For years, Green Lantern fans have been looking for a film about the greatest of Earth's Lanterns, Hal Jordan. Those of us who realize that Hal is the best have one simple goal in mind: find an actor who is good enough to fill those green boots. Many of us keep up with the Green Lantern news here on CBM, and many are probably aware of the fact that Aaron Eckhart was eyeing the role of Hal Jordan for a time. Let's face it (no pun intended), the guy played a great Harvey Dent. However, if you're like me, you'd be making Dent jokes throughout the entire film if he got the role. I'm an actor myself, and so, in my own opinion, if you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself.

Now quite frankly, there are going to be those of you that disagree with the idea that I ought to have the part. After all, the only reason you may have heard of me is if you keep up with independent film news. I recently nabbed the lead role in Firestorm Pictures' “Apparition,” which debuts in Houston somewhere near the beginning of May. However, a horror film doesn't necessarily qualify an actor to play a character of this magnitude, does it?
This is where expertise comes into play. If you want the part done right, you have to have someone that's been keeping up with the comics since he was little, and who has pondered all the subtleties of the character. This is, after all, what an actor does. So, it only seems logical to tell Warner Brothers that Hal Jordan is one of those characters meant to be portrayed by one of the fans. That's why I made this petition.
Now I have to be very frank with you all; I'm a hardcore GL fan. I live and breathe this guy. I loved it when they brought Hal back from the Parallax/Spectre stuff into GL again, and I love what Geoff Johns has done with the character (I can't say I feel the same way about the way Batman is currently being written, but that's a different story). I love the way that Johns talks about the different ways in which each Lantern will use his ring-- from John Stewart's highly detailed designs, to Kyle Rayner's artistic creativity with the ring, and ol' Hal's precision. Each character is brought to life through Johns' stories, and I think you'll agree that it's important to have someone that appreciates the incredible details of why Hal Jordan was, is, and always will be, the greatest of the Green Lanterns.
If you have the same ideas that I do in regards to the character's portrayal and would be interested in me obtaining the role, please take a few seconds to fill out the petition at the link below. I believe you can view the signatures and comments of people who have already signed, so by all means, don't blindly sign the thing. Take some time to read what other people have to say about how I can act, since that is, after all, what this thing is all about. Once an ample number of signatures are collected, this will be sent off to Warner Brothers in the interest of having them hear the cries of the fans.
Whether you finished this article and feel convinced, or you have a horrible sickness in the pit of your stomach, thanks for reading!
If you're interested, the petition to Warner Brothers for having Josh portray Green Lantern can be found/signed here: