Frustrated at the Green Latern haters.

Frustrated at the Green Latern haters.

I am opening the door to alot of negative feelings towards me on my first post...

Editorial Opinion
By chasen1083 - Jun 23, 2011 08:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Green Lantern

Alright this is my first post on here. I have been reading this sight for many years and have enjoyed the comments over the years. but i finally had to register so i could post comments of my own.

I love MARVEL comics/movies more than i love most things. I have never been much of a DC fan although the characters have always been kinda cool, but just nowhere near as cool as marvel characters.

But i do love a good CBM movie. So i was very excited to see Green Lantern. I cannot for the life of me understand why people are hating on this movie so much. I thought it was awesome! Not better than Thor, but as good as X-men:First Class. I mean at least Green Latern stuck pretty close to the comic book story. First Class made a mess of the source material, but was still a great movie, and more people are complain about Green Latern? Makes no sense to me.

I read someones comment that said something about the Green Latern making them mad because it was just a story of the rich getting richer. Thats all DC comics are about. Superman (who i hate with a thousand passions, but still excited about the future movie.) is in destructable nothing but a green rock can kill him, he could have the girl if he wants but usually finds a way to not get her. Batman is rich, and could sit at home and do nothing but CHOOSES not too because he is unselfish. His only real problem is his split personality of Bruce and the Bat.

So saying that the Green Latern movie makes you mad because its a story of the rich getting richer basically just craps on what DC comics is. (Sorry DC is not as good at connecting to real life like MARVEL) But Green Latern was a GREAT CBM. It was fun, action packed just alround a good CBM.

I heard someone else comment about the scene where Hal first gets the suit, and does his little dance or shimmy, whatever you wanna call it. There is not a person on this site, that given the powers of the green latern corp and getting to wear that suit, who wouldn't do a happy dance or jump around with pure excitement. That is another stupid reason to not like this movie. I am just so frustrated that comic book fans cannot get behind a movie like the Green Latern.
Basically, I am mad that CBM movie fans are complaining so much about a movie we have lived to see on the big screen, when all you are doing is preventing future DC movie like Flash from getting done quicker.

I understand that we all wanna see each comic book movie done right. I agree 100 percent. but i feel like you are taking frustration out on Green Latern and it really does not deserve it.

I hope this makes sense, I'm sure you guys will butcher my first article, but I have alot of pent up frustration over some haters who are hating a really good movie.

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LEEE777 - 6/23/2011, 9:00 PM
Good stuff man and WELCOME!!!

I agree, I liked GL a lot!

OA was beautiful... movie wasn't as epic as I wanted and we should have had more of the CORPS but man, at least it was a cbm movie which X-Men was not.

Respect the characters Hollywood!

Not as good as THOR but better than Green Hornet (lol)

Cannot wait for GL II and bring on THE FLASH, JLA etc!

sonofsamadams - 6/23/2011, 9:01 PM
Good post man. Personally I loved GL, and i think most of the haters were greatly influenced by the critics reviews. Hell, i was soooo suprised that Captainstraps (the biggest troll on this site) Liked it. Ha.
JDUKE25 - 6/23/2011, 9:05 PM
@LEEE yeah, it wasn't as epic as it should have been, but it was still good and cool to see all the constructs to be put on the screen.

@Justsomeawesomekid I agree totally. Most of the haters were influenced by the stupid critics and hoped on their bandwagon.

Yeah I thought GL was a good movie, not perfect but good. I don't see what all the hate is about. Nothing in that movie to cry over. It was entertaining which is what a movie should be. If you want a story that goes in great depth with a character and deals with their personal issues a lot then READ..A..BOOK.

3 out of 4 stars.
Dmon - 6/23/2011, 9:17 PM
@chasen1083 Welcome and great article. I agree.
RyanLantern77 - 6/23/2011, 9:22 PM
Not a GREAT CBM, but passable. Hardly deserved the harsh reviews.

