J-MAN and Johnny Love Movie Review: Nightmare on Elm Street

J-MAN and Johnny Love Movie Review: Nightmare on Elm Street

Freddy's Back! Or is he? Make the jump and find out what we thought. Minor Spoilers! Adult References! Plus: A Verbal shout out to fellow ComicBookMovie.com Editors Brent Sprecher and Multipurposeponi!

Review Opinion
By jman1977 - May 01, 2010 01:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Horror
Source: ComicBookMovie.com

Many thanks to the Portage 16 IMAX Theater. See you next week for Iron Man 2!
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cris1986 - 5/1/2010, 2:14 AM
jman you look like Vince Vaughn.
I'm going to go see this movie sometime next week i think. Love the originals.

Oh First!!!!!!
IronClad - 5/1/2010, 2:40 AM
vince vaughn or rufus from bumfight? how about their love-child??? eeeewwww. just kiddin' man. anyways, thanks for the heads up! i was really on the fence about this one; i will now wait 'til it comes out on dvd. indiana love bro!
ThePrince - 5/1/2010, 3:11 AM
well honestly i thought it kicked ass. definately the best horror movie remake thats been done so far.
GUNSMITH - 5/1/2010, 4:12 AM


TheMyth - 5/1/2010, 5:24 AM
This is one review I must disagree with you guys on. I caught the midnight showing at my local theater. Every seat was full and at the end it got a standing ovation. Complete strangers were standing out front of the theater at 2am after wards talking to each other about how great they thought it was and sharing favorite lines/scenes. Now, I've never been a Freddy fan, on the contrary I always thought him laughable at best, but this is far and away the best and most frightening rendition of Freddy Krueger... and that's my 2 cents ;) Good job guys. Can't wait for IM2!!!
XmutantX - 5/1/2010, 5:54 AM
myth@ i havnt seen it yet but i am with u on the fact that i always considered freddy a laugh out loud kinda character...if they hav put the fear and seriousness back in2 elm street...im so there!...ur review makes me wanna see it..thanx bud!
r0r5ch4ch84 - 5/1/2010, 6:03 AM
That's what Freddy Kruger looks like now? Aw F@#k that! Gimme the classic version any day.
FORTAPACHE - 5/1/2010, 6:08 AM
cool revew guys! now what do you reckon to a 'Hellraiser' remake/reboot?
supermarioworldE - 5/1/2010, 7:10 AM
Nice review. I've yet to see this movie, and I probably never will. I've not been too impressed with the slew of crappy remakes that's been produced over the years. Hopeully this movie will bomb so that original horror movies will be made again.
DaenerysTargaryen - 5/1/2010, 9:00 AM
All remakes have been sucking so far so I'm not suprised
flames809 - 5/1/2010, 9:23 AM
well since im a teen then ima like this movie cause it actually looks good
thatiscrazy - 5/1/2010, 9:31 AM
vince vaughn all day
StephenStrange - 5/1/2010, 9:33 AM
lol I don't care about Nightmare on Elm street much. But I'm going to see it TODAY because I want to see my boy! Jacky Earl Hayley! He's rapidly becoming my favorite actor
SHHH - 5/1/2010, 10:27 AM
Old Freddy was someone's creepy uncle try to laugh you to death...nothing scary about it....Will be seeing this movie...
Phinehas - 5/1/2010, 11:12 AM
Consider the possibility that not all remakes should be made. Some are just iconic classics that have a special place in our memory.
LEEE777 - 5/1/2010, 11:22 AM
I knew it was gonna be sh1te from the start, thanks for confirming @ Guys!!!

Wasn't gonna watch it anyway at the flicks, NEW LINE you should have done that FREDDY VS JASON VS ASH sequel!!! Arghhhh lol.

FRIDAY the 13th sucked too, part from the titties lol! : P

Cheers dudes!

OZY @ But you don't like BLADE or IRON MAN dude lol! ; D
BJD - 5/1/2010, 11:39 AM
Hated the movie! Performances ranged from flat to horrible. Some homages to the original just seemed to be sloppily thrown in. There were a few cheap jolting scares but none of the unsettling to the bone feelings you got from the original. I like Jacky Earl Hayley as an actor but Robert Englund delivered a far more intense and creepy performance. The new Nancy might as well been on xanax her acting was so dull. Bottom line this movie is like listening to a high school rock band's version of PURPLE HAZE at a rock show...it comes no where near the quality of the original!
airbeyonder18 - 5/1/2010, 11:44 AM
@Jman1977: So what about people like me who have not seen the originals. Would it be good for first-timers you think?
InstigatorGIRL - 5/1/2010, 12:17 PM
Cool stuff you guys!! Yeah at first I was excited about this movie but the more trailers and clips I watched I realized it was going to be a fail. I ended up backing out of going to the midnight showing with my friends because I figured I wouldn't like it. Anyways, gotta go get ready for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY!!!
ThePrince - 5/1/2010, 12:18 PM
@ Myth and Ozy
personally one of you guys should write a review for this cuz i could not agree more with you. like i said before this movie kicked ass. it took a movie that ive always found more entertaining than scary and really turned it into a horror movie. ive always found Freddy to beast the least horrifying of all those classic horror franchises due to one reason, i always thought he was a pansy for having to attack you in your sleep. JEH however, absolutely kicked Englunds ass and totally removed any corny or wimpy feeling i previously had about Krueger. they took away a lot of campiness from Freddy and really made him a scary character. aside from all this, i really enjoyed the few nods to the original this film had to offer and personally thought that the combination absolutely rocked. again this Nightmare on Elm st. is hands down the GREATEST horror movie remake to be done thus far.
LEEE777 - 5/1/2010, 12:20 PM
airbeyonder @ Watch the originals dude!!! : p

