Predators Set Pics

Predators Set Pics

These sneaky shots from the set of Nimrod Antal's new Predators have found their way online. I don't expect them to stay up long so check em out quick. They are pretty awesome...

By MarkCassidy - Jan 16, 2010 08:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi
Source: AVPGalaxy

You see Topher Grace there splattered with blood? There's also Adrian Brody, Alice Braga, Walton Goggins, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, Oleg Taktarov and Director Nimrod Antal.
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Spilox - 1/16/2010, 8:22 AM
Nice find @ror
UberGeek - 1/16/2010, 8:23 AM
Looking bad ass - seems to be keeping to the style of the original, and that can only be a good thing.

@teabag ...that pic...disturbed...forever!
chasesuperremey - 1/16/2010, 8:34 AM
Love that they are going to do a better one then the crap they have been doing.
GUNSMITH - 1/16/2010, 8:38 AM

MetalHead - 1/16/2010, 8:44 AM
Walton Goggins is an awesome actor.
StrangerX - 1/16/2010, 8:48 AM
Looks like its going back to the hardcore look of the first movie
StephenStrange - 1/16/2010, 8:55 AM
Lookin good so far!
Hawksblueyes - 1/16/2010, 9:01 AM
Great find Ror. Cool pics.
imnotwearinghockeypants - 1/16/2010, 9:03 AM
Goddamn this film had better be good. Goddamn.
TNTjesus - 1/16/2010, 9:04 AM
Awesome find dude! I got high hopes for this movie given the cast.

@GUN...stop lying dammit! That woman is butch at best. Besides, the predators would kill her anyway because they thougtht she was a man.
Hawksblueyes - 1/16/2010, 9:15 AM
TNT: Well I think shes one good looking butch.
Imran - 1/16/2010, 9:29 AM
The guy with best name ever from The 4400 is in it. Cool!
InFamouslyCool - 1/16/2010, 9:45 AM
another uninteresting movie.
MarkCassidy - 1/16/2010, 9:57 AM
Go away Logan X

I wouldn't say Rodrieguez was ugly..certainly not gorgeous, she does have a few good..assets:) Can't act worth a damn though.

Yeah i really hope this gets back on track. With that cast its hard to imagine it being anywhere as bad as the AVP movies anyway. I'm optimistic.

StephenStrange - 1/16/2010, 10:13 AM
@ Ror: I concur about AVP. It just blows my mind how BIG of a FAIL that really was. It's such a grandiose idea with just mountains of potential for coolness. And with budgets like that? omg...
TheBumblingIdiot - 1/16/2010, 10:29 AM
nice find dude nice love it
MarkCassidy - 1/16/2010, 10:34 AM
I know, shocking. The first one wasn't a complete waste..I mean the Aline/Predator fights were pretty cool..just a shame thats all that was good about it. The next one was just a joke. They should have either made them just about the Preds and Aliens or had human characters that you actually gave a [frick] about. Basically following the comics storylines would have solved the problems.
Niem8211 - 1/16/2010, 10:51 AM
@Logan X --- how can a guy in a 78 pound suit do bad acting???

This movie is going to kick much ASS!!!!
MarkCassidy - 1/16/2010, 10:53 AM
That was Logan X's attempt at sarcasm because he thinks that good/bad acting doesn't matter in a movie, and whenever any of us bring up acting caliber, his mind short circuits and he calls us names. He's a very silly boy.
Spock - 1/16/2010, 10:58 AM
These looks pretty good. The 1st AVP wasn't that bad, the 2nd should've been in space for shore. Finally getting of the Rock!
Betty - 1/16/2010, 11:00 AM
I hope it kicks ass. It's going to have to win me back though. Predators and aliens are dead to me, just like Star Wars.
Niem8211 - 1/16/2010, 11:01 AM
Ya he sounds a little bit like Super Mike... Thank god that guy doesnt write on walls anymore...
luffycapri - 1/16/2010, 11:16 AM
wow theres going to be more than one.

ManOfIron - 1/16/2010, 12:34 PM
Is it me, or do those Predators look.... either puny or disproportionate? they just look weird.
On a side note, i kinda (not really but sorta) wanted a different look to them. maybe BIGGER!!! like huge! like the Avatars (maybe a little shorter) but more monstrous. idk they just look a little weird.
InSpace - 1/16/2010, 12:52 PM
Dont Really Like how the Predators look,They're heads look too big.

But it still looks BADASS.Warming up to Brody.
DogsOfWar - 1/16/2010, 12:55 PM
this is why AVP 3 didn't get made. Back to the writing table!

