Josh Brolin Talks Jonah Hex Sequel

Josh Brolin Talks Jonah Hex Sequel

Although the film isn't out for another week, the star of Jonah Hex is already discussing a sequel, and reveals that he is very pleased with how the first film turned out...

By MarkCassidy - Jun 13, 2010 02:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Jonah Hex

Speaking exclusively to movieweb Brolin talks about the film's potential success, the shoot, and a possible follow up..

When asked if he would do a sequel if the first film is a success Brolin replied..

"Always and I said that during the shooting. This was a very, very tough shoot as you well know, Once you're out there, its hot, you've got the prosthetic on and you think, oh my god I'll never do this again, but then afterwards you look back on it and you go, wow I really appreciate the way this turned out and we could take this movie in any direction that we wanted to. So yeah, all of this is going to be determined by whether it does well and this and that. But whatever man, I love the movie, I'm happy with it, you know? Anything can be a franchise at some point, but the movie itself and by itself I'm proud of it for sure, Absolutely!"

Nice to see optimism, and Brolin would certainly seem to be very happy with how the final film turned out. Johan Hex never really made it onto our radar in a big way here at CBM because of some pretty late advertising and marketing on the part of the studio. Ansd then , even when the clips, posters etc started appearing, the early word on the advanced previews wasn't very encouraging. Personally I think it looks like it could be decent, but I was disappointed with the trailers over all. Lets hope when the actual film opens that its as good as Brolin thinks it is!

Jonah Hex comes to theaters June 18th, 2010 and stars Megan Fox, Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Michael Fassbender, Will Arnett, Julia Jones, Michael Shannon, Aidan Quinn. The film is directed by Jimmy Hayward.

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Creature - 6/13/2010, 2:25 PM
Jonah Hex looks terrible. Since when were the comics steampunk?
InTylerWeTrust - 6/13/2010, 2:29 PM
If the trailers (awkward rock and roll music in the background, among other gripes) and clips (random boat explosion just to get in a nice "jump in front of huge awesome explosion" shot, come on) are any indication, Jonah Hex doesn't deserve a sequel. As I have said before, unless the reviews on here are positively glowing, I'll pass.
Marps2 - 6/13/2010, 2:56 PM
Looks like the curse of Megan Fox's "acting" might strike again!
Saga - 6/13/2010, 3:39 PM
if megan fox gets naked , i definatly want a sequel!
longbowhunter - 6/13/2010, 3:42 PM
Yesterday I bought and read the new Jonah Hex graphic novel "No Way Back" and thought it would make an excellent film. Say If the first movie would have followed issues #13-15, this would be a great follow up.
AlexDeLarge87 - 6/13/2010, 3:53 PM
This movie would have needed someone like Robert Rodriguez or Quentin Tarantino behind the wheel, then it would have been f*cking unforgettable!! It would have been something like A Few Dollars More, The Wild Bunch and Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid!
THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT!:D But the cast is perfect... Except Megan F*cks!
LEEE777 - 6/13/2010, 4:02 PM
Great find, love to see a sequel, maybe he gets his MANKY EYE in that one! : P
Ven0m - 6/13/2010, 4:17 PM
when grif posts a positive message the world will end.
MarkCassidy - 6/13/2010, 4:22 PM
He posts positive about stuff like A-Team and The Expendables. Obviously he loves splosions!

Tea, I never read that..must have got a telling off alright. Shame cos I wanted to believe he really was happy with it.
SoulAllFlush - 6/13/2010, 4:31 PM
I'm glad he is optimistic - I've been fearing for this project ever since I saw/heard the modernised nu-metal trailer. Felt more like a cliched factory made horror film than a comic book western.

