Ohhhhh, lookie what we have here, my little pretties! New DC Stuff! It's so nice! Not only is it new, but it took me out on a date, bought me a drink, and took me to a movie. Now that's classy. DC has really been stepping it up as of late, haven't they? The Blackest Night and Brightest Day really got the fire lit for the rest of us! I once heard somebody refer to the DC Universe lately as 'too epic.' TOO EPIC? Is there such a thing? I think not, and considering how much Green Lantern and Night/Day stuff has been passing through our gates you guys can't get enough of it. So, without beating around the bush any longer, we proudly present some of our brand new DC Shirts! Sorry, Marvel dudes, your chance will come sooner or later!
So, of course, I've already mentioned the Blackest Night, and we got a bunch of shirts to go along with this. Black Lantern Hal Jordan; that guy never catches a break. This shirt is awesome because it combines the familiar Green Lantern symbol with the Black Hand of the Black Lanterns. How deep! Speaking of mixed symbols, how about the Flash as a member of the Blue Lanterns? Hope always has been fast to act. How about one of the Blackest Night Covers? Now that is impressive! Poor Green Lantern surrounded by all of those undead. Hail to the King, Baby!
SHAAAAZAAAAM! Captain Marvel has a very strange relationship with the DC Universe. Is he stronger or weaker then Superman? This is something for you people to discuss, not me! Black Adam has picked up quite a few fans recently. I guess if you are a dictator of your own country and have taken up an anti-hero persona from time to time, you get some love. If you've seen that DC Online trailer, Black Adam was laying the law down (and most people don’t even know who he is!). Shazam is not their names, it is actually an acronym to summon forth their mighty powers. Captain Marvel and Black Adam, destined to beat the snot out of each other next to Lex Luthor and Superman and Batman with the Joker. Arch villains are so much fun!
Bringing up the trail end of this article are some rather…strange shirts. Well, the one is slightly off and the other two have some similarities, but they should all be mentioned! Our 'similar' ones are both silhouette shirts. The Green Lantern and the Flash both have their very own type! Who needs detail when the very outline of your presence is enough to grant recognition? Now that is truly reaching the upper echelons of superhero-dom (I'm taking a page from Sarah Palin's book and just inventing words from now on). Of course I've saved the very 'best' for last with our INSANE Krypto t-shirt. I know, I know, you guys are probably like, "Wasn't Krypto like, the Scrappy-Do of DC?" Well he may have been but he's mean as hell on this shirt. He's like Cujo but all 'roided out. Either that or you took his bone and he's about to take one of yours.