More STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Tie-In Novel Revelations May Hint At Leia's EPISODE IX Fate
Following that Mara Jade tease, some more details from the Star Wars: The Last Jedi novelization have found their way online, and there are some (potentially) huge revelations. Possible SPOILERS ahead...
The official Star Wars: The Last Jedi novel doesn't hit stores until March 6, but some fans have managed to get their hands on copies a little early, and have spilled the juicy info online.
Most of the character-related stuff is pretty vague, and really only offers hints and suggestions as opposed to solid confirmation - but there are still some very interesting details relating to Luke, Snoke and Leia that help flesh out their roles in the movie, and may also give us some idea of what we can expect to see in Episode IX.
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Rey And Kylo Sitting In A Tree...
The movie already makes it clear that Kylo Ren has complicated feelings about Rey, but there's a hint in the novel that the former Ben Solo may actually be in love with his light-side counterpart and wants her as more than just an ally. Could this factor into their dynamic in Episode IX?
More On Snoke
It doesn't look like we'll be finding out a whole lot about Snoke's mysterious backstory, but apparently the novel does confirm that the extremely powerful force-wielder gained his unprecedented abilities by learning of "hidden Force powers in the Unknown Regions." There's also a suggestion that he wanted Rey to become his new apprentice, which actually contradicts what happens in the film.
Luke Hears a Familiar Voice Just Before He Dies
In the novel, just before Luke becomes one with the force he hears a voice telling him to "let go." Though it's not made clear, this is presumably his old mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi. There's also a similarly-tear-inducing moment between Leia and Chewie on The Falcon right at the end.
Yes, Luke Knew He Would Die After Confronting Kylo
Though the movie strongly implies this anyway, the novel reportedly makes it very clear: Luke knew he wouldn't survive force-projecting himself all the way to Crait in an effort to save wat remained of The Resistance, and fully intended it to be his final act.
Leia May Not Have Survived Being Sucked Into Space After All
Or at least, she may not survive the long-lasting effects of it. Apparently, the novel reveals that The Resistance General actually contracted solar radiation and hypoxia after her little Mary Poppins trick, which could be used to explain the character's absence in Episode IX.