MAD MEN Star Jon Hamm Reflects On Pitching Role To Marvel And Confirms He Turned Down GREEN LANTERN

MAD MEN Star Jon Hamm Reflects On Pitching Role To Marvel And Confirms He Turned Down GREEN LANTERN

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SUPERMAN: Nathan Fillion On Why He's Perfectly Suited To Play GREEN LANTERN Guy Gardner

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WaylonJones - 5/6/2011, 11:27 AM
nuck82 - 5/6/2011, 12:37 PM
thats what she said
nobodyshero84 - 5/6/2011, 12:42 PM
@TheIntruder never too late, look at Thor in the UK. I work in a cinema and we didn't get all our posters/marketing stuff until only a few weeks before the film was released! that said we are still waiting on any GL posters turning up!!
BigCHarvey - 5/6/2011, 12:46 PM
To me, the fact that this site appears "lacking" is the sign of a good viral campaign. You don't want it to appear too slick, otherwise it takes away from wanting to be realistic in appearance. This site has just a smidge of an amateur look to it, and I think it's great. Well played.
RyanLantern77 - 5/6/2011, 1:15 PM
Wicked beans
HelaGood - 5/6/2011, 1:28 PM

and late

and no later is not better than never
GreenLanternVan - 5/6/2011, 1:39 PM
"Lame and late
and haters gonna hate!"

Couldn't resist.

I think it's cool, but yeah, it does seem late. Then again, maybe there's a method to the madness.
HelaGood - 5/6/2011, 1:40 PM
grif is right... it doesnt need a viral campaign...

what this movie needs is a better SFX house attached to it
luckylu - 5/6/2011, 1:58 PM
marvel heads will complain about anything they can when it comes to dc. haters gonna hate.
forthesakeofnow - 5/6/2011, 2:23 PM
No one cares that it says "Gotham Amateur Astronomy Foundation" in the corner then?
CaptainPresley - 5/6/2011, 2:25 PM
Is it just me or is everyone missing the big picture? The ad mentions both Metropolis and Gotham. It this the beginning of DC/WB linking a shared movie universe?
CapFan79 - 5/6/2011, 3:09 PM
HelaGood - 5/6/2011, 3:25 PM
@CaptainPresley WOW! a shared movie universe? what a unique idea!!

@Otisburg LMAO!!!
SPACEDout - 5/6/2011, 3:38 PM
@helagood lol and agreed
greenlanter13 - 5/6/2011, 4:33 PM
the game is cool
superman82 - 5/6/2011, 4:33 PM
Have any of you actually went to the website? Here's something of interest you might find..

rbfn04 - 5/6/2011, 5:17 PM
Ah, Marvel fanboys. always can count on them to talk shit about anything DC and overhype anything Marvel. How was that rubber suit Thor and his boys were wearing? yeah GL will be the best comicbook movie of 2011

Love that they mention Ivo on the website
DudeGuy - 5/6/2011, 5:30 PM
Marvelites are the biggest cry babies in the world. Their comments are more hilarious than they are rational. This movie will own. For anyone who disagrees:

Whats going on with Captian America guys? You wanna talk about getting a late start? havnt heard any hype outside this site about it. Havnt really heard much news either besides the rehashed "Why Chris Evans almost turned down the part" or "What Inspired Chris Evans to take the role."
Marvel fanboys stay on your pages and us DC fanboys will stay on ours
soberchimera - 5/6/2011, 5:46 PM
@HelaGood You make it sound like DC is ripping off Marvel. Justice League debuted in 1960 before the Marvel Universe even existed. Let's keep our ripping-offs in chronological order.
TheTalent - 5/6/2011, 6:21 PM
It doesn't sound like many of you have actually checked out this viral site. If you follow it's threads there's quite a few DC easter eggs. Professor Ivo is mentioned, Starman is mentioned, Amanda Wallah refers to her nickname 'The Wall' (even her webpage is called Writing on the Wall) and the whole thing seems to be about newly spotted flashes of red light appearing in the Cygnus space sector - Red Lanterns.
Dr. Wallah says if more people reply to her confirming they've seen the lights too she'll have a word with her man at NASA (Ted Knight) about moving their super telescope to have a look. I bet when this happens they'll show you an image of the Red Lantern stone symbol like the green and yellow ones that were in the trailers.
TheTalent - 5/6/2011, 6:24 PM
And how can this viral campaign be too late? Have any of you seen this film yet? Will any of you have seen it in the week or so it will take to finish this viral?
forthesakeofnow - 5/7/2011, 8:05 AM
As a non comic book fan who via the films has found himself to be swayed toward DC rather than Marvel (though that is purely through Nolan's Batman as I dont like Burtons Bat films or the Superman movies) I wouldnt want a shared DC movie universe as it seems to me that what makes the main DC characters special is the fact they (intially, b4 the gimmick of crossovers) lived in their own alternate versions of America. As great and important as Superman is, as soon as you put him in the same would as Batman, it ruins Batman, and as soon as you put him in the same world as WonderWoman it negates the importance of WonderWoman as the most powerful person on the planet in a "mans world". Though im looking forward to Avengers cos the Marvel movies so far have been fun (but nothing deeper than that).
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