But his positivity makes me happy.
Devi - 6/13/2010, 4:42 PM
Based on the trailers, it might've had a chance if not for megan fox's bad acting and HORRIBLE accent. Seriously? She should just take her clothes off for money since that's all anybody wants from her anyways. Nobody wants to see her try (and fail) to act, guys just wanna see her. Plain and simple.
joncochino - 6/13/2010, 5:43 PM
can't wait, both me and the wife wanna see this one!
mk - 6/13/2010, 5:58 PM
ill see this in dvd
StuckInPanels - 6/13/2010, 6:23 PM
this is going up against toy story 3...theres a snowballs chance in hell this film does greater than PIXAR!!!!...oh and wishful thinking there Brolin...your lucky to see this thing break even when its done...DC will never be able to make huge B.O profits off of NON-costumed comic book characters. Brolin's a good actor but even good actors can't save crappy movies...they were playing the same trailer over and over again at Philly one stood there, they were smart. They need to dig up Sergio Leone and make him direct this film as a zombie...that way we would get an awesome and a true western epic
TheDurkinKnight - 6/13/2010, 6:24 PM
Dont see a sequel getting made on that bad boy, I see a bomb!
StuckInPanels - 6/13/2010, 6:28 PM
all actors try to remain optimistic that the film their doing is gonna do well..its in their will never see Dicaprio bad mouth Shutter Island(was really good) or Inception(looks AWESOME!!!)...theirs 2 kinds of actors in Hollywood...first is ARTISTS, the kind of actor who hones the craft of acting in movies and pushes the terms of what an actor can do, ex. Heath Ledger. The second kind: whores....the people who do movie roles simply for a paycheck and will do anything stupid or embarrassing to their creditability simply to live in wealth and luxury, ex. Robin Williams
LOL - 6/13/2010, 8:46 PM
i concur.... i think they are counting their chickens waaaay too early before they hatched on this one.
OverCross - 6/13/2010, 8:49 PM
Why would they even decide to make a western Punisher movie

And cast Mgran Fox for that matter
MikeZ - 6/13/2010, 9:03 PM
I think it's time to step it up with Megan Fox jokes. Let's do some really dark shit, like make fun of her personal life and threaten her life. Because we can't honestly stretch out the "can't act" and "porn" material for all this time. I mean, let's really go further.
blankofthedead - 6/13/2010, 9:17 PM
this movie looks like garbage... haha a sequel? expect a direct to dvd career killer with that one
RemiMartini - 6/13/2010, 10:24 PM
they need to stop planning sequels before the first movie even comes out
rockingrich1webb - 6/13/2010, 11:42 PM
you guys hear that. thats the sound of failure. WATCH A-TEAM!!!!!!
r4dagast - 6/13/2010, 11:57 PM
a-team is good
Shaman - 6/14/2010, 5:57 AM
Megan... and Me... and Devi, Simultanious lovin' babay... two & three... Simultanious, Hoooo! Come on now! Huh! ;P

LEEE777 - 6/14/2010, 6:19 AM
SHAMAN @ Lol! ; D

Guys @ I'd rather watch JONAH HEX a thousand times before i watch sh1Te like [frick]ing TOY STORY 3! : D
Shaman - 6/14/2010, 6:28 AM
LEEE777- Quit talkin' smack!
MikeZ - 6/14/2010, 7:55 AM
@ Shaman

I miss Isaac Hayes
georgia49th - 6/14/2010, 8:40 AM
like sheep who are led to slaughter ...
@Leee777 right with you dude ,I've met people who like the trailer want to see it and never heard of Jonah Hex before..
seeing this movie Friday screw Toy story 3....
Shrek 4 bombed at the box office an omen for Toy Story
RIP Kick Ass a hit that never was
Shaman - 6/14/2010, 9:38 AM
RoadDogXXIV- Yeah, i miss the Isaac Hayes that used to have a sense of humour, too :(
MikeZ - 6/14/2010, 2:09 PM
I'll agree with you guys on one thing: Megan Fox should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER appear in movies that open up against a Disney/Pixar film. She needs to really pick better movies than films that require to look/act like a slut. Nice to see her play a femme fatale, but the film - like everyone said - is gonna bomb miserably. And then we're gonna hear Howard Stern rattle on for the millionth time that he's glad that her film failed.

Like I said, time to open up a bigger can of worms and make death threats, rather than the same old "bad actress lines. They lose their luster.
georgia49th - 6/14/2010, 10:57 PM
Don't get me wrong teabag I like Kick Ass , but it failed because it didn't appeal to the wider public of movie goers but if you really want to watch a stinker go ahead try watching Code Name Wild Geese That movie really stunk even better try watching The Weather Man a snore fest for sure.
As for me I'll be watching Jonah Hex this Friday I'll judge for myself rather than be part of the sheep herd lol.,
blankofthedead - 6/15/2010, 5:20 AM
to all saying toy story 3 is going nto be bad and or bomb? are you retarded? Not going to explain the reasons because theyre jsut so obvious but to assume pixar will have a bad movie is just grounds for that question
georgia49th - 6/15/2010, 9:13 PM
No doubt Toy story will succede at the box office only because parents will have to take there whiney brats to see it. while parents will groan having to suffer through it . same old rehash of the first two movies only now the boy is going to collage barf bag please .
speaking of retarted ...........duuhhhhhhhhh drooooolllll ... haha..... sheep leading sheep..
mormuno01 - 7/12/2010, 12:26 PM
I really hope a Sequel comes out! PRAYING
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