Would you rather have sh1Te or Gold??? : /

INSTIGATOR @ Happy hunting!
LEEE777 - 5/1/2010, 12:21 PM
ThePrince @ OZY has, in reviews dude >>>>>>>>>>>
ThePrince - 5/1/2010, 12:24 PM
o...i guess ill just go [frick] myself then.
TDKR11 - 5/1/2010, 1:08 PM
I saw the movie yesterday. I thought it was good. I wasn't happy about Freddy's look and his Bale Batman voice, but their was a good story to it, which kinda made me forget about his voice and look. I was surprise to see some good character development in the movie. But I agree with Jman, and Johnny Love, Freddy did look like a burnt Asian guy, in fact my brother and I brought it up while we were still watching the movie. The movie did felt a bit boring when nothing was happen. I've seen alotta horror movies, so for me nothing is original with horror movies anymore. For me this movie felt more like a suspense and thriller then a horror movie.

I did wish they put their own spin on the franchise then making some tributes to the original. JEH played a good Freddy Kruger, the character stayed true to who or what he is. IMO the remake isn't Bad, disapointed, but its not great either. to me its in a very thin line between OK, SOLID, or GOOD movie.
MarkCassidy - 5/1/2010, 1:12 PM
Can't say I'm surprised. Good stuff boys, I'll download it..maybe!
BryEL - 5/1/2010, 2:07 PM
Just got back, and man, it is the best famous slasher remake so far (Chainsaw held the spot before hand). I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it to death. The girl playing Nancy was just pitch perfect to me. I never get scared at the theaters (Paranormal made me giggle the whole time), but when "SPOILER" the kid in the video blog fell asleep and BOOM! That made me jump like a bitch, lol.

My sister, who is 38, saw the original in theaters and saw the remake with me. She said that the original, for it's time period, is still scarier but bring the remake to the 80's would have dominated everything.

JEH did Freddy good, great, well, and everything positive.
LEEE777 - 5/1/2010, 2:48 PM
OZY @ I'm joking by the way, left a comment in your review dude!

thwhtGuardian - 5/1/2010, 5:10 PM
I can't believe there are actually people disagreeing with this review. The remake was flat out dull.
PWhite - 5/1/2010, 6:46 PM
I saw this movie last night. It wasn't the best. I gave it a 6 and thats because of Katie Cassidy!
Kevwebsz - 5/1/2010, 7:52 PM
Wait if Haley needed a Digitally enhanced voice for Freddy, then does that mean he needed it for Rorschach?
antonio - 5/1/2010, 8:16 PM
Ranger14 - 5/1/2010, 9:02 PM
Well, it is sitting at a whopping 15% on Rotten Tomatoes.
MetalHead - 5/2/2010, 8:05 AM
Good review guys. The only thing I'll add that I think was missed but should be touched on a bit relates to the altered origin. Now I have no issue with a remake/redo/reboot altering an origin... IF it's to make the story better, to make it make more sense, to fix a plot hole, etc. But in my opinion, as someone who has been a huge fan of the originals since they came out, I think the altered origin resulted in Freddy being less sadistic and intimidating. Granted, being a petafile is nothing to be dismissed, but the fact that in the originals he was killing innocent children made him pure evil. There's a difference between evil and mentally ill, and this version of Freddy is just mentally ill, let alone the epitome of evil.

Another issue I have with the altered origin is the fact that in the originals it was the children being punished for the sins of the father (and the fact that he got off in court on a technicality brought even more credibility that the parents would want to kill a man in such terrible manner which would otherwise be completely out of character), but in this version, the kids were being punished "for being tattle tails." I liked the fact that in the originals the kids were just caught in the crossfire and that Freddy's actions (prior to his death) resulted in the parents doing something that was also a blatant sin, which was killing a man who was deemed "not guilty" as a result of the court system that man chooses to live by. Another problem with this route is that once Freddy kills all the kids he molested, he's out of victims. In the originals he wanted to continually punish all the parents of Springwood generation after generation. In this version, the parents don't even play a significant role.

And I agree with the review-- I really did want to love this movie. I do think they did a good job with the cinematography and the characters, I just think they missed with Freddy's attitude and I think they could've altered the origin better than how they did. In the previews there's a scene that's not actually in the film where you see Freddy screaming "I'm innocent!" when the parents are killing him. THIS I thought might make an interesting and different twist-- if Freddy really DIDN'T kill/molest the children he was accused of, hence the revenge. But in my opinion, all this new origin did was take a huge part of Freddy's balls away. (Not to mention that I really couldn't be intimidated by the actor since I know he also plays protagonists, something Robert Englund never did.)
GUNSMITH - 5/2/2010, 8:53 AM
superbatspiderman - 5/2/2010, 1:01 PM
I have heard that this movie is very good so I don't know who to believe on this one.

I have the same shirt that Johnny was wearing.
Ven0m - 5/2/2010, 1:05 PM
I liked this movie. It was better than ALOT of horror movies that come out now adays and Jackie Earle Harley did a awesome job as freddy. I disagree with this review. It was a pretty good remake. As for actors you wont get awesome acting when it comes to Horror movies. Its rare but Jackie was awesome.
MarkCassidy - 5/2/2010, 6:03 PM
Who's Robert England?

VenomZero, Exorcist, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Misery, The Devil's backbone, American Werewolf In London..I could go on. Anyway, all great horror movies with great acting. The problem is that these watered down, cheap scare tactic/torture porn, bullshit excuses for horror films have lowered everybody's standards.
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