Last year SplashpageMTV caught up with Co Writer Marc Guggenheim, who made the comment that Superman might have a cameo in the upcoming live action Green Lantern Movie. Fast forward to this year. MTV caught up with the Co Writer again to ask him about his comments regarding a cameo in Green Lantern by none other then The Man Of Steel and any other Heroes in D.C. Universe.
“Honestly, it changes on a daily basis. Whatever information I gave you today would be obsolete in a week, and maybe come back again in two weeks,” states Guggenheim.” And even if it wasn't in flux at the script stage, it would still be constantly in flux because you can film it, put it in the original cut, and eventually it could end up on the editing room floor.”
Marc Guggenheim goes on to say:
“I will say, all the Easter Eggs and the cameos that I put in, I couldn't even begin to predict at this point which ones will stay and which ones will go,” he said. “I'll be as interested as anyone else to see what we end up keeping and losing by the time the picture is actually locked… and that’s pretty far away from now.”
So he did not deny what he said a year ago, only to back it up by saying there's a lot on the floor right now and hopefully we will get in what we want to. Superman is the biggest hero in the D.C. Universe. My guess: Green Lantern would get a lot more attention with a cameo by Superman. It would almost be stupid if it did not happen. Warner Brother's want's to intertwine the D.C. Movie Universe and I cant think of a better way to kick that idea off buy putting Supes up there on the Big Screen with Hal Jordan as the Green Lantern. Maybe Brandon Routh better not hang his red cape up just yet.