Sam Raimi Discusses Sony Not Wanting Him To Direct SPIDER-MAN And The Heavy Backlash He Received From Fans

Sam Raimi Discusses Sony Not Wanting Him To Direct SPIDER-MAN And The Heavy Backlash He Received From Fans

In an interview with Variety, Sam Raimi explained that Sony initially didn't want him to direct 2002's Spider-Man. He also discussed the fan backlash he received for giving Peter Parker organic webbing.

By DanielKlissmman - Apr 30, 2022 12:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man
Source: Variety

Along with X-Men, 2002's Spider-Man revolutionized the comic-book-movie genre. Director Sam Raimi — a longtime fan of the Wall-Crawler — and co. delivered a story that meshed realism and fiction in an impressive manner, crafting a relatable protagonist, while also embracing the awe-inspiring action that's come to be expected from superhero adaptations.

The filmmaker went on to helm two more Spider-Man films (released in 2004 and 2007), and while the last entry did not fare well critically, his trilogy is often hailed as one of the best live-action comic-book franchises out there. 

It's difficult to imagine what the Spider-Man trilogy would have been in the hands of a different director, but when the first film was starting to take shape, Sony was not at all interested in giving Raimi the job. In honor of Spider-Man's 20th anniversary, Variety published a profile talking to the main creatives of the movie. In the piece, Raimi stated that Sony did not want him to helm Spider-Man

"My agent, Josh Donen, said, 'They want to be honest with you. There's about 18 directors they'd rather have than you on a list.' [...] And I said, 'OK, well, tell them I’m number 19.'"

The list of directors considered was as impressive as it was eclectic. It included David Fincher, Chris Columbus and Tim Burton. None of them seemed to be the right fit for Spidey, though. As producer Avi Arad explained: "Some of them were immensely excited, but they took it from the point of view that they know what to do. 'Just give me all the money, leave me alone and I'll make a great movie.'"

Despite Sony's hesitation to hire him, Raimi had a different approach to the directors the studio had met with. He went into a meeting with Sony executives, in which he discussed his love for Peter Parker and the hero's noble nature. 

Suddenly, though — as explained by at-the-time Sony executive and longtime Spider-Man-franchise producer Matt Tolmach — Raimi looked at his watch and ended the meeting. Tolmach was surprised by that, since he felt things were going well. Raimi, however, had been told he only had one hour to pitch his vision for the film, and simply wanted to make sure he wasn't going overtime. As he explained to Variety: "I was very aware of how they didn’t want me. [...] So I really didn’t want to also overstay my welcome."

Raimi previously revealed what pushed him to make the film during a Reddit AMA for 2021's The Unholy, a film he produced (via Heroic Hollywood): “I directed the first Spider-Man film because I was such a huge fan of Stan Lee’s brilliant character. [Peter Parker was] an important part of my teenage years. I thought it was very moving how much he sacrificed for others. How hard he worked to protect innocent people. And all the while had to take care of his Aunt May and do his homework to boot. His self-sacrifice resonated with me. He was truly a good person. We can identify with characters in a comprehensible story. Stories of heroes, like Peter Parker, remind us of what we are capable of. Maybe you’re one of those people that like to be reminded of the good you are capable of.”

Web-Shooter Issues


Speaking of facing challenges while making the film a reality, during his chat with Variety, Raimi also discussed the backlash he received for ditching Peter Parker's signature web-shooters from the comics in favor of organic webbing. Curiously, this was not a change made by the director. It was actually James Cameron (who crafted the initial iteration of the film alongside screenwriter David Koepp) who came up with the idea — Raimi simply chose to keep it.

That, however, proved costly for the director and crew. Online fan communities were burgeoning, and they were not kind once reports of the change made their way onto the web. As Raimi explained: "I was aware of it, and it wasn’t a good thing for me. I didn't have a great experience of the fans. [...] I don't think that the fans thought I was the right person to direct Spider-Man in general. And then the organic web shooters — when the fans found out I was going that way, they tried to have me removed from the picture."

Ironically enough, the change was ultimately not a major problem for fans, and some young viewers likely grew up with the idea that Spider-Man had organic webbing. Another upside of the change is that it allowed for arguably one of the most amusing sequences in Spider-Man: No Way Home, which saw Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Men marveling at Tobey Maguire's ability to produce his own webbing. 

Sam Raimi's next superhero adventure, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, arrives in theaters on May 6, 2022. 

