I swear these past few days have been pissing me off. First we hear Jeff Robinov sying that Batman could be rebooted and then Zack Snyder follow suit and says that his Superman will not be in the Justice League movie and neither will Nolan's Batman.
To this I must ask why. DC Comics is owned by Warner Brothers. It's not like at Marvel where a lot of the characters are stuck at Sony and FOX. A Justice League film with Batman, Superman, and Green Lantern in their current forms is the easist thing to pull off. Comic book lovers want it to happen, and I'll bet if you asked casual movie goers from the general public, they would say it would be a cool idea too. But instead, Warner Brother's current plan is too have separate versions of these characters along with the other characters who have not yet been introduced.
In some ways I can understand the hesitence to do a connected Universe. This is not Marvel Studios where the studio's sole purpose is to create a shared universe. And when Nolan took on Batman Begins, he was focused on simply making a good Batman movie. It was only later that he came up with ideas for The Dark Knight, which he treated in the same respect, and only agreed to direct The Dark Knight Rises when the story was rigth. And he always has stressed that the world he created is meant just for Batman. Marvel Studios on the other hand hired Jon Favereau to not only create a franchise for Iron Man, he was tasked with making the Iron Man series a launching pad for the Marvel Universe, and every director who has signed on to direct a Marvel signed with the understanding that they were creating a shared universe.
Another reason why DC is currently taking the opposite approach is because The Avengers is not even out yet. Who knows how it will do? And Iron Man 2 was thought by many to have overload of Marvel subplots.
Mainly though, I think it's about pride. Warner Brothers does not want to look like they are copying Marvel's approach. I personally could care less if the approach is copied from Marvel or not. And I think alot of fans will feel the same way. What will carry DC's team and dirrentiate them from Marvel is the characters in there. The DC Universe is much differnt world from the Marvel Universe in tone, that even if the world is shared the way Marvel shares theirs, it will still feel unique.
Look. It can be pulled off. Have Bruce Wayne stepping off a plne saying he just got back from Metropolis or something like that. I also heard an idea of having Clark Kent interview Bruce Wayne. That would be cool too. I think that if Nolan worked hard enough, he could get his version of Batman to fit into the DC Universe. The only issue would be Christian Bale who seems to looking for a way out after TDKR. I say let him go. Another actor can take over if he can convince us that he has been through what Bale's version has. Just make sure he is a good actor and give a BAtsuit from Nolan's movies(tailored to him of course)and he's all set. I would also add that rebooting Batman after Nolan has taken him this far would be a slap in the face. I heard that Nolan may produce the reboot, but if he's involved then just let oversee a continuation of his Gotham City. And the man is producing Snyder's Superman movie, so tie them together already.
Seriously, DC, stop being afraid of being judged as Marvel copycats and do the right thing!