Jonah Hex Movie Update

Jonah Hex Movie Update

After months of silence we get some updates on the comic book adaptation Jonah Hex!

By WolvieCBM - Apr 15, 2010 04:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Jonah Hex

Now, if you don't know, the Jonah Hex film is set to hit theatres on June 18th which is only two months away. Except for that teaser poster from Comic-Con we haven't seen anything. There has been a lot of production problems for Jonah Hex: re-shoots, new director, small budget...

But now, New York Magazine reports that the trailer will probably be shown on April 30th in front of A Nightmare On Elm Street.

This is from New York Magazine:

"A studio spokesman insists a trailer will finally make it's debut in front of New Line's A Nightmare on Elm Street, which opens April 30, and that the movie will open as scheduled on June 18.
Director Jimmy Hayward texted Vulture to say: "Trailer and film are looking great!".

The leading singer and guitarist of the band Mastodon, Brent Hinds, says that the film seems unfinished to him and that he had to re-score a significant portion of the movie:

"I totally had to go back and start over again. We’re still working on it. We wrapped a little of it today; we’re doing a little more tomorrow. Tomorrow is enough for me. We had such short notice to work on the thing."

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AshleyWilliams - 4/15/2010, 5:10 PM
Good news!
ecksmanfan - 4/15/2010, 5:12 PM
Finally...However, I'm still keeping my expectations low for this one.
DogsOfWar - 4/15/2010, 5:18 PM
Wolvie, there's more to the story over at MTV Splashpage. Add that to this and then we can move to the front page.
Wadey09 - 4/15/2010, 5:19 PM
i agree with Ecks on this one.
too many issues have risen during the making of this film. i will be mildly suprised if it even reaches the standard of X-men Origins: Wolverine.
can't wait to read LEEE's reaction!
WolvieCBM - 4/15/2010, 5:21 PM
@dellamorte1872: Don't judge it yet.That poster is from last year Comic con.They had re-shoots,Francis Lawrence was brought in as a second director...I mean it could still be good.
WolvieCBM - 4/15/2010, 5:33 PM
@DogsOfWar: Is now good?
DaenerysTargaryen - 4/15/2010, 5:48 PM
There really isn't a day when some fan sees something he/she doesn't like and wants to boycott the film. It's soo annoying.
Bandrews1 - 4/15/2010, 5:53 PM
Finally, just when I was about to lose faith in this.
fightingfoo93 - 4/15/2010, 6:05 PM
I feel bad for this movie
LEEE777 - 4/15/2010, 6:16 PM
Can't wait for this movie!!!

This, GREEN LANTERN and THE LOSERS on the DC side, HELL YEAH gonna be awesome!!!

Only thing i don't like is he ain't got a dodgy eye, hopefully WB will wake up an sort that out lol, though he could get it at the end of the film, ya never know! ; D

I mean no one knows when he actually got the manky eye do they! : P

[frick]ing A!!!

airbeyonder18 - 4/15/2010, 6:17 PM
@Teabag: That voodoo line is actually from MASH TV show.
So yep, I'm a little of a MASH nerd.
LEEE777 - 4/15/2010, 6:19 PM
You little MASH nerd!! : P
peterparker420 - 4/15/2010, 6:19 PM


I wish MEGAN FOX was NOT in it but.. whatever

InstigatorGIRL - 4/15/2010, 6:21 PM
I was wondering just the other day when we would be seeing a trailer to this movie. lol.
LEEE777 - 4/15/2010, 6:23 PM


MEGAN FOX only has a bit part anyways, so who cares about that, though MIKEY ROURKE can't say enough about her acting in the another new movie that he stars in with her!!!
ecksmanfan - 4/15/2010, 6:44 PM
@LEEE-Mickey was referring to the fake orgasm she "acted" for him when they were boffing each other.
peterparker420 - 4/15/2010, 7:07 PM
MikeZ - 4/15/2010, 7:32 PM
Like I said on another post, this film's gonna suck. Even though Megan Fox looks less slutty than she did at the end of summer, she still has alot to make up for. People are just bashing the shit out of her like she's Howard Stern's allegedly "gold-digging" wife after that stunt she pulled in 2009 (which I can't believe, give me tape of her being a bitch on the set of "Transformers 2", and I'll take everyone out to TGI Fridys for a special dinner on my tab).

As for her acting skills, she doesn't skeeve me out in "Transformers 2" like everyone else was, but I'm still wondering why Mikaela Banes wasn't the bad-ass chick from the first movie, just this girl who wanted that pussy boyfriend to tell him "I love you."

