An unofficial cast reunion for the animated Justice League TV show took place on Talkin Tunes with Rob Paulsen over at Alpha, the subscription-based video on demand service from Nerdist and Geek and Sundry. Except for Carl Lumbly, the voice of the Maritan Manhunter, all of the voice actors for the central characters were in attendance.
At one point, Paulsen, a prolific voice actor known for his roles on shows like Pinky and the Brain, had the actors read castmates lines in their superhero voice. The legendary voice of Batman, Kevin Conroy, intoned Wonder Woman lines like "Merciless Minerva" and "Suffering Sappho" in his immedietly recognizable baritone. Maria Canals-Barrea, who voiced Hawkgirl, struggled with Green Lantern's oath. Michael Rosenbum, voice of the Flash, adlibbed the infamous Adam West line from the 1966 Batman: "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"
True to form, the actors quipped and joked with one another the whole way through.
The cast could not keep straight face as they read lines from The Fellowship of the Ring. Most of them had no clue what was going on and Michael Rosenbaum, as Legolas enthusiastically mispronouncing Aragorn's name, reduced them all to a fits of giggles.
The cast supported efforts to reunite the animated Justice League in the past and on Sunday, at MCM Comic Con in London, Conroy reiterated the cast's perspective.
"You could get all those actors back today, in a booth, to do more," Conroy said. "Everyone loved it that much."
Would you be in favor of a Justice League reunion? How do you think the show should be tackled if it were revived? Let us know in the comments.