Spider-Man 2099, voiced by Oscar Isaac, posed a significant threat to Miles Morales in Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse, as we learn he is willing to do whatever it takes to stop Miles from interfering with, or even stopping, a "canon event" from happening altogether.
As we move into Spider-Man: Beyond The Spider-Verse, Miguel O'Hara realizes he, along with the entire world, will have everything to lose if the canon is broken, and will fight to his last breath to save it from Miles' negligence.
Miguel may have a different look in Beyond The Spider-Verse, as newly released concept art reveals a potential suit upgrade he could be receiving in the next installment.
Aritst Kristafter Anka is credited with this Spider-Man 2099 suit design, but according to a visual development artist who worked on Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse, Jake Panian, he states:
"Art of Across the Spider-Verse continued… Miguel’s new suit being worked on in a corner of his lab. Suit design was by Kristafer Anka but I stole it and destroyed it lol"
More images of the upgraded Spider-Man 2099 suit can be found here, and here.
"For the keen eyed Spider-Man 2099 It was a nice treat to get to come back to this design after years. Including the final paint done by Jake Panian" - Kristafer Anka
The upgraded version of the Spider-Man 2099 suit has been in development for a while, both by the visual artists working on it for the film, and Miguel O'Hara in the film somewhere in some corner in his laboratory. With the fate of the universe at stake, Miguel may finally be motivated enough to finish developing the suit, and stop Miles.
Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse arrives in theaters on March 29, 2024.