NOTE: I am not the guy in the video. That is our fearfulless leader Scott. I, Christuffer, for the time being will be managing our spreading across the interwebs to wonderful sites like this. Feel free to message me personally. Enjoy!
Comic Misconceptions is a web show where Scott transfers some knowledge to your brains about things that people like yourselves may or may not be knowledgeable of. He discusses common misconceptions in the comic book world (see what I did there?). This second episode is about the Lantern Oath. Do you already know it? Go ahead and recite it....did you do it? Now when's your anniversary? know your comics better than real life.
Do you have any requests? Anything you would like for Scott to enlighten you with?
We have many projects in the works at Nerdsync Productions. We have a kickstarter. This is only a taste. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter!
UPDATE: The Kickstarter is done for now. We'll let you know when it's up again. In the mean time, subscribe on Youtube, Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. The second season of our FREE podcast is coming soon too, search for us on iTunes!!!