Let's not forget, she hosted Maxim's Hot 100 back in 2007. She was gonna be the next Olivia Munn, for Christ's sakes. Now she's become everything she's preached against.
MikeZ - 4/15/2010, 7:41 PM
Oh, and for people who hate her, stop whining! Wasn't there reports that her role adds up to a cameo? So, she's not gonna be in it much.

Plus, like Wolvie09 said, there's a strong caliber of stars: Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Michael Fassbender (Who's on everybody's wishlist to play Bullseye in a future Daredevil film), and Will Arnett (Anyone beside me think he'd make a better Deadpool). I am pulling for this movie because of the cast, Mastodon is probably the best heavy metal band working today amongst these emo wannabe rockers (My Chemical Romance, Three Days Grace, Trapt) and Jimmy Heyward made THE only watchable Dr. Seuss film in history ("Horton Hears a Who"). But once you work on a film that hasn't been spoken of for days on end since we saw Megan Fox in the tighest Western garb ever, you're pissing and shitting on your audience.

Back to Megan Fox, finally. If she wants to stay in Hollywood, get Milla Jovovich's casting agent. Anyone who's seen the trailer for "Resident Evil: Afterlife" knows that Jovovich is not a woman you want to cross. I love Megan Fox to be that woman.

Bye, for now.
SHHH - 4/15/2010, 7:55 PM
Fck Meagan Fox the most overated b!TCH ever! can't count ta 10...There are Hot women eveywhere!!
ngu13 - 4/15/2010, 8:33 PM
@shhh ...agreed m8 she cant act 4 shit ..i hate to say the film .. but the bird from twighlight crap ....slap some make up on her even she is better actor than fox ..maybe not as hot ... but their are a lot of better females than megan fox ...
LEEE777 - 4/15/2010, 8:42 PM
ECKS @ Lol i posted the article and it was [frick] all about that! : P


RoadDog @ Yeah some ppl lol, her cameos reported as being something like 10 to 15 minutes lol, fuss about nothing.
ngu13 - 4/15/2010, 8:53 PM
got to be better than soloman kane film that was crap
supermarioworldE - 4/15/2010, 8:55 PM
So let me get this straight; they're not moving the release date, the film is only two months away from release, and there has been ZERO marketing and advertisement.

This movie is gonna bomb BIG TIME.
THEHAWK - 4/15/2010, 9:05 PM
Yet another reason to go see NOES!

Hey everyone, check out my new story
X-Men: The Adventure of Cyclops and Phoenix

A stranded Cyclops and Phoenix are offered aid by an elderly scientist. But is he sincere in his aid, or does he have more sinister motives?

This is a tie-in to my upcoming X-Men 6: Rise of Apocalypse.

Check it out!

HAWK out
Phinehas - 4/15/2010, 9:18 PM
Before you post, would you please proof your material?

Ranger14 - 4/16/2010, 12:52 AM
Everyone has been raving about what a great actor Mickey Rourke is on his article and he has said Megan Fox is the most talented actress he has worked with and that she gets a bum wrap because of her looks. Food for thought.
WolvieCBM - 4/16/2010, 4:07 AM
@Phinehas : I did,the link is below the article...:)
LittleMac - 4/16/2010, 5:57 AM
Yeah yeah yeah Jonah Hex blah blah blah WHAT THE [frick] HAPPENED TO SIN CITY TWO?!
Shaman - 4/16/2010, 7:09 AM
I have a feeling this will totaly suck ass LMFAO!!! No seriously...
MikeZ - 4/16/2010, 7:47 AM

At least no one's drinking the Kool Aid.
peterparker420 - 4/16/2010, 8:59 AM
I don't car if she is a bitch or not, or even the howard stern thing..bottom line is, she can't act,
she is only a pretty face..and sorry but to me
she is not THAT hot. I would take Olivia Munn
over Fox ANYDAY of the week!
HelaGood - 4/16/2010, 9:37 AM
still doesnt bode well to me...

its good, its bad... we will have to wait and see.

KeithM - 4/16/2010, 9:47 AM
I have a bad feeling about this... /Han Solo
marvel72 - 4/16/2010, 12:21 PM
i hope this film is as good as i want it to be.
jjmeylar - 4/16/2010, 1:38 PM
I hadn't even heard of "Jonah Hex" until sometime last year. I'm looking forward to this film, though. Brolin was awesome in "No Country For Old Men"
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