Inspired by the spirit of the 80's films and music, BLOOD MACHINES is a 30-minutes science-fiction short film written and directed by Seth Ickerman, scored by the synthwave artist Carpenter Brut. BLOOD MACHINES is the sequel of the music video TURBO KILLER, their first collaboration.
Producing such an ambitious short today is almost impossible based on the music and film industries' standards. As synthwave is labelled as a fringe retro movement, it's complicated to raise funding from traditional sources. The industry starts to understand the revival of the 80's but they want to see big names attached (such as actors) and we remain young directors.
That's why Kickstarter is the best way to get people interested and involved in BLOOD MACHINES. It's the direct link between the filmmaking process and those who might be interested in participating.
That's why we need your support as you have the power to change this. Sometimes we feel alone in our garage but we know you are around, sharing like us an intense love for the 80's!
David Sandberg (Kung Fury) is going to co-produce the film.
(News on Kung Fury 2 coming soon......)