Guillermo Del Toro and David Eick (an executive producer on Battlestar Galactica) are currently working on bringing a live-action The Hulk series to television. And because Hulk is a Marvel character and Marvel is owned by Disney and Disney owns ABC which just happens to be a television channel and this Hulk show is looking for a channel, it’ll be on ABC. Taking a cue from the two (two!) different movies involving the Hulk in the last decade, the Hulk will not be completely CGI and will instead be a mixture of prosthetics, make-up, and puppetry. And because this will more than likely take a long time to produce and Disney wants to capitalize on The Avengers movie in 2012 (which will be EVERYWHERE), we probably won’t see this until fall 2012.
Let's sit back and think this through. We have already been subjugated to two Hulk films (both of which weren’t AMAZING but were still good, you know?), so why should Hulk get a shot on television? Sure, there was the 70s version, but was that really that good? But could the Hulk work better on television in serialized form? Perhaps, but television is notoriously hard on CGI-heavy shows (it takes time and money which TV shows are short on most of the time) which a Hulk show would inevitably be. I’ll save judgment for this for when we see some actual footage, but I’m a little wary. I want it to work, I really do, but this could really blow up in their face. However, if it is successful, it would mean more Marvel character TV shows which has mad potential. A Deadpool TV show?I Personally Want a Fantastic Four.
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