Will the Real Captain Kirk Please Stand Up

Will the Real Captain Kirk Please Stand Up

William Shatner, perhaps forever associated with the character that he made famous, James T. Kirk, Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, talks about J.J. Abrams' STAR TREK relaunch and the possible return of the original Kirk!

By bsprecher - Apr 25, 2009 07:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Trek

William Shatner has portrayed the character of James T. Kirk, Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, on television and in film for over thirty years and even voiced the character in a short-lived animated series. However, with J.J. Abrams' relaunch of the franchise just around the corner, a whole new generation of fans are going to experience Star Trek with newcomer Chris Pine in the captain's seat.

Though he won't be appearing in the film, Shatner has high hopes that the film will be successful, opening up the door for the original Kirk to live again. In a recent interview, Shatner said:

"[You] just know [Star Trek is] going to be wonderful because J.J. Abrams is such a good moviemaker. I just regret that I'm not a part of it. But if it's successful, then maybe there will be a call."

Star Trek opens May 8, 2009!

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skytat - 4/25/2009, 7:42 PM
This movie looks like its going to be real good. I hope it is not just a bunch of good trailers.
skytat - 4/25/2009, 7:46 PM
Pass the torch Shatner!
Superman4 - 4/25/2009, 8:40 PM
He needs to let the roll go. He is Kirk but he's to old to play the action hero anymore.
TheStranger - 4/25/2009, 9:04 PM
BS man Chris Pine looks like some 16 year old punk kid beside Shat.
CrookedJaw - 4/25/2009, 9:13 PM
Shatner is too old and does need to let it go, and I think Pine looks fine, old enough, and will do a good job
divo - 4/25/2009, 10:05 PM
Im sure he has let the roll go. I think what he is trying to say is that he just wanted to be a part of the film. Not play captain kirk.
stupify_me - 4/25/2009, 10:39 PM
I really hope not. God I would hate to ever see him on the big screen again the guy is a horrible actor. This film looks good it would completely taint the next one if Shatner was in it. We actually have a good cast with good actors lets not let that get ruined.
GUNSMITH - 4/25/2009, 11:10 PM
stupify_me - 4/26/2009, 12:19 AM
And maybe give him acting lessons.
tjdr59 - 4/26/2009, 12:20 AM
Im sure he has let the roll go. I think what he is trying to say is that he just wanted to be a part of the film. Not just play captain kirk. I couldn't believe they'd ask Nimoy to be in the movie and not even mention it to shatner. It was a real obvious slight towards shatner. I'm surprised the so-called Star Trek fans don't even want the original Kirk in the movie. If anything it would just be a [frick]ing cameo anyway.
Bijous - 4/26/2009, 12:31 AM
I know it's hard to see someone else in the role, but we need a new, fresh Trek to keep the franchise rolling. I think it sucks that they didn't ask Shatner to do a cameo. It's probably Nimoy's fault. He's a known Shatner-hater, even though they act all chummy for the press.

Shatner rules! He's the only celebrity mentioned in Fight Club!
bsprecher - 4/26/2009, 12:35 AM
Shatner's the man! Despite all of the rips on his over-acting (often imitated, never duplicated), and all of the rips on his trippy spoken wordish album, he's probably the most successful salesman in the world. What has he sold? Shatner! He's surpassed his comparison to Kirk and become himself: William Shatner is a character!
NataliaRomanov - 4/26/2009, 12:43 AM
I used to watch the old ST with my pops, so I'm partial to William's hunky charisma! ;)
lilej2 - 4/26/2009, 2:00 AM
wow,you guys seriously don't like Shatner for what? you have no real reason to hate Shatner,and how do you let Nimoy in and shun Shatner? thats completely stupid,thats like basing Batman Beyond around Robin and not even mentioning the original Batman
stupify_me - 4/26/2009, 3:33 AM
No real reason to hate Shatner? He is one of the worst actors to ever be a television success in fact probably the worst actor to ever be a success. The guy isn't just bad he literally has zero talent. The only reason any of you like him is... hell I can't even figure that out. He isn't talented at all. Even out side of trek he has been a black hole of talent the guy is so bad he makes other actors look bad he sucks their talent away simply by them being in something with him. They let Nimoy in because he is at least average at acting and kept Shatner out because they wanted to make a good film with talent.
InSpace - 4/26/2009, 4:18 AM
I know this has nothing to do with anything,but I hope that after the movie they make a new live-action TV series to coincide with the film.That takes place during the new film's methology and they could remake classic storylines.I really want to imerse myself into the Star Trek phenomenon,The classic show is too old for me.
answer - 4/26/2009, 6:58 AM
The reason The Shat is isn't in this film is because the 'old' Kirk is dead.

