg0las - 9/9/2009, 11:29 AM
this is the movie i am most anticipating. Green Arrow: Supermax is a great concept. it finally brings something different to the table in terms of the comic book movie. so many movies are following the same plot of the origin story and firmly draws the line between the hero and villian(s), but this one is different. the hero must join forces with the villians he was at one point responsible for putting away while also on the run from other inmates looking to kill him.

it has the makings to be one of the very best comic book movies with the different type of storyline, and i really hope it gets made.
retr0g0dfather - 9/9/2009, 11:29 AM
Why do a Green Arrow film without doing the Origin film first? That doesn't make sense.
NataliaRomanov - 9/9/2009, 11:47 AM
I missed this whole story. Why would they make a Green Arrow movie and not call it "Green Arrow" anyway?
CorndogBurglar - 9/9/2009, 11:52 AM
i never thought this sounded like a good idea. it has sequel written all over it. not as the introduction movie to the character
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 11:56 AM


[frick] [frick] [frick]ing [frick]!
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 11:58 AM
SUPERMAX was a very ORIGINAL idea for a superhero movie ever!!! [frick]ING hell man!!!

SONY hands OFF!!!

An before you ask, yes i do wanna see GREEN ARROW year one movie too!!!

DIVO the news is BAD!!!


Still it ain't a dead cert yet!
Boogie138 - 9/9/2009, 11:59 AM
ok ill say i am sick of origin flicks they are too formulated and spend too much time in set up that you only get maybe a third of the movie you paid to see. now before everyone gets their panties in a ruffle ill explain that i loved batman begins. it is the exception to the rule. but really every 1st entry into a franchise is the same: who is the hero before he is a hero. set up how he becomes hero. set up villian. hero and villian do cat and mouse sh*t until big end battle. now there is nothing wrong with said formula except that i hate when franchises are "blueprinted", hence predictible. remember the original star wars trilogy? we learned about how we got to this point through dialog and character interactions, we learn as we go, we got something new. nolans batfilms again break the mold by giving us a different take, but same basic premise. x-men and spiderman had both thier first entires bogged down by "set-up" and well wolverines solo effort was a mess, not even talking fanboy complaints, as a film its flismy. fantasic four was saved only cause the thing was spot on for me (screw you chris evan fans, the dude is the new keanu reeves). and ironman, good flick but greatest superhero movie made? nah, it was good, just as every other origin movie, just slightly better pacing wise even though the fight at the end was very weak. oh and i do dig iron man, in fact it's just under batman begins in my book.

point is we as a movie going audience seem to expect and want the same damn movie for each and every character and i am sick of it. we don't need a whole movie devoted to how a hero became a hero. the new hulk sumed it up in the opening credits thank god. remember a new hope? we seemed to like starwars before it was all laid out pretty? think i am wrong? ok here it goes:

my spider man movie 1: open with goblin (not looking like a power ranger) dropping gwen stacy. i would kill to have a movie start that way. a punch in the crotch. have a non spidey audience try to figure out what the hell is going on, and give them a little credit to want to follow a story blindly because is that not the point? to want to see what happens next, to want to know who these people are and where they came from?
and maybe they are ready to have a flick not be so preditible that i need a sequel before i get the movie i expected the first time. even if that first movie was good, why is the sequel almost always better?

think about it
i don't want a green arrow origin flick, i want a green arrow movie
MatchesMalone - 9/9/2009, 12:00 PM
I've said this before, but if they don't go with this concept or a straight up origin story, they should do a story based on Kevin Smith's run on the book.
Shadowelfz - 9/9/2009, 12:06 PM
This is good news. Supermax with Green Arrow sounds like a ridiculous idea for a movie anyways.
Boogie138 - 9/9/2009, 12:10 PM
no man i wanted this movie, i hoped it would happen now i feel lost
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 12:22 PM
Anyone that don't think SUPERMAX was the coolest of cool idea's needs their head read!!!

It was the most original superhero movie idea in a longggggggg time, [frick] all these ORIGIN movies is right!

; D

Boogie138 - 9/9/2009, 12:23 PM
leee lets go make our own movies ;)

anyone else in?
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 12:25 PM
Boogie im in!!! ; )
Set2Fallfirst - 9/9/2009, 12:28 PM
Thats depressing i was excited....Oh well.

JON HAMM for GREEN ARROW!!!!! Ive been saying it since day one!
Boogie138 - 9/9/2009, 12:43 PM
oh yes to hamm for olie
Shaman - 9/9/2009, 12:52 PM
Good one Matches!

Boggie- I understand what you mean. The origin shtick is overly done. But you do realise that each character has an origin and that said origin is important.

Origins have already been done in three ways: An "origin" movie, a prequel or in forms of Flashbacks. The last two suck ass! The only "decent" one is the origin film. I hate having to watch the origins AFTER the character's evolution and greater adventures. Once you had that, the rest sucks. It's also a reason why Wolverine didn't sit well with everyone. Everybody wanted an X-4. Of course "fans" wanted Logan's origins to a certain point but it wasn't in any way necessary. Every fan knows that Logan's "true" origin is not where he got his claws or his adamantium. It's how he became a part of the x-men. That's his origin and the charm behing it all was the fact that he had amnesia! His origin film raped that charm to smitherines. The only reason the first three star wars movies sucked was because they came after. THAT is "the point". Plus, Skywalker's origin was labeled out along the last three films. In fact they all were Luke Skywalker's origins. We didn't care much about Vader's origin even though it is interesting to a certain extent. But the hero must connect to the masses and if the masses don't know who the hell the hero they're watching is, it sucks. I really would have hated watching Tony defeat Mandarin BEFORE his origin movie.

