Jack Reynor's Agent Calls STAR WARS VII Rumors "Untrue"
Few days ago, Harry Knowles of Harry Knowles of Ain't It Cool News claimed that sources had informed him that Transformers: Age of Extinction star Jack Reynor had landed a Star Wars VII role.
Jack Reynor's agent has informed the Independent Ireland that his 22-year-old client has not landed a role in Star Wars VII.
"There is no truth in that -- Jack is not taking on a role in the latest Star Wars film. He has not been approached about a role and there has been no discussion. The rumours started online, but there is no foundation to them."
Remember when denials used to mean something? Now actors and directors simply deny deny deny, even if is later revealed that they were lying and the "rumors" were actually fact. Guess that's the state of things in the entertainment world. So, either you accept what the agent has to say on the matter or you believe Harry. I tend to believe the agent as Harry hasn't landed a big scoop in a long time and I don't see an end to his dry spell coming any time soon.