My ideal choice for this film is a sort of obscure pick in Andrew Davis, the director of films like Harrison Ford's The Fugitive and Holes starring Shia LaBeouf and Under Siege with Steven Seagal. Davis has a very diverse filmography and also a lot of his films are very enjoysble and far from terrible and can be seen as classics by some. I believe Davis has the directorial ability to create a light hearted and fun film while also maintaining an overall threat in Black Adam and making him a formiddable villain. Davis has the perfect mix of drama and light heartedness.
When young William Joseph (Billy) Batson's parents were killed by their treacherous assistant Theo Adam (since revealed to be the ancient villain Teth-Adam - better known as the nefarious Black Adam), he was separated from his sister Mary and sent to live with their Uncle. Unfortunately, his uncle soon kicked Billy out and stole his inheritance.
Reason for Casting: Adams is a very young up and comer, appearing in films such as Godzilla, Against the Wild and Dan in Real Life. Adams also starred in the titular role in The Odd Life of Timothy Green alongside heavyweight actors Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton. CJ Adams is a great young actor and could easily be the oprphaned child that soon becomes the God-like Shazam.
Liam Hemsworth as Shazam
Deemed worthy of becoming the champion of the ancient wizard Shazam, whenever he utters the word "Shazam" young Billy Batson is struck by a magical thunderbolt and gains the powers and abilities of Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury, as well as transforming him into the World's Mightiest Mortal, SHAZAM!
Reason for Casting: Hemsworth is a very up and coming actor with not many accomplishments under his belt besides The Hunger Games series in which he has done acclaimed work as Gale Hawthorne. His other films haven't been received well but his performances have been more than satisfactory and with a character like Shazam I think the actor would need to have a childish sense of humor and innocence while also being able to bulk up and go toe to toe with Rock's Black Adam whether that's accomplished with CGI or perseverance on Hemsworth's part I think Thor's brother has much talent he hasn't displayed yet and definitely needs a proper platform to do so. CJ Adams would portray the child form of the character.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Teth/Black Adam (Confirmed)
Born an Egyptian Pharaoh, the original champion of Shazam, Teth Adam formerly known as "Captain Marvel". Black Adam is a Prime rival of Shazam. Adam was born to the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II in the neighboring (fictional) land of Kahndaq. While there are contradictory accounts of the circumstances of Black Adam’s early history, certain elements are consistent.
Reason for Casting: He has become such a serviceable actor over the years and his biggest challenge is yet to come which is playing a villain and I honestly think he has it in him and if he does in fact suck you can only blame yourself internet because I don't know who else made all that fan art. Just saying. But seriously he has the look for the character and even if he isn't so great at playing a villain the film should be able to work around that. How well he would look going up against a CGI'd Liam Hemsworth is my only question.

Giancarlo Esposito as The Wizard Shazam
The guardian of the Rock of Eternity, Shazam is one of the most powerful magical beings in the DCU. Billy Batson temporarily acted as Shazam's successor. When Shazam was a young boy, some 9000 years ago, he was chosen by six long-since forgotten Gods to become their hero. By speaking the word "Vlarem", the child becomes the Champion. Years later he would become the one responsible for granting a similar power to Teth-Adam and Billy Batson.
Reason for Casting: Giancarlo is a fine actor that has so many movies under his belt it's ridiculous and it almost feels like a waste to simply have him as a small part on a larger scale of a film with The Wizard. Bob Roberts, Do The Right Thing, French Cancan and The Usual Suspects are just a few of the great movies he's been in and if the Wizard plays a bigger role in the DCCU then I would have no problem if we get an actor as experienced as Esposito.
Maika Monroe as Mary Batson
She is the older sister of Billy Batson, Earth's mightiest mortal, Shazam. By uttering the name of the wizard Shazam, Mary is granted the powers of the Biblical Solomon and the five Olympian Gods, becoming a God-like Eternal like her brother. As with all the Batson family characters, speaking the name Shazam unleashes a magical lightning bolt which transforms the character. Mary is usually depicted as the only character who maintains her appearance.
Reason for Casting: Monroe has been an indie queen for quite a while. Appearing in films like It Follows, The Guest and The Bling Ring. Monroe has proven to be a driving force in Hollywood lately and has shown she has undeniable talent and will soon be in the spotlight even more. Monroe would be perfect as the super powered sister of Billy Batson, possibly appearing in a sequel or an end credits scene.
Odeya Rush as Lori Zechlin/Black Alice
Black Alice is an anti-hero who can temporarily take the magical powers of any being, gaining all their skills and power to protect her hometown of Dayton OH, but leaving the individual powerless in turn.
Reason for Casting: Odeya Rush has a good list of performances under her belt even at such a young age. She's impressed with The Giver and more so in We Are What We Are. I think Alice could play a really big role in the Shazam standalone since compared to Man of Steel or Suicide Squad it's not that serious of a film and could introduce way more characters even if it's just for a split second with like Billy getting attacked and running away. Alice would be interesting because as we know Shazam is magic to a degree and having a person that can take away his magic leaving him powerless could be really cool to see.
