STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Novel Finally Sheds Some Light On Snoke's Origin And Ties To Luke Skywalker

STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Novel Finally Sheds Some Light On Snoke's Origin And Ties To Luke Skywalker

Many fans walked out of Star Wars: The Last Jedi frustrated that the sequel failed to shed any light on Supreme Leader Snoke's backstory but the newly released novelisation reportedly reveals much more.

By JoshWilding - Feb 28, 2018 01:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Source: Dark Side of the Force
Heading into Star Wars: The Last Jedi, it's fair to say we all expected to learn much more about Supreme Leader Snoke's origin story and how he's connected to characters like Luke Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine. Unfortunately, the movie did nothing to shed light on any of that and it's one of the biggest reasons why fans of the franchise walked out feeling dissatisfied with Rian Johnson's work.

However, a new report reveals that the upcoming novelisation (which Johnson actually contributed to) reveals some very interesting details about the character. Apparently, Snoke once connected with a younger Luke Skywalker who was in the process of searching for Jedi lore, something we know is the case after playing the Star Wars Battlefront II video game. It's not clear if this meeting took place in person or via the Force but it reportedly ended up giving Snoke a deep respect for the Jedi Master. 

Snoke, meanwhile, was a gifted Force user since a young age and used that to see his dark future, something which presumably turned him against Luke Skywalker (after all, seeing that someone is going to be your enemy down the line is going to make you hate them). This report also claims that Snoke was so powerful that he could conceal his existence from the Emperor and that he used his contingency plan - "Operation Cinder" - to take control of the Empire and make it The First Order.

The novelisation hits stores next week so we'll no doubt learn much more in the very near future. 
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Space - 2/28/2018, 1:45 AM
Hmm interesting...
mastakilla39 - 2/28/2018, 5:05 AM
@Space - i think these novels are as much canon as marvel one shot short films....which is not that much. if it is not on film i dont think any1 really considers it canon. this just sounds like fan fiction
Raptor2442 - 2/28/2018, 10:36 AM
@Space - what's interesting is what the Lucas writing team thinks of the OT and specifically Luke Skywalker. Pause it at 0:12 and look at the poster on the bottom left of the screen Luke has a red X on his face. Lovely ...
Raptor2442 - 2/28/2018, 10:37 AM
@Raptor2442 -
CaptainElrond - 2/28/2018, 1:48 AM
Kinda sounds like old dog joruus from the thrawn trilogy.

God i hated that guy.
KnifeWasTooSlow - 2/28/2018, 4:40 PM
@InfinityCipher - Alan Moore? jk
Doomsday8888 - 2/28/2018, 1:49 AM
Ehhh too little too late.

I know i don't.
CaptainElrond - 2/28/2018, 1:53 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Even if he was a character that met luke, couldnt he say something "i met luke skywalker longo ago, he and i..yadada" And then say "and that is why i should rule the galaxy" so he isnt telling her that for no reason.

AleSir19 - 2/28/2018, 2:49 AM
@InfinityCipher - The exposition didnt serve any purpose to The Last Jedi it does for the audience. But something i have learn in film school is that you should not and can not just "take out the curtain" and explain to the audience through exposition who this guy is. Because that would destroy the entire narrative of the film and it would be cliche, boring and bad done.

Snoke personality and way of acting is reveal easily in just 2 scenes in "The Last Jedi". He is an old guy, drunk in power and too arrogant who doesnt understand how human and fragile he truly is.

But again this is problem of "The Force Awakens, not The Last Jedi. The Original Trilogy did it, they never introduced "The Emperor", they never explained on screen who he was or where he came from, he was just a manipulative sadistic pig, who loved to play with everyones lifes and was so arrogant he belived he was immortal in a sense.

But that was just 1 Sequence in the last movie. 1 sequence and 1 scene is all we got in the Original Trilogy of the Emperor. But this is the 21 Century. Narrative evolve, the audience now wants more...

The Force Awakens should have explained more about Snoke and reveal more about his personality instead of just delivering a mistery box. When they knew Rian Johnson was planning to kill him...

But they didnt they just created an unnecesary plot hole which the audience believed for 2 years was plan and had a bigger purpose to the plot...
CaptainElrond - 2/28/2018, 2:52 AM
@AleSir19 - I disagree, i think a single line in the throne scene would have fixed that problem, but it may not have fixed the whole film per se.

