This just in from MTV, the biggest piece of Spidey news yet!
Bruce Campbell.
Campbell, a self-parodying B-movie sensation, is an ever-present staple in Sam Raimi’s repertoire, whether as the heroic lead in “Army of Darkness” or as a clever cameo in the “Spider-Man” movie franchise. If Raimi has his way — and it’s a good bet that he will — there’s a strong chance that Campbell will return to match wits with Peter Parker for a fourth time.
“I would love to have Bruce in ‘Spider-Man 4,’” Raimi told MTV News. “I haven’t talked to him about it yet, but he’s such a source of humor for me. I love working with the guy. He’s a great and really dedicated actor, as much as we kid each other all the time. I haven’t spoken to him yet, but I hope that he would [be in the film].”
Campbell has appeared in all three of the Spider-Man movies to date.
In Spiderman, he portrayed the wrestling announcer that gave Peter Parker name Spiderman.
He provided a more villainous role in Spider-Man 2 when he prevented Parker from seeing Mary Jane Watson’s play, thereby being as he has put it the only villain in the Siderman movies to successfuly foil Spiderman.
Campbell was the manager of the reraurant Spider-Man 3 by assisting Peter’s ill fated marriage proposal to MJ.
Having already played both antagonist and matchmaker to Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man, where can Campbell go in a fourth film?
“I don’t know what [his role] would be yet,” Raimi admitted. Until then, we can only hope that the actor will play an important role in “Spider-Man 4.”
Who do you think he should be? Personally I could see old Bruce sporting fishbowl styled head gear, with a cape, got to have a cape.