Lance Henriksen as Dr. Thaddeus Bodog Sivana
Dr. Sivana is a scientific genius and is one of Shazam's archenemies. He has also been involved with other heroes in the DC universe, and is regularly seen as part of super villain team-ups. Sivana is piecing together accounts of complete strangers walking off of buses or walking through doors and entering Shazam's base - the Rock of Eternity. He believes the vanishings are similar to how Teth-Adam became Black Adam.
Reason for Casting: What hasn't Henriksen done? Terminator, Aliens, Tarzan and even non franchise films such as Nightmares in Red, White and Blue, The Visitor, Near Dark, Jagged Edge and The Right Stuff. Sivana is a character that requires a menacing presence which Henriksen can definitely bring as he's regarded as a great villain actor.
Billy West as the voice of Tawky Tawny
Originally Talky Tawny was a real tiger who became somewhat domesticated after a gifted recluse befriended him in Africa. Talky was fed a serum which gave him the ability to speak. Tawny sometimes aids his friend Billy in battle but often acts as his pet/friend when in private.
Reason for Casting: Billy West is a man of a million voices even getting enough acclaim to replace the legendary Mel Blanc as the voice of Bugs Bunny for quite a while. He's also notable for being the voices of Phillip Fry, Zoidberg, and Professor Farnsworth on Futurama. Jimmy Neutron, Jackie Chan Adventures, and even providing voices in the Justice League cartoon Billy is more than qualified to provide the voice for creature known as Tawky Tawny who's notable for being a savage animal once second and a glorified kitten the next.
Adele Exarchopoulos as Zatanna Zatara
The daughter of John Zatara, Zatanna is a powerful magician who casts spells by speaking backwards and works as both a stage performer and a member of the Justice League of America (presently Justice League Dark). Zatanna is the daughter of adventurer John Zatara and his wife Sindella, and a member of the mystic tribe of sorcerers called the Hidden Ones, or Homo Magi. Zatanna inherited her mother's ability to manipulate magic and her father's penchant for heroism. Sindella later faked her own death to return the Hidden One's sanctum in Turkey, leaving her daughter in John Zatara's care.
Reason for Casting: You may not know who she is now but trust me you'll know soon enough. Adele turned heads in Blue is the Warmest Color and received a massive amount of praise. She was in consideration to play Tiger Lily in the newest Pan remake but instead will appear aside Javier Bardem, Charlize Theron and Jean Reno when she stars in The Last Face set to come out sometime this year. She's very young at only 21 and could no doubt do wonders for the role, hopefully making an appearance in the Shazam film if the character has yet to be established by then.
Monica Potter as Nora Bromfield
With Boston Legal, Trust Me and Parenthood under her belt and considered one of the best actresses on television I think Potter would do a wonderful job as Nora Bromfield, Mary Batson's adoptive mother. Nora eventually persuades her husband to aid and take in Mary's long lost brother despite his hulking frame she sees that inside he's just a child still and thinks it would be good for Mary and her upbringing to care for a smaller child even though Billy has the appearance of someone in their late 20's.
Richard E. Grant as Nick Bromfield
Husband to Nora Bromfield and the adoptive father of Mary Batson, Nick and Nora watch over Mary as her adoptive parents and even take in young Billy as well after they learn of their secret powers given to them by the wizard Shazam. The Bromfields have a very comfortable life and more than enough to satisfy Mary's once homeless long lost brother. Grant is known for and achieved international recognition as John Seward in the 1992 blockbuster Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Alden Ehrenreich as John Constantine
John Constantine, Hellblazer, is a working-class magician, occult detective and a golden-tongued con man. He is well-known for his scathing wit, endless cynicism, ruthless cunning and constant chain smoking. A roguish counterculture anti-hero, Constantine is also a strident humanist driven by a heartfelt desire to defend mankind from the forces of evil.
Reason for Casting: With Suicide Squad apparently introducing magic into the DCCU I figured it would be cool to introduce someone slightly on the other side of the coin and that man is John Constantine. The issue I have with most Constantine picks is that they're too obvious. Ehrenreich gave a phenomenal performance in Blue Jasmine and Beautiful Creatures which is why through his mannerisms I could definitely see The Man For All Seasons in him.
Hugh Grant as the voice of Detective Chimp
A Chimpanzee imbued with magical qualities by the Fountain of Youth, Detective Chimp is the super smart member of Shadowpact. Detective Chimp (or D.C.) was captured by a man named Fred Thorpe in the equatorial region of Africa in 1953 and intended to be used as side show act known as “Bobo the Detective Chimp.” He was essentially trained by Fred to answer pre-determined questions using a system of signals. Despite his removal from Africa by Thorpe, he still forms a strong bond with the man that had given him a simpler and safer life. During a trip to Florida, Rex, the Wonder Dog takes D.C. to the Fountain of Youth and after benefiting from its waters D.C. gains the ability to talk to all living creatures. Eventually Fred Thorpe dies and D.C. sets out on his own as a detective for hire.
Reason for Casting: In a film where a younng boy gets imbued with magical powers I see no reason why the director wouldn't go far and reach into the most non-sensical characters possible. With that being said I would love to see Detective Chimp at least cameo in the Shazam film possibly helping out our titular character. Hugh Grant was my choice for the voice of D.C simply because his voice is known as a smooth one and is also considered a fine actor.
Had lots of fun with this fancast and I hope you enjoyed it as well. Until next time.