Yes it would be a little bad, but i would build it up through small mentionings.
AleSir19 - 2/28/2018, 3:58 AM
@InfinityCipher - In "The Force Awakens" Snoke could had a scene training with Kylo and we could have seen how Snoke was maniplating him using againts him his daddy issues and Snoke like any old teacher could have used like an example an old anecdote of his own training and how he learn about the ways of the force and that bull shit...

But J.J. Abrams never did it, and in The Last Jedi there was no space or logic for that scene. That needed to be the introduction for the relationship of Snoke and Kylo in the first movie...

See even i can write a better story than J.J. Abrams it is just sad how he needs to put an unnecesary "mistery" to which he doesnt has the answer and he wont either try to explain in each movie he does
baldowl - 2/28/2018, 4:20 AM
@AleSir19 - Any chance they'll teach you how to write intelligibly in film school?
kylo0607 - 2/28/2018, 5:12 AM
@baldowl - Agree. Very poor grammar and writing for someone who is supposedly in film school and probs needs to write countless of courseworks on films...
AleSir19 - 2/28/2018, 6:25 AM
@baldowl - @kylo0607

I am not from North America calm down buddy. I am just saying something that is true:

J.J. Abrams has made clear he is a Producer and he knows how to direct and deliver the technical stuff. But he cant write a sentence without depending of the old sin of "What is in the box?"...

J.J. Abrams is the example of the regular filmmaker you find in Hollywood: The one who can produce and direct the technical stuff of a film but cant write and should never be in charge of the screenplay. TFA proves that... The film visually is solid, the tone is right and the rithm is just fast like hell never drags... But the story? The story is weak, boring and alredy seen.

Dont attack me just because my native language is spanish please i know what i am talking about...
ChangAlang - 2/28/2018, 1:52 AM
If only this could have been wedged in to the film somewhere...

Omitting one of the Rey \ Kylo scenes would’ve been a good choice🤷🏽‍♂️
AleSir19 - 2/28/2018, 2:53 AM
@ChangAlang - Those Scenes are integral to the plot of the trilogy you seriously would wanted a stupid exposition scene instead of seeing how Ben and Rey develop a great relationship that will pay off later on?

Audiences are just dumb. Snoke is no one he play his part to the plot. A part we never saw because the backstory is never shown. But his backstory isnt important, him playing with Kylo life and destiny was... and he pay the price...
CaptainElrond - 2/28/2018, 2:56 AM
@AleSir9 - The problem is we never saw the backstory to him. Also the audiences are dumb?, thats just arrogant, because im pretty sure these films are made for the audience, if the audience does not mind some exposition then keep it out. It wont hurt really hurt the story.
AleSir19 - 2/28/2018, 3:50 AM
@InfinityCipher - The problem is that this is the second act. That Exposition Scene needed to happen in "The Force Awakens" and it didnt. There is the issue. That is why audiences believed Snoke was so important...

Because the audience was manipulated by a mediocre filmmaker to believe his story was more complex than it was. When 2 months before the movie Premiere they didnt even knew if Snoke was a Woman or a Men or how the hell he looked.

Snoke is pivotal to the plot he triggers all the events in this Trilogy along Ben Solo. But that was almost 20-10 years ago, Snoke is not a main character his role and purpose in the story was helping Ben Solo to overcome his daddy issues and became a man by his own means...

But how the audience could know this stuff when they just had the first movie? That is the problem the filmmakers behind the first story, they didnt knew what the backstory was or either were they were going...

So they build Snoke like a basic cliche alredy seen copy of the Emperor, so that is the issue people need to understand. Snoke role was one, who he was doesnt changes the couse of the plot. Because the character alredy fill his purpose...
AwesomePromoz - 2/28/2018, 4:25 AM
The audience for the original trilogy are basically toy collectors. They want the whole story explained like the back of a blister card. David Lynch is a far more respected filmmaker than George Lucas, but his movies aren't toy commercials. How much exposition do you get in a Lynch film?
CaptainElrond - 2/28/2018, 4:30 AM
@TheFamousJMC - Are you legimatly trying to say that most of the od fans, which would 70s kids and adults only wanted toys?
AwesomePromoz - 2/28/2018, 7:37 AM
@InfinityCipher - Yes, 100% legitimately.
ChangAlang - 2/28/2018, 10:52 AM
@AleSir19 - Firstly, Hola!

I get what you’re saying. I actually don’t or at least didn’t mind having no back story to Snoke. I liked the mystery surrounding him and you could tell he had force power even in the holographic projections. To see it properly in TLJ was brutally beautiful.

I just don’t see the need to have his backstory explained at all but if they will now I’d rather see it on film than told in a novel. A novel which I won’t read which may be my loss but at the same time my choice.

