V, originally beginning as two miniseries: one in 1983 eponymously titled and then a sequel the following year V: The Final Battle, the franchise then went to series for what was a one season cult science fiction show on NBC. The story of V details the arrival of a seemingly benevolent race of aliens to our planet seeking to intergrate and improve our society who prove in actuality to be reptillian carnivores intent on dominating the globe and our species.
It has now been revealed that Desilu Studios have plans to produce a new big budget cinematic trilogy of this story which will be written and directed by the original creator and television legend Kenneth Johnson. It was also reported that John Hernansen (Gray Matters) and Barry Opper (Critters) will help produce the film alongside him.
Speaking about the upcoming project Johnson said:
"We are delighted to team up with Desilu to bring the timeless - and timely - story of resistance against tyranny into the 21st Century... V will be the first of a cinematic trilogy which will tell the full epic tale in the manner I always envisioned."
This isn't the first time that V has been revamped for the modern era, with a 2009 series starring Firefly and Deadpool actress Morina Baccarin and Smallville's Supergirl Lara Vandervoot which ran for two season, this will however be the first cinematic outing for the franchise and the first time that Johnson has worked on a project for the silver screen.
There is no word yet on how far along the project is or when we can expect to see it released.
What do you think? Are you looking forward to seeing a trilogy around this property? Are you a fan of either the 1980's of 2009 interpretations? Leave your comments below.