6 Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters In Desperate Need Of A Creative Overhaul

6 Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters In Desperate Need Of A "Creative Overhaul"

MCU Rumor Roundup: VISION QUEST Update, THE BLONDE PHANTOM Searching For Showrunner, SCARLET WITCH's Return
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MCU Rumor Roundup: VISION QUEST Update, THE BLONDE PHANTOM Searching For Showrunner, SCARLET WITCH's Return

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Scarilian - 6/16/2024, 12:21 PM
The less content the better:
• Focuses the story by reducing superfluous narratives
• Allows the audience a break from Superhero content so each piece that does release feels like an event
• Helps to clarify which characters are important moving forward

I'd rather we just focus on securing some high quality films, whether that requires them to do a full reboot before that happens or not.
Evansly - 6/16/2024, 12:21 PM
1, 3 and 5 should be handled in movies. If anything I think Young Avenger setup should be done in shows
SonOfAGif - 6/16/2024, 2:44 PM
@Evansly - Ms. Marvel season 2 should be about her recruiting the Young Avengers. The villain could be Iron Lad and he could be a Kang Variant which the TVA is trying to prune and the Young Avengers keep coming into conflict with the TVA and Fury, Captain Marvel, and Wong play supporting roles trying to figure who the TVA are and why do they want Iron Lad. And the season should end with Cassie explaining to the team about Kang and Fury and Wong discuss the concept of Incursions and a Multiversal War.
Origame - 6/16/2024, 12:23 PM
Yes, because echo did such a wonderful job showing us what spotlight could do. What, with it being about as violent as comparable shows like secret invasion and still requiring context from both daredevil and hawkeye.
bobevanz - 6/16/2024, 12:32 PM
That's cool and all, but I think this is a bigger story https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2024/06/box-office-inside-out-2-1235973432/amp/
100 day theatrical window is going to give this legs, [frick] digital releases muahaha
Evansly - 6/16/2024, 1:11 PM
@bobevanz - I'm waiting for it to start now
Skestra - 6/16/2024, 12:57 PM
I would green light "Squirrel Girl" if it means we finally get Milana Vayntrub in the costume.
S8R8M - 6/16/2024, 1:07 PM
@Skestra - I remember years ago, Edgar Wright endorsed the idea of Anna Kendrick playing SG.
Izaizaiza - 6/16/2024, 1:26 PM
@Skestra - Sadly, she and Anna Kendrick are way to old now. Still, even if not in a show, still wouldn't mind seeing her in the costume 🤔
DocSpock - 6/16/2024, 1:11 PM

They will never get Pratt to step backwards to a D+ TV show, especially because most are just bad. They will figure out how to buddy him up with one of their front-line heroes or groups soon enough.

Izaizaiza - 6/16/2024, 1:27 PM
I would love to see more street level stories like Echo. I'm way more interested in seeing characters like Wolverine, punisher and even the Hulk dealt with in street level stories. I give Echo a solid 4 out of five stars. Great show. Sadly, the last episode was rushed.
ModHaterSLADE - 6/16/2024, 1:28 PM
Nova is a space cop that interacts with powerful universal threats on the regular, feels like the character would be too big for a spotlight project. I'd rather see Punisher, Luke Cage, or Ghost Rider get this treatment.
Sabre81 - 6/16/2024, 2:40 PM
@DravenCorvis - Josh has no standards and just reposting his old crap! Thank you for pointing this out and I can see the word-for-word copy/paste job that hack @JoshWilding does. Not even the first time in the past few days as he did the same with a World War Hulk article.

Didn't even discuss the rebranded marvel Television banner instead of being under Spotlight.
DravenCorvis - 6/16/2024, 3:04 PM
@Sabre81 - I do this when I can after he counted me pointing out errors in his writing as trolling.

Was me that pointed out the Hulk one as well.

Very easy to find (always within 2 pages of the search).
Sabre81 - 6/16/2024, 4:01 PM
@DravenCorvis - Oh was that you as well! Sorry, didn't catch on. Yeah, I've had a go at him quite a few times about not proof reading, spelling names incorrectly etc. He has no leg to stand on!
DravenCorvis - 6/16/2024, 4:02 PM
@Sabre81 - No worries.
MCUKnight11 - 6/16/2024, 1:58 PM
Blue marvel, Machine man, miracle man.
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Batmangina - 6/16/2024, 1:59 PM
D Lister and DEI Qualified? YOU get a show..and YOU get a show! YOU get a show!!!!! YOU ALL get shows!!!

marvel72 - 6/16/2024, 2:30 PM
Apart from Squirrel Girl, Disney Marvel should have gone with this list over Echo and Wonderman.
gambgel - 6/16/2024, 2:39 PM
Hell no to Starlod.
I feel like Ive seen enough of him.

Do some X-Men spotlights instead. Something FRESH
Blergh - 6/16/2024, 3:37 PM
Rather than doing multi-episode shows I would have preferred Marvel to do some more specials in the vein of Werewolf by Night to put the focus on heroes not yet established in the MCU.

Two “specials” a year in the vein of TV movies of the 90s, kind of movies but only on a smaller scale than theatrical releases. Shows are a great idea for long form stories but some of these stories didn’t need to be shows and could have been direct to streaming movies.

Just movies with lower budgets, not everything needs to be a show
dragon316 - 6/16/2024, 4:07 PM
Regardless how sheena she devil pretty sure all fans will love that show men for sheena women for kazzar only watch for skimpy clothing as some will say
KennKathleen - 6/16/2024, 9:19 PM
I never read or saw much of Deathlock in live action. However, I believe there's an interesting B story in the inevitable return of Ultron!!!

Imagine Deathlock being reanimated, unreluctatly serving the will of the vile, calculated, supercomputer, while visiting flashbacks of before and during his time as a soldier.

I think we would need a character who is so loveable in the beginning, so much so that he has a comrades, and a wife/family that'd stop at nothing to safely end his killing spree, while hoping they can help restore what little humanity remains...
🪙 🪙

My pick for Deathlock:

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LukeCage2155 - 6/16/2024, 10:50 PM
I hope we see Blue Marvel in the MCU one day.
NathanielX - 6/16/2024, 11:31 PM
ABC/MCU we're handling the Universe better I think

Movies :Avengers + Guardians
Netflix Marvel Knights/Defenders
Hulu: Ghost Rider/ Hellstorm
Mrtoke - 6/17/2024, 12:05 AM
none because they'll all be trash...except for punisher.
Lhornbk - 6/17/2024, 10:57 AM
Punisher-yes. The rest of these ideas are just stupid. Star Lord should stay in movies, the rest aren't really needed at all. And while we're at it, Wonder Man isn't really needed either.
KennKathleen - 6/17/2024, 12:11 PM
@Lhornbk - right. Let's bring in a murderous cop. That'll be just what this society will embrace...

At this point, none of this 💩 is needed. However some stories may appeal to the masses much more than others. I just want to be blown away by SOLID STORIES.

That could be done with Speedball, Spider🐽Ham, and 3D Man. If Written well, they could literally become A-list Characters in a matter of hours.

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