And I was poking fun at the high waisted pants / shirtless Ren scene😊
Himura - 2/28/2018, 1:57 PM
@AleSir19 - I agree the scenes with Rey / Kylo are integral but I think we couldve done without the whole milking scene or a giant chunk of the Finn / Rose (aka the minority sidequest) story.
AleSir19 - 3/1/2018, 1:58 AM
@Himura - Yes this Trilogy has been a "mixed bag" until now. Because "The Force Awakens" builds great characters: Rey, Finn and Kylo. But there is not story. There is just a huge McGuffin they need to stop (A Deathstar) and another McGuffin they need to get (A Pendrive with Luke Nudes).

In "The Last Jedi" we got both things: Great character build up more emotional than the regular cliche physical stuff we see in Hollywood and a pretty solid story which changes a little bit where things are going and breaks the formula in a sense...

But it is messy, that is the issue of "The Last Jedi" it is too messy. It needed a rewrite of some good screenwriter or at less notes from the old George itself to become truly great...

Because you have great stuff like Kylo and Rey relationship and then there is a scene of pure exposition where we are told that Crait is made of pure Salt. WHY? WHY WE NEED THE SALT SCENE?

Even the Rose and Finn story does serve a purpose but it drags and should be better ways of delivering the same arc. Because each plot is build to make a character have an Arc:

The Subplot with Luke/Snoke is there to make Rey and Kylo overcome his daddy issues, break free o their masters and become strong individual persons who choose their own destiny.

The Subplot of the Resistance is there to make Poe become a better leader, a better person and less arrogant.

The Subplot of Rose and Finn is there to make Finn finally become part of this Rebellion, to finally stop being a coward and fight for something other than himself and Rey. Also Rose understands she needs to stop sacrificing himself and what she cares for other people and puts herself first that others...
Amuro - 2/28/2018, 2:02 AM
I prefered the "Ezra will become Snoke" theory. Much more tragic when it turns out to be a character we know and love, and it explained where Snoke ACTUALLY came from and why Luke remained the last Jedi at the end of Return.

Sadly, what Rian Johnson decides is canon.
Re1Agent - 2/28/2018, 3:04 AM
@Amuro - I hate him so much. KLIKE I hate his stupid [frick]in smile and dumb glassres. I just want to slap them off his face and yell you call that star wars? I could of imagined 20 better things when I was 12.
CaptainElrond - 2/28/2018, 2:31 AM
Also why at the end of tfa snoke says he will end kylos training, but instead roasts the shit out of him and then tells him to [frick] off.
AleSir19 - 2/28/2018, 3:17 AM
@InfinityCipher - Snoke was a manipulative bastard who used Ben "daddy issues" againts him, Snoke was playing with Kylo to make him find the girl and make her come to them...

The Last Jedi does deliver at the end of the day. Because Kylo does deliver the girl to Snoke, he does find Skywalker reading her mind and then Snoke is ready to make Ben complete his training by killing Rey...

And Ben does, when Ben Solo kills Snoke he completes his training and becomes a truth Sith or Dark Force User. Just that not in the way Snoke wanted. Because now Ben finally has overcome his "daddy issues" and with this really toxic and negative ideology of killing the past he moves on to become his own, individual thing...

That was the training, so either Ben decided to kill Rey which could have end up with the entire genocide of the Resistance and then the capture and killing of Luke, which would have lead to this dark timeline where Snoke and Ben continue the rule of the two and bring a new Empire to the galaxy...

Or the timeline we are, where Ben decision will lead him to another place...
CaptainElrond - 2/28/2018, 3:22 AM
@AleSir19 - He told hux to bring kylo there AFTER rey escaped though, i dont think she was a part of it.
AleSir19 - 2/28/2018, 3:37 AM
@InfinityCipher - She was, Snoke was playing with him, Kylo did fail so Snoke did what we saw in the movie, he linked their minds, i would love to know if he was able to see them and hear them, watching every single move from both of them...

But Kylo didnt know shit about Snoke sadistic manipulative game, so he did exactly what he wanted, Kylo was searching his master/father figure approval after his failure and that was enough to make Kylo do whatever he needed to do to make Rey come to him...

Again it was all a manipulation...
Urubrodi - 2/28/2018, 2:51 AM
Why information like this or the one explaining why Rey is so powerful (another comic book), wasn't shown in the actual movie? If you don't read the comics, as most people won't do, you won't understand the full story. Unless you do some searching of your own.
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