In the sports world, NBA player Lebron James recently announced he signed a 4-year, $153 million dollar deal with the Los Angeles Lakers. Boston-native Mark Wahlberg took to Instagram to celebrate the world's best player making way in the Eastern Conference for the Boston Celtics and may have inadvertently revealed that he is DC's next superhero. Looking at the image below, you can see that Mark Wahlberg has nearly the entire DCEU actor/actress roster posted along the wall behind him.
Also interesting is that Ben Affleck is still shown as Batman/Bruce Wayne. Is this an indication that his time as the caped crusader isn't over yet? Only time will tell, but just as interesting is if this was a legitimate mistake by Marky Mark or an out-of-the-box way for DC to make their announcement? Wahlberg posted the image shortly after Lebron James made his signing public knowledge; could DC really have intentionally made their move that quickly or was this simply a slip up by their newly recruited member of the Green Lantern Corps?