I will say that they kind of shit on a lot of the corps and got our hopes up.

Also, I was a little upset about Krona and Parralax being combined into a diarrhea squid, as well as Sinestro not being the power hungry asshole he is in the comics

The best thing that they could do is take what they did really poorly and rectify it with a good sequel. Now that all that boring shit is out of the way, get to what makes GL great - THE CORPS.
Mrcool210 - 6/23/2011, 9:24 PM
@LEEE777 anything is better then the green hornet. XD
95 - 6/23/2011, 10:31 PM
Welcome to CBM.

All this 'Green Lantern' hate makes me wonder what people watch movies for.

Many want to be entertained, have fun, enjoy a social experience with friends in an advanced screening room {i.e. IMAX}. Because I did during my viewing of GL during the midnight premiere.

Movie goers are an opinionated bunch. Critics are usually right, but they are very critical about the artistic and academic aspects of movies, something they teach you in Film Studies classes. Which is not a bad thing. But not all of us care for intelligent, heartfelt, inspiring movies, some just want to see things blow up and the occasional "hot scene".


I agree with you, except I liked 'The Green Hornet' just as I like many other Seth Rogen comedies.

dmm5 - 6/23/2011, 11:05 PM
Sorry but I disagree, Green Lantern was badly edited and had really confusing and somewhat unimportant scenes. Oa, well I can't say anything since it wasn't memorable. Really, after watching it twice I can't remember what Oa looked like after spending about 5 minutes there. This film should've took itself very seriously and it's a shame to see all that potential go to waste on a "cheesy romantic/comedy".... This comes from the same studio as The Dark Knight! Pure movie magic should be pouring out of this studio. Team Marvel here and I wanted this movie to be the best CBM this year to shut me up!
WebHead22 - 6/24/2011, 12:19 AM
Agreed! I Like Marvel over DC as well but I enjoyed GL too. I guess it is easier for me to enjoy the DC movies because I do not know much about these characters and have no basis to judge. The way I see it is, their will always be haters that dont like the story, the actors portraying the character, or the SFX. But at least the story was told! I wish that Marvel and DC would make a movie about all of their characters, but I understand some dont have a huge fan base, or just wouldnt work.

For example-
Personally I felt like Katherine Heigl would have been a better pick for the Invisible Woman in FF but I accepted the hotness of Jessica Alba and how she portrayed the character. But I never bad mouthed her work portraying that character either. In fact she did great and besides, who would you rather see in lingerie???
Berger45 - 6/24/2011, 3:09 AM
GL was not as bad as people say! It wasn't as good as I was excepting. Of all the movies WB has produced, it truly was my most anticipated. And it's a shame it didn't fulfill the anticipation. I can only hope they learned from their mistakes and correct this in the sequel. New writers, get a new director, more Oa, more space, more Sinestro and Hal(it's gonna be about those two), more epicness. They can, will, shall do it!
Ethic - 6/24/2011, 3:35 AM
It's called differing opinion people, just because people disliked it doesn't mean they were influenced by critics, that's such a childish rationalization.

I love the comic book and animated character Green Lantern.
I thought the film was crap on several levels.
Doesn't mean I'm a hater or a sheep.
This whole attitude that the "mainstream" opinion is automatically bullshit is ridiculous.
CorndogBurglar - 6/24/2011, 5:16 AM
@ ncreb

dude, seriously, why are you always hating on people's grammar when you can't even spell grammar right? you did the same exact thing in another article. stop being the GRAMMAR police. yes, grammar. thats G-R-A-M-M-A-R! GRAMMAR!

marvel72 - 6/24/2011, 6:40 AM
i don't hate the movie but its just an average movie.

it had its faults.