@ManOfIron-they will definitely look bigger in the movie with proper camera angles and all that good hollywood magic
DogsOfWar - 1/16/2010, 1:15 PM
Wait, what predator are we talking about?
DogsOfWar - 1/16/2010, 1:22 PM
Its all about being in touch with your inner child
birdmanband - 1/16/2010, 1:28 PM
@tea man you are crazy, Michelle Rodriguez is fine as hell lol, she can get it for real lol
DogsOfWar - 1/16/2010, 1:31 PM
Michelle Rodriguez is like sushi

You either love it or hate it-no middle ground

Interestingly enough they both smell the same!
LEEE777 - 1/16/2010, 1:33 PM
Good stuff, looking forward to PREDATORS!!

Lol on the PICS! : D
InTylerWeTrust - 1/16/2010, 1:37 PM
Michelle Rodriguez isn't attractive to me and sucks as an actress. That's all I have to say on the matter :)
DogsOfWar - 1/16/2010, 1:38 PM
Michelle will be a Predator in this movie

@tea-how's this for a boob pic? try & calm yourself
Macksimus - 1/16/2010, 2:57 PM
I don't really like the way the sets are looking.

Hopefully, they'll look better in the movie.
blockhead - 1/16/2010, 3:14 PM
i love the tone of backgrounds less sleek and smooth like the previous two and more gritty and junglelike like the original movie. I still hate the cast and i think im going to be bored of the movie the entire time they are on screen. The original cast was interesting these guys just look like expendable characters to be killed off, i freaking hate that.

Why do predators need masks on their homeplanet. And the predators look tiny. I guess to make Adrian Brody look tougher, couldnt of just got a bigger lead actor?
thatiscrazy - 1/16/2010, 5:02 PM
The First AVP was AWFUL heres why

“The predators only come in the hottest years” First 2 predator movies established this, Predators are reptilian and don’t like cold weather. AVP was in cold weather.

Predators enslaved humans and made them build pyramids WTF? That is so cliché’ Its been established that they are only interested in hunting them…. Not managing them. Aliens and pyramids have been over done.

Incubation time of the aliens in this film was only about two minutes in this films continuity. The first alieans was atleast 24hrs in the films continuity.

This move wasted the the awesome story line of Machiko Naguchi the only human who the predators allowed into there culture. This predator made a shield and spear and buddied up with sanaa latham…. That would never have happened. Even if she killed an aliean. Then he buddies up and helps her? WTF?

The predators armor and weapons in this movie couldn’t with stand the alieans blood. They acted as if they didn’t know this in the movie. If predators had been hunting them for thousands of years. They would have know that there weapons are usless. (bad continuity) It made all of the weapons usless.

The predator takes off his mask and lets a face hugger get on him? I guess that could be a “rookie Mistake”

The predators shoulder cannon didn’t move with his head as it did in the predators movie. So if the look to the left it would have blown off there face.

The first two predators died pretty much instantly, they served no purpose and contributed nothing to the story. There should have only had one predator.

There was a tree branch in side a 10,000 year old pyramid buried under the arctic. It was just leaning up against the wall. Its what he made the spear out of lol. No to mention I believe the acid blood conveniently didn’t melt the blade in this scene.

At the end of the movie when Sanaa lathan and her new friend Predator number 3 are running side by side as the pyrymid is about to blow up. The Predator couldn’t keep up with her, she was out running him lol. A predator would have just left her. Danny Glover couldn’t keep up with the one in P2 with a car.

At the end when the predators pick up his dead boddy lol 4 SHORT preds walk up to the body emty handed, they squat down. The camera goes away for a split second. When it comes back the have him on a stretcher. Its really quite amazing. WHERE DID IT COME FROM? LOL

They already used the REAL Wyland in Aliens 3… How many times can that be used as a plot device lol

And the BIGGEST peace of crap in this movie is the fact that none of the Predators checked to see if the body was infected lol. In P2 the predator sees the baby in the woman’s stomach. This would have been the same… They’re also was a Elder they… If they had been hunting aliens for centuries and Capturing queens for training rituals…. You mean to tell me that they wouldn’t have checked to see if there was a parasite… PLEASE, WTF is that crap. I’m glad all of the predators on that ship died.

I could go on for ever on why this movie (AVP) sucks; this is about a third of it.

AVP2 redeemed the Predators and the Aliens even though the acting was terrible. Any time people weren’t talking, this movie was [frick]ing AWSOME!!! And I give the directors credit for keeping it authentic as possible after that first peace of crap, But what do you expect. Fox ruins evey Franchise that it touches.
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