Also Bill Shatner is Awesome!!!

He absolutley does have talent but just as he has been type cast and mocked so much a lot of people cant get by that image people have of him.

Also 'Has Been' is one of the best albums ever. everysong is just amazing.
MarkCassidy - 4/26/2009, 7:17 AM
Shatner is a very good actor. Stupifyme did he piss in your cornflakes or [frick] your GF or something? Fair enough if you dont like the guy but your nuts if you really think he has absolutely no talent. And Nimoy is "average at acting"?..dude have you ever even watched the old Star Trek? The man is amazing as Spock for Christs sake!
SpiderBat209 - 4/26/2009, 9:25 AM
All you nay-sayers can't knock him for being a lousy actor; What have you all acted in lately? Hmmm? Thought so. :P

He's right up there with Bruce Campbell and Johnny Depp in my book. The man's a Movie Icon/Hero! Shatner RULES. :)
GUNSMITH - 4/26/2009, 9:36 AM
stupify_me - 4/26/2009, 9:43 AM
Rorschach I will apologize I messed up on what I was saying about Nimoy it came out the wrong way. I was trying to say Nimoy is at least average wasn't trying to say he was average just setting a minimum standard and saying that Nimoy fits it. Nimoy is a good actor I think you over hyped him a little bit, but still very talented. However, Shatner very much is not. Shatner is one of the worst actors I've seen in film in the last 40 years. Most B movie stars are better.
SdProphet - 4/26/2009, 11:22 AM
Well the thing with shatner and a lot of older actors is that its hard to make a noticable transaction from acting in the 70's and earlier to acting in a modern day flick....watch some old school james bond and ask sean connery to make a spot in quantom of solace or casino royale, he would have gave you the middle finger and said no thanks. ITS WAYYYYY DIFERENTTT now shatner being a good or not actor, im sure he was good in his prime, but i do hate his commercials /=
SlurpeeGuy - 4/26/2009, 1:18 PM
They did four TV shows with different crews. Why can't they let Kirk go and make Star Trek movies a generation or two later? Kirk=Shatner!
LEEE777 - 4/26/2009, 1:22 PM
I was never much of a TREK fan though ive seen 'em on tv, and i do own quite a few of the movies on DVD, so i can't wait to see the new one! As for SHAT being KIRK again? Why not??? I reckon it'll be cool! Either have KIRK meet his future self, or have him age rappidly or meet KIRK from another Universe, though i kinda like meeting an teaming up with his future self! How cool would that be in the next episode of the new movies, an a nice nod to everyone, fans and originals and everything!!! Plus it would be friggin' Awesome!!! Everyone would love to see that? Come on!!! ; )
tjdr59 - 4/26/2009, 4:11 PM

Last I checked spock had died as well. Hell all the characters have died at one point or another. Plus, If rumors are true, the only reason Spock shows up is through time travel...so anything is possible.
2leftarms - 4/26/2009, 5:39 PM
All the actors in the new movie - Quinto, Pine, Pegg - are giving me completely different auras from the original cast. Not sure if I should be angry about it or not. To be honest, I'm a little curious to see what it would be like for Kirk to be a douchebag or for Spock to lose his temper.

And by the way, why can't anyone seem to spell "role" correctly?
bsprecher - 4/26/2009, 11:33 PM
I have to disagree with the Shatner naysayers. The guy is a genius! Yes, he over-acts! But, that's because he comes from a stage background. Yes, little known fact, Shatner used to tour the country with a Shakespeare troupe before he ever donned the yellow Captain's shirt.

Another little known fact...nearly every early episode of Star Trek was partially co-written by Shatner, with many of the most memorable scenes coming out of his improvs and re-writes. Yes, he cut scenes of other actors to give himself more screen time, and yes, he changed scenes intended for other characters to feature Kirk instead (this is all from his two autobiographies, which are awesome, by the way), but that's because he is a professional. When you're on a low-budget, likely flop of a show, you do whatever you need to do to rise to the top and be a success. Shatner has become a culture icon. Not Captain Kirk, but Shatner! That's something that few other actors have ever been able to accomplish. Kudos, Bill!

