STAR WARS EPISODE VII: Peter Mayhew Set To Return As 'Chewbacca'
There had been rumours after it was revealed that he'd dropped out of a convention appearance a little later this year, but reliable sources have now confirmed that Peter Mayhew is indeed set to once again suit up as Han Solo's loyal companion Chewbacca in Star Wars Episode VII. Check it out!
When it was revealed that Peter Mayhew had cancelled an upcoming appearance at Texas' Comicpalooza "due to filming", many fans assumed that it had to be Star Wars Episode VII related. Well, if you were one of them, give yourself a pat on the back! According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actor will indeed be returning as Chewbacca, the iconic partner to Harrison Ford's Han Solo. Along with the Indiana Jones star, Mayhew will be joined by Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, along with rumoured contenders Adam Driver and Lupita Nyong'o.