A Look at Kevin Smith's Green Hornet Film-Turned-Comic

A Look at Kevin Smith's Green Hornet Film-Turned-Comic

I know some of you totally think that the Seth Rogen Green Hornet movie won't do well and many of you aren't hyped for the movie (I think), but this new comic brings the bad-ass to the Green Hornet franchise (at least the covers make the comic look bad-ass)...

By rockingrich1webb - Dec 26, 2009 02:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Green Hornet
Source: Slashfilm.com

Below the break you can see four alternative covers for the first issue of Kevin Smith’s new Green Hornet comics. He has adapted his unproduced Green Hornet movie screenplay into a ten chapter miniseries, illustrated by Jonathan Lau. The series has reportedly been fully completed before even the first issue hits the shops, so we at least won’t get some caught in some sort of Cerebus/Big Numbers/Kick-Ass quicksand waiting for each installment.

This series was reported back on May even before the artists were appointed. At that time, Kevin Smith said how true the story of this comic would be to his script:

"It’s not a straight-up adaptation of the Green Hornet movie script I wrote some years back, it’s definitely gonna take its cues from that script - just as that script took its cues from all the source material available (radio, TV, comics). So this is about as close as I’ll get to making that Green Hornet flick I walked away from directing all those years ago.

The only plot details Smith shared are that this “story covers the passing of the torch from Britt Reid to his son Britt Jr” and that “another creative team will do a series that covers the ‘golden age’, aka the Green Hornet and Kato most folks are familiar with”. Okay - does that explain why Smith’s Kato is a lady? Didn’t think so. Maybe he just wanted to do screen tests with all the young women in Hollywood dressed in some kind of ’sexy’ leather outfit.

Here are some alternative covers on the comic drawn by John Cassaday, J Scott Campbell, Alex Ross and Stephen Segovia.

I really hope the movie (and the comic) does well but as long as Seth Rogen is in it my mind will e filled with doubt.


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LEEE777 - 12/26/2009, 6:11 AM
Can't wait for the movie!!

Hey KATO is a chic in the comic!!! ; D

Lucy Lui! : D
Loganace - 12/26/2009, 7:48 AM
I can see why most people are not hyped or the movie,

Seth Rogen looks nothing like the guy on the cover...
ThisFan - 12/26/2009, 9:02 AM
I am so hyped for this comic and for the movie
Betty - 12/26/2009, 9:56 AM
thwhtGuardian - 12/26/2009, 10:36 AM
I don't think he has to look like the guy on the cover...this is smith's take on the character not Rogan's. It's really not that far of a stretch for rogan, I mean Van Williams(the guy who played the hornet on TV) wasn't exactly Mr. Muscle either.

Also, check out my review of Doctor Who: The End of Time. And then watch the Actual episode(which I posted) and tell me what you think.
longbowhunter - 12/26/2009, 12:12 PM
I've had this title on my pull list @ the shop for the better part of a year now. I'm really excited for this to come out! I guess I'll give the movie a chance? I try to stay positive about these things.
thwhtGuardian - 12/26/2009, 12:23 PM
Same here, I mean aside from a couple of pictures we really know nothing about the movie.
DDD - 12/26/2009, 2:22 PM
I have loved the Green Hornet for like forever
(well at least for a long time 'cause I is ancient)!
When I first saw the old TV show replayed on my
local TV station when I was a kid it blew me away!
Not just Bruce Lee either! It had a great goofy style!

It looks to me like Rogen has captured that goofy
style! I mean from what little I've seen in
just stills! There is no way to judge a movie by
a few stills! I don't know why most ppl are prejudging
it so harshly! There has not been one moving picture
of it!

Seth has dedicatedly lost a huge amount of weight for
this (my hats off to him) and I think he's gonna be just
fine in the roll! And Ed James Olmos is in this too
and I don't think I've ever seen him in anything totally

This comic book looks hot! I really like the female Kato! Yowser!

I think Seth is gonna suprise you haters! (By the way,
when did people start hating him 'cause I always
thought he was great!!!)

Green Hornet is kind of an everyman hero. He has gadgets
and Kato has his back but he's not like a
ripped up superman or anything!

Minotauro - 12/26/2009, 2:41 PM
@DDD - I didn't know you where a huge fan? To bad the TV show only lasted One Season. :(
AlexDeLarge87 - 12/26/2009, 4:26 PM
Brad Pitt should have been The Green Hornet or Matt Damon Or Jude Law(Check the trailer of Repo Men!).
thwhtGuardian - 12/26/2009, 6:28 PM
Why? Like I said the Green Hornet isn't Batman, he's never been to be ripped or anything. Like DDD said he's the everyman, so why make the everyman a recognizable persona? Rogan is hardly recognizable in the mask which is perfect.
DDD - 12/27/2009, 2:44 AM
Minitauro@ Yup I'm a huge fan!
Or maybe I'm just HUGE! lol
theartofoneness - 12/27/2009, 3:48 AM
i can spot the alex ross one miles away. love his style
anathem - 12/27/2009, 11:35 AM
i can wait for the move. yeah...i said i "can".
JonSolo - 12/27/2009, 12:04 PM
The comic looks pretty sweet and I agree with
DDD about the female KAto. Hot!
@ Minotauro-Dig the once upon a time in the west pic. Fonda was a bad dude in that.
Bandrews1 - 12/27/2009, 1:16 PM
When does this come out, cause I wanna read this. I'm hyped for the movie as well.
anathem - 12/27/2009, 1:39 PM
i can wait for the move. yeah...i said i "can".
CyberA - 12/27/2009, 3:13 PM
I miss Seth Rogen's Green Hornet movie already, and the damn thing's not even out yet!
Minotauro - 12/27/2009, 5:31 PM
@Jon - It's my favorite western ;)
BubbaDude - 12/27/2009, 8:25 PM
You know, I think Rogan could potentially be a really good Green Hornet. However, these covers do not make me want to buy this comic...
comicb00kguy - 12/28/2009, 7:26 AM
Looks like Luthor's chauffeur/bodyguard/whatever else from the 90's Superman animated series has found a new gig. How can a chick replace Bruce Lee? I think I'll pass on this.
GUNSMITH - 12/28/2009, 9:25 AM
thwhtGuardian - 12/28/2009, 12:51 PM
It's a comic book though comicbookguy, so she's not replacing Bruce Lee, she's the heir of Kato. This is meant to be a passing of the mantle...and it should be noted that it has nothing to do with rogan's movie adaptation.
Dmon - 12/29/2009, 12:38 PM
I cant wait for this movie to come out. I used to watch the Green Hornet as a kid on FX and loved it. Plus in the 90's I used to get the comic book every month. It was published by NOW comics.

@Gunsmith there have been several Katos in the story. Also in the comic book in the 90's Kato was a girl too.

Hey is this Kevin Smith story a continuation to the NOW comic books?
thwhtGuardian - 12/29/2009, 7:58 PM
I think it's his own self contained thing Dmon, based partially on his failed movie adaptation.
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