Now, about Captain Kirk being replaced...

How would all of you Star Wars fans feel if Lucas put out a Star Wars: A New Hope prequel that had a teeny bopper actor like Freddy Prinze Jr. playing young Han Solo? Think about it...
SpectraLLanterN - 4/27/2009, 3:49 AM
I too was brought into the Star Trek universe through the joyous endeavor of sharing time with my pops, whom now shares some sort of psychological "mind meld" linkage mish-mash inside my head, with the swashbuckler that is known as Kirk. Shatner's acting talent should be impugnable, though not for everyone. If anything, the guy has too much ego to ever be reigned in, which is the foremost qualification seemingly analagous to true artistry. Yes, he is too big for most roles, but "Kirk" was just the perfect storm scenario, and if it hadn't been I'm sure Shats would've "Kobiashi Marued" it somehow...just my sepia toned,fondly recollected opinion...
comicb00kguy - 4/27/2009, 7:25 AM
If Shatner was such a "horrible actor", how then has Captain James T. Kirk become one of the most iconic characters in television history? You can stop any 100 average people on the street, and I'll bet you almost all of them will know who Kirk is. Kirk has been referenced in numerous songs, tv shows, and movies over the years. You don't become an icon like that without doing something right. I might remind all of the Kirk naysayers that without Shatner, there never would have been a Next Gen, a Deep Space Nine, a Voyager, an Enterprise, and this new movie coming out soon. It was the enduring success in syndication of the original Star Trek that made all those other shows and characters possible. And it was the enduring appeal of Captain James T. Kirk as portrayed by Shatner that played a key role in that show's success.

and sorry to run so long, but Brent, your example of replacing Han Solo with a teenybopper actor is brilliance. Let's take that further and ask how would Star Wars fans feel if Lucas "rebooted" the whole franchise and threw out 32 years of canon for the Star Wars universe? And if he gave the directing reins to a guy who never liked Star Wars and wanted to do Trek instead? Think about that.
Bijous - 4/27/2009, 8:20 AM
@SpectraLLanterN: Very well put my friend. If you go to IMDB.com, the Shat has an incredible body of film and television work under his belt:


@comicb00kguy: Yes, and yes! I totally agree!
NataliaRomanov - 4/27/2009, 8:42 AM
Knowing Lucas he pro'ly will remake the movies anyway.
Scorpioxfactor - 4/27/2009, 10:26 AM
Bring back KIRK!!!!(Shatner Version) Nuff Said!!
stupify_me - 4/27/2009, 11:13 AM
Brent Sprecher I'm sorry, but Over acting is not what I would call what Shatner does mostly because the term acting is i there it's sort of an insult to actors. Don't use a stage background as an excuse. First of all that is not how stage actors perform that is something entirely different and second lot and I mean lots of other actors have a stage background and have managed to not look like an idiot on screen.
Bijous - 4/27/2009, 2:01 PM
@stupify_me: I hear you, but...

@Brent: I get what you mean about his exaggerated movements and soft-loud-soft manner of speech. Many stage actors use similar techniques.

I digs me some Shatner!
bsprecher - 4/27/2009, 2:15 PM
To quote myself:

"When time travel is a plot device, anything is possible. Heck, they could use Shatner as Kirk from any point in history before he croked. Or, they could do what they're doing in Terminator Salvation with Schwarzenegger and just CGI in some footage of young or middle-aged Shatner's Kirk."
Kalabog - 4/28/2009, 2:42 AM
Personally I like Shatner as Kirk despite of the so called over acting. In fact I never noticed it back then, because hes acting is what is needed for Kirk's over the top bravado which actually complements Spock's cerebral persona which defines Star Trek series of the past.

As for J.J. Abrams movie. So far based on the trailers he's done an outstanding job and made the present generation interested on the franchise once again. Isn't that a good thing?

And finally for Shatner not being in the movie I believe its for creative and storyline purposes and I'm hoping their keeping he's cameo for the next sequel.
Macksimus - 5/2/2009, 3:31 PM
I'm sure there will be a big time hint to the sequel involving the future Kirk (Shatner).
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