EDITORIAL: The JOKER and How He Should Be Portrayed in the New DCCU

EDITORIAL: The JOKER and How He Should Be Portrayed in the New DCCU

The Joker is one of the most (in)famous villains in not only comic book history but in literary, cinematic, and television history. He's left a mark on pop culture and in 2016 a new stamp will be pressed down on to movie history. This stamp will of course be Jared Leto's new Joker. Let me share with you my ideas as to how he should be portrayed in Suicide Squad, and even beyond.

Editorial Opinion
By kong - Dec 06, 2014 06:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Suicide Squad
The Joker is a psychotic, sadistic, killing, chaotic, hysterical, insane, egotistical, maniac. That's why I love him!!! The Joker is my favorite literary villain of all time, and many others' as well. He's been portrayed on the big screen by the likes of Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, and Heath Ledger. 2 of the 3 have won Oscars, all 3 have appeared in Oscar winning movies. Now we're adding one more to the list with Jared Leto. Leto, of 30 Seconds to Mars and Dallas Buyers Club fame, in my opinion is an amazing choice for the Joker and I believe he could definitely live up to Heath Ledger's portrayal if he worked hard enough, though I don't want him to work too hard as we've seen what being too immersed in this character can do to you (RIP). That being said, Jared Leto is not afraid to throw himself in to a character and even Nicholson has said to play this role you need to fall in to it head first. 

Joker's first appearance (unless he makes a surprise cameo in BvS DoJ) will be in 2016's Suicide Squad. The Suicide Squad is a constantly changing group made up (mostly) of super-villains who perform black ops missions with a low chance of survival in exchange for the possibility of a shortened sentence. Joker will most likely not be a part of the team, to the relief of fans, but he will be a part of the movie. There must be a reason to introduce him alongside Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, Harley Quinn, Amanda Waller, Rick Flag, and Enchantress versus against his arch-nemesis Batman. Alongside that idea are many other ideas as to who this Joker should be, what he should do, and how he should do it. And in the words of a psychopath,

P E R S O N A L I T Y 
I know what you might be thinking, "Why is he talking about personality? We all know what the Joker's personality is? Why is he changing it?" I'm here to tell you that I'm not changing the Joker's personality in any way that he'd be unrecognizable. Barely changing him at all. I'm focusing on personality because every incarnation of the Joker is either slightly or drastically different from the last. This Joker will round up to drastic change versus slight change from the last incarnation (being Heath Ledger's Joker).

Looking at manips of Jared Leto as Joker around the internet has led me to believe that the general thoughts that are running around in our heads (whether we recognize it or not) is that Leto's Joker will be less realistic in this universe. Usually when an actor becomes a fan favorite for playing the Joker, Photoshop enthusiasts of the inter webs give him the chipped face paint, eye liner, and scarred look from The Dark Knight. Oddly enough, I haven't seen a huge number of those around the internet lately. Most manips have yes had the white skin and scarred red lips (which is a part of the Joker's comic book appearance) and even some dark shading around the eyes (which as the picture above states didn't start with Ledger), but they didn't look like Ledger's Joker. These pictures gave me the idea as too what kind of Joker I want to see from this movie.

A good way of describing it is taking the Joker of the Batman animated series, then making him more sadistic, psychotic, and theatrical. I like to call him a rock star Joker (not only because the actor portraying him is one). He should have a big personality that doesn't seem cheesy or campy, but makes him even more intense. A sense of showmanship should be included. Joker always wants to put on a show, whether it's for his hostage who's seeing his loved ones get blown up, for Batman who gets to see his sidekick get beaten to death (then blown up), or whether it's just for him to enjoy. Despite this out there personality, he should still be insane, and there should be more of that in his personality.

I want to see a Joker that has to be kept in a strait jacket in Arkham. A Joker more crazy than any other we've seen before. This Joker should be scary, not because he looks like a monster, but because he acts like one. If you mixed a villain has crazy and killer as Hannibal Lecter and mixed him with someone as big as Candy from Django Unchained or Loki, you'd have this Joker. This attitude has to be accompanied by a matching look. That's what the picture