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ModHaterSLADE - 4/30/2022, 12:11 PM
Spider-Man 1 and 2 are great superhero movies with some damn good performances. It just further proved Raimi could do more than slapstick horror and cult films.
SonOfAGif - 4/30/2022, 12:17 PM
@ModHaterSLADE - And Spider-Man 3 was a documentary as to why studio interference is the worst thing to happen to solo stories that a writer and director want to tell.
Dredd97 - 4/30/2022, 12:30 PM
@SonOfAGif - even then, Spider-Man 3 isn't that bad. There's still moments that fit in with the first two. Cramming in Venom/the symbiote suit arc was not the way to go
Dannywest - 4/30/2022, 12:38 PM
@ModHaterSLADE - spidey 1 and 2 is for Raimi what the lotr trilogy is for Peter Jackson
regularmovieguy - 4/30/2022, 12:48 PM

Movie coming out next week had 6 weeks of reshoots. Almost all MCU movies are made by a committee, and most if not all of 100 mil+ budgets have studio interference.

It’s not always a bad thing. There are very few directors that have final cut.
ModHaterSLADE - 4/30/2022, 12:48 PM
@SonOfAGif - Yeah,movie felt way too jumbled.
ModHaterSLADE - 4/30/2022, 12:49 PM
@Dannywest - True
BigPhilbowski - 4/30/2022, 12:55 PM
@regularmovieguy - this. You get it. Its a point I always bring up when I see the cult crying about studio interference on Snyders DC movies. It's part and parcel with the job and happens to almost every single movie that's released.
Splash - 4/30/2022, 2:28 PM
@regularmovieguy - the difference is the quality of that committee. Feige & Co. vs a bunch of suits who only see dollar signs in these characters and stories (excuse me, properties)? Odds are (and time has proven) you're gonna have a much better movie with the former as the committee you're answering to than the latter.
ElricReturns - 5/1/2022, 6:17 AM
@SonOfAGif - I think Spiderman 3 gets WAY too much hate. I think if it wasn't for Bully Parker emo hair flips and jazz dancing in the streets, it would be considered on par with the other 2 but still the weakest.

People like to act like it belongs on a worst of all time list, but it really really doesn't.

Imma just say it, fans over react about Iron Man 3, Thor 2, The Dark Knight Rises and Spiderman 3. They are by far the weakest of their franchises, but none of those movies are bad movies. They are solid, well made, entertaining, competent outings. Our personal tastes don't vibe with them, but structurally and functionally they are good films. The have beginning, middle and endings, they have arcs, they have been planned out meticulously and filmed by skilled teams of professionals. They are good movies, just in our opinions they aren't as good as the others.

But let's be real, none of these films are Catwoman bad. None of these films are Superman 4 bad. None of these films are Captain America (1990) bad. Or even Elektra bad. Not even Blade Trinity bad. Or Xmen Origins or Dark Phoenix levels of just really really technically bad.

Thise are all bad. I wouldn't consider Spiderman 3 a bad film at all. I think it's damn near as great as the other 2, just has a few really really bad choices forced onto it.
eddyxx - 4/30/2022, 12:11 PM
God bless Sam!
Tonic24k - 4/30/2022, 12:13 PM
A kind reminder to fans who incessantly complain that they don’t know what they’re talking about and to reserve judgement.

Itwasme - 4/30/2022, 12:17 PM
Fan backlash? Really? Never seen that before....
TheWalkingCuban - 4/30/2022, 12:25 PM
This weekend is the calm before the storm, just a few more days and Sam Raimi will reopen the gates to the Multiverse!!!
PartyKiller - 4/30/2022, 12:28 PM
Raimi has been underused by Hollywood while hacks like JJ Abrams are overused.
regularmovieguy - 4/30/2022, 12:53 PM

Raimi’s been producing all sorts of horror movies for a while now. I wouldn’t say he’s really gone anywhere.
TheHumanSpider2 - 4/30/2022, 1:24 PM
@PartyKiller - Because he is not part of "them", the guy started making movie by his own, with his own money when he was around 17, most director come from rich families who already had a place in the industry.
TheShellyMan - 4/30/2022, 12:30 PM
This is what Sony needs to be doing, not some spin-off to an unknown throwaway wrestler...

