Over on his Facebook page, Guardians of the Galaxy writer/director James Gunn has shared the "Thesaurus" joke from early on in the film, as it originally appeared in the script. The exchange between Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) and Drax (Dave Bautista) was intended to go like this:
I agree with the walking thesaurus.
Do not ever call me a thesaurus. Ronan killed my family. A thesaurus has never known such pain.
The final film does not feature the last two lines, and Gunn explains they were cut for continuity and pacing reasons. "I think we were just making things move faster, and we had a bunch of good jokes in that section. It was making them all work together," he said. "He was also saying it BEFORE Rocket explained how he didn't understand metaphors, so it wasn't as funny." Would you have liked to hear the full piece of dialogue in the movie?