-badly written
-badley edited
-badly directed
-not enough footage of other corp members or oa.
-the mistreatment of sinestro not enough scenes.

it could be a good film if they improve the movie with a directors cut when its released on blu-ray.

best cbm's of 2011

1.thor 4/5 very good
2.x-men first class 3/5 good lantern 2/5 average hornet 2/5 average
5.priest 2/5 average
BIGBMH - 6/24/2011, 6:47 AM
Welcome to the site.

No offense, but I'm getting tired of people who like GL complaining about the "haters". Most of the problems people have with GL are compltely valid. If you think you can argue against the points people make when they're saying the movie wasn't good, why don't you go to their reviews an address those points? The two issues you mentioned (rich getting richer, Hal's dance) don't even come to mind when I start to think about the problems with this movie. You're entitled to your opinion, but everyone else is entitled to their's to. I hear a lot of people saying "It was a fun, entertaining movie." Just because you thought it was fun doesn't mean it was fun for everyone else.
SuperSomething616 - 6/24/2011, 6:50 AM
Nicely said...I like GL..not as much as Xmen and certainly not as much as THOR!!!

But as far as comic book movies go GL was and is probably one of the most faithful to the original source I was happy..

I would also suggest keeping the corps out of the GL movies and doing a spin off franchise purely about the corps...that way you could have Guy Gardner and John Stewart in them...(not Kyle Rayne cause he sucks!!!)
CorndogBurglar - 6/24/2011, 7:44 AM
Ryan Reynolds is not Hal Jordan. Terrible casting as far as that goes...

they were just trying to get a well liked actor so that the general audience would go see it, because lets face it, GL is not very well known outside of comic fans. i mean hell, there are tons of people on this site that don't know shit about DC comics in general, much less GL. so there ya go.
AreTudaEDub - 6/24/2011, 7:53 AM
Dude!!!! STHU...The rich getting richer?!?!? They are referring to the Studio cutting the movie as basic as possible so the could shop it to kids. In turn they get more money off licensing from toys and movie tie-ins. Hence the rich people not caring about the people but caring about getting richer. They didn't mean the story of Hal Jordan.

That is not even the problem with this movie. Everyone and says that the EDITING is atrocious! And it is I saw it myself....I was soo mad after seeing that movie. I love the character, I bought tickets to the mid-night showing, bought tons of [frick]ing merch, still am collecting the figures, and even bust my ass to win a sweepstakes w/ UGO (which I won and am still waiting for)! BUT THE MOVIE ITSELF WAS BAD!!!

Why are you in such denial that you would still sit here and say people are listening to critics. Dude, critics and are just people like you and I, or should I say like me! As you can't be a normal person to realize that choppy scenes and bad editing and lame dialoge amounts to "A BAD MOVIE!" Not matter how you cut/slice it! (No pun inteneded).

Take it from a DC fan over Marvel, the movie was not good and count your loses! Catwoman- 1, Jonah Hex - 2, Green Lantern....yeah we're clearly working on our 3rd "L"!
ROBBEATZZZ - 6/24/2011, 8:26 AM

LP4 - 6/24/2011, 8:58 AM
First Class was better than this.

Better story, character development and everything else.

And dammit...I'm a DC fanboy ;D

CapFan79 - 6/24/2011, 9:19 AM
Look, the people who are dissapointed in GL or just think it's a bad movie are in the MAJORITY. There are clearly issues with GL as a film. I'm a film fan first. I went to film school for years, been involved in videos and TV shows and have seen thousands of films.

There are some things that just do not work on film. In the case of GL some basic filmmaking rules were broken that made the film poor outside of anything related to the GL character. There are holes due to omitted scenes, bad cuts and too many times it gets cheesy when it thinks it's beeing serious.

First Class may have not been 100% true to the comics, but as a film is has a good story, interseting characters, drama, emotion, etc. It doesn't rush to get where it's going. That's one of GL's biggest problems.

It's okay that GL was more about cool constructs and action, but the film itself was put together poorly considering the cost and talent involved.
JDUKE25 - 6/24/2011, 9:39 AM
@Marvel yeah, it wasn't a great film, but i thought it was entertaining. Should have been more epic than what it was but oh well. Hopefully Captain America can rectify what a great comic book movie is.