BigPhilbowski - 4/30/2022, 12:58 PM
@ShellyMando - always hate that shot. His body does a full 180 during the camera cut. 1 sec he's facing away turns his head around to see the oncoming train, camera cuts and now his body is facing the oncoming train. Always annoys me when some simple continuity is botched
Drace24 - 4/30/2022, 1:23 PM
@BigPhilbowski - But that's the point of the shot.
BigPhilbowski - 4/30/2022, 3:21 PM
@Drace24 - nah it's a mistake. His body is facing the wrong way in comparison to before the camera cut
TheOtherOn - 5/1/2022, 12:18 AM
@BigPhilbowski - That's where "Spider" part in Spider-Man comes from. Speed, agility and flexibility!
BigPhilbowski - 5/1/2022, 2:27 AM
@TheOtherOn - nope. Its still a mistake. Watch his legs
Drace24 - 5/1/2022, 6:40 AM
@BigPhilbowski - No it doesn't. It's back to back. I know you mean his legs stand slightly differently but the composition is fine.
BigPhilbowski - 5/1/2022, 7:25 AM
@Drace24 - his legs are literally facing the opposite way before the camera cuts. He's looking over his shoulder at the oncoming train but when it cuts his entire body is now facing the train. It's a continuity error. It happens in almost all movies. It's not that big of a deal but I was just pointing out that its always annoyed me.
DannyDischarge - 4/30/2022, 12:31 PM
In the Sony email leaks from 2014, Sony execs talked about bringing Sam Raimi back to reboot the series again after The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
TheHumanSpider2 - 4/30/2022, 1:25 PM
@HorseWengh - They considered bringing him back to make a Kraven Last Hunt adaptation with Ryan Gosling, until someone said "nah, Raimi pulled a Joel Schumaher with Spiderman 3" (???), I think it was Amy Pascal.
dracula - 4/30/2022, 12:32 PM
Would be great to see him get the band back together for one last ride
GhostDog - 4/30/2022, 12:48 PM
Disrespect to a king
Reeds2Much - 4/30/2022, 12:57 PM
Still not a fan of the organic webbing, or Spider-Garfield buying his webbing from Amazon.
TheHumanSpider2 - 4/30/2022, 1:27 PM
@Reeds2Much - It was Cameron's idea, and Raimi actually shot scenes with Peter using the mechanical shooters, he decided to change it back to the organic web because him making the shooters took too much of the screentime.
bobevanz - 4/30/2022, 1:06 PM
Don't forget that Doctor Strange was his favorite character growing up, this just might be the cream of the crop! I need snap zooms and Dutch angles in my MCU movies babyy
TheManWithoutFear - 4/30/2022, 1:07 PM
"Maybe you’re one of those people that like to be reminded of the good you are capable of.”

The man just gets it.
Drace24 - 4/30/2022, 1:21 PM
Really sucks how fans always seem to grasp and regret their shitty behavior towards artists about 20 years too late.
TheHumanSpider2 - 4/30/2022, 1:28 PM
@Drace24 - That is why you dont listen to fans...Keaton, Tobey, RDJ, Evans, Affleck, Pattinson.
Splash - 4/30/2022, 2:31 PM
@TheHumanSpider2 - about casting, maybe. For everything else, there's MasterCard and listening to fans.
Drace24 - 5/1/2022, 6:37 AM
@Splash - "Listening to fans" is a meaningless phrase. Obviously fans aren't a monolith. As soon as a fanbase consists of more than one person you have more than one opinion of what a franchise is, means or should be like and there is no reliable way to actually identify what the largest group wants, not just the loudest group. Just look at the Star Wars fanbase, that is notorious for having VERY wide-ranging opinions on what is right for Star Wars and are generally full of really strange and often hypocritical criticisms.
Splash - 5/1/2022, 12:53 PM
@Drace24 - in a very basic sense, fans love the source material; fans generally want to see the source material adapted well; listen to the fans basically means, "listen to the source material and stop thinking you know better than the work you're adapting that millions of people all over the world have loved enduringly for decades."
TheHumanSpider2 - 4/30/2022, 1:22 PM
It was a massive gamble back then, both the studio AND fans wanted Cameron and DiCaprio, not "the Evil Dead guy" and an unknown actor who was "ugly" for the action movie lead standard of the time.
That is why I always give credit to Avi Arad, he was probably the only one supporting Raimi...of course, when these movies became so expensive (with 3 having a real budget close to $500M, and we are talking about 2007, adjust that by inflation), he wanted to have more creative control over them, and of course, his weird obsession with Venom.

"Just give me all the money, leave me alone and I'll make a great movie"

If only Kevin Feige would learn that...still hoping MoM is at least "ok", but I'm not excited at all after hearing some of the things Sam, Bruce, and Benedict said...
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