Where does the time go these days, anyways? We somehow are a day late for Star Trek Day! How did we possibly manage to miss such an important and prestigious day in the land of fandom? We may be SuperHeroStuff.Com, but we sometimes use the term loosely. We often place Picard and Kirk on the same level as Batman or Professor X, yet they have no true super powers. Well, Kirk kind of has a super power with the xeno-ladies, and Picard got to party on as a Borg for a spell, so we suppose that could be considered super power. The Federation is just an extension of the Green Lantern Corps, isn't it? Man, now I'm really starting to blur the lines here so let's get back on task, shall we? Despite our most egregious error in memory skills, we now humbly present some of our crazy, generation-spanning Star Trek merchandise! It is a day late, but to the true fan, everyday is Star Trek day!
So the first salvo is your standard issue fare these days, at least from us! Magical t-shirts that seem to somehow convey a sense of dedication that can only come from wearing a high quality shirt imprinted wit...with something you love! That kind of dead-ended on me so just feast your pretty little eyes on these delectable pieces of ocular candy. Some of our best sellers are the different 'jobs' there on the good ol' Enterprise. Fancy yourself a captain? Well, get a yellow Command t-shirt! A member/ former member of the school science team; here is some bluecoat action for you! Every good Away Team always needs a martyr, and nothing screams scapegoat then a 'red shirt'! If you aren't too terribly serious about officer ship, you could always go with the immortal scream 'heard around the universe. We are sure there is some place in the galaxy where the airwaves of "KHAAAAAAN" have yet to travel. That phrase is actually the only thing capable of escaping the event horizon of a black hole, true story. Ooooh, look at this Junk Food Montage shirt! It looks so classic one could mistake it for something from the 70s. Not like anything could possibly hold up in this condition that long, but a little musing never hurt anybody. You could also know your Spock or fill out a questionnaire regarding Comrade McCoy. The options are endless!
We got some really random stuff here at SuperHeroStuff.Com and we love to show them off for you guys. Buttons, Travel Mugs, Keyboards, and Action Figures? Way too much in one chunk for you guys? Well, just take a deep breath and do whatever it is first pops into your head. NO, not that, we were talking about the merchandise! Such dirty little minds you guys have, I tell you. So, if you guys see anything that captures your attention, do what Picard is ever so fond of saying, 'MAKE IT SO!'. Remember, happy belated Star Trek Day! What is the Star Date, anyways?