@LP4 yeah, i thought First CLass was better than GL. Which sucks, cuz i was hoping as the comic book movies went along throughout the summer they would get better and better.

@supersayianfan1 well you can't really let smallville effect your opinion of DC, it was those dumb producers and writers. I was a HUGE smallville fan, i still like it but yeah the finale wasn't as good as it should have been. I like both DC and Marvel comics, find them both enjoyable to read. I agree that Marvel, in general, has done better with movies. Hoping that DC with freakin learn how to make epic movies consistently.
stevepants - 6/24/2011, 9:43 AM
@Capfan 79. According to this sites opinion poll, you're 100% wrong with your statement that people who think GL was bad are in the MAJORITY. That poll shows hands down the MAJORITY of people enjoyed the movie.
Ethic - 6/24/2011, 9:56 AM
@ Stevepants
He didn't say "this site". Take a look around online, most people thought it was meh.
Xdude613 - 6/24/2011, 10:00 AM
Heres the thing about green lantern. It was a well conceived movie, but the script was so poorly written that it detracted from how serious yu could take the film. SOme of the dialogue rivals Transformers 2, and some of the plot holes are rediculous. X-Men First Class as a film was pretty awesome. THe story really worked, the only things I didnt like about it were things from a CB fans perspective. But I am first and foremost a cinephile so I appreciate good writing over CB satisfying writing.
CorndogBurglar - 6/24/2011, 10:07 AM
@ chasen


okay, so because the majority of people that saw this didn't like it, that makes them haters? Have you ever seen a movie you didn't like, but others did? of course you have. its all opinions, man.

but in this case, the majority of people that didn't like it, outnumbers the people the did like it by quite a bit. stop being so butt-hurt about it. it wasn't a good movie. if you liked it, fine. but don't act like the people that didn't like it are somehow wrong. they are no more wrong about it being bad than you are right about it being good.
marvel72 - 6/24/2011, 10:13 AM
@ jduke25

yeah its watchable & definetly not the worse film ever.

i hope it gets a sequel & its the green lantern movie the first one should of been.
JDUKE25 - 6/24/2011, 10:21 AM
@marvel72 yeah, if they screw up a sequel story that would include: using more members of the corps and not just Hal, more space scenes, Sinestro and the sinestro corps, and more action, then there's no hope for them to make a GREAT GL film if they can't even do that. There are sooooo many good stories for this character that could be put to film and I would hate for that not to become a reality. I say we get a group of fans, come up with a script and turn it in lol. Only way we'll get to see a GL movie be the way it should be.
claybo4131 - 6/24/2011, 10:35 AM
Poor editing
Seemed rushed
Not enough time on OA

Ryan should have held out for Flash

Blake Lively can not act and her being a fighter pilot is as believable as Slippy Toad from Star Fox being a fighter pilot

Not a strong villain. Hector Hammond was a p**** a** b**** really, what supervillain screams like a girl? Sinestro SHOULD have been the villain from the get go, now we might not see him in all his evil glory.

Parallax reminded me of the Galactus cloud in Fantastic 4.

You really think the GL Corp would let a rookie GL fight an entity that killed some of the finest warriors solo?

It tried to be like Iron Man, it needed to be GL and not copycat anything.
DetBullock - 6/24/2011, 11:35 AM
ROBBEATZZZ - 6/24/2011, 12:30 PM
superotherside - 6/24/2011, 12:39 PM
yeah it was pretty awesome... ;) agree dude! much better than foxmen... oh xmen first class i mean... lol
Frogman - 6/24/2011, 12:55 PM
I class a movie as good if I enjoy it. I enjoyed Green Lantern therefore I class it as a good movie. I put it on par with Thor and behind First Class.
ROBBEATZZZ - 6/24/2011, 1:06 PM
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