It really depends on how it's done and very few people can make good origins after the best adventures were shown. Underworld ring any bells??? And even less can pull off a great stand alone film about a "origin-less" hero. The last thing i wanted is for studios to massacre a hero that never had Batman's or Superman's or Spider-man's chance to be known before his own feature film. Supermax was a brilliant idea, but not as a franchise starter. It would have been a kick ass sequel. "Initiation" is what people(average movie going non fan) love in a story and without the character's origin, it is very rare to find it. Unless they could have thought of a certain "evolution" that exceeded the character's initiation from his origin. But then, it would be the "Wolverine" concept all over again. Having the character's important origins seem like a lack luster and probably the franchise's demise.
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 12:55 PM

SUPERMAX i believe will still get made!

Friggin' better be! ; D
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 1:03 PM
SHAMAN @ Dude i wanted both GREEN ARROW projects!

I like your HOLLOWAY by the way! ; )

HAMM was for SUPERMAX dammit!!!
SHHH - 9/9/2009, 1:04 PM

u are the voice of the people
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 1:07 PM
SHHH @ ; )

heh heh.
Shaman - 9/9/2009, 1:16 PM
Well i wanted both too, just not Supermax BEFORE GA's origins.
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 1:33 PM
IF.... I mean as SONY does have SUPERMAX, who they gonna use, SPIDEY VILLAINS?

Or worst made up villains!!!

Man, i wanted to see all them b grade, c grade supervillain's in the MAX!

An they'll havta call it THE VAULT now?

Actually SPIDEY Villains would be cool, but we all know SONY wont do that dont we!!!

Thing is SHAMAN @ SUPERMAX wasn't really gonna be a GREEN ARROW movie, it was mainly a DC ROGUE list movie. GREEN ARROW was the hero thrown in it. DAmn, they could've made either first, i wanted both lol.

Maybe SONY will make a deal will WB for GREEN ARROW???

Hey not all DC characters stay with WB!
But yeah GA ORIGINS will be first now anyway.

PI$$ED OFF about THE FLASH news an WW too!!! : (
longbowhunter - 9/9/2009, 1:40 PM
Theres one Green Arrow project in the can. I love how this was supposed to be a Green Arrow movie, but they just cut him right out of it.
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 1:46 PM
I wouldn't count your chickens with any of DC's GREEN ARROW projects or any other DC projects, 2morro they could say YEAR ONE'S out for the count too!

WTF is wrong with WB!!!??
SHHH - 9/9/2009, 1:46 PM
christopher nolan could do a perfect green arrow movie.
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 1:47 PM
I think its time to SUE 'em all for BS-ing!!! ; D

SHHH @ He so would bud! ; )
MidKnight35 - 9/9/2009, 1:47 PM
I for one thought Supermax was a good idea if done right. It is a risky film, especially with Green Arrow as the hero. It seems like one of those films that will either be completley awesome or utterly terrible, no in between. Plus I believe Green Arrow has too much franchise possibilities to ruin future incantations of the character by associating him with this prison-break scenario. I agree with Shaman I would rather see his origins. See how Olie became the emerald archer.

I would love to see Supermax done with a different hero. Another non-powered hero that is very gritty and tough. Someone who reminds you of Snake Pliskin in Escape from New York (not that god awful sequel in LA). And not have him battle BIG villains such as Luthor and Joker, keep it b and c listers.
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 1:49 PM
MIDKNIGHT @ JOKER & RIDDLER only had very small cameos in SUPERMAX dude, it was all b & c listers!

But its gotta friggin' be GREEN ARROW dammit!!!

; D
LEEE777 - 9/9/2009, 1:56 PM
Damn, WB messes up SMALLVILLE now all this too!

Boogie138 - 9/9/2009, 2:05 PM
@Shaman: i don't want flashbacks of an origin either, i want a movie that takes you to the begining without starting from the begining. case in point burtons batman. not an origin story but clearly gives a backstory and even though that movie had its low points the format for storytelling was dead on. starwars was not so much as lukes origin but using him as a guide into a new world we don't know alot about. again a interesting flip to the origin idea. i agree though dude, not every origin story sucks, but not every one is necessary, as you said it, it may kill the magic.

i wanted the supermax green arrow because it was a cool way to introduce an audience to the character. i mean truth be told GA is my fav dc hero, but the on an island deal for GAs origin even if done well, will echo batman with a bow to most audiences and GA can hold his own and lets admit it, GA has had some great stories told, and alot of clunkers. most of his great tales don't translate well to the big screen (quiver anyone?)

i think now the only kick ass GA tale that could be adapted, not directly mind you, would be the long bow hunters and i don't think the WB would be down with that lol
luecypher - 9/9/2009, 2:10 PM
I know it's off the subject but how do you think a Civil War movie would do? With all the characters it would have to be animated or CGI. I would love to see Iron Man and Cap go at it.
jallanr - 9/9/2009, 2:25 PM
NOOO!!! I wuz really, really, really lookin forward to this movie with green arrow, and then i hear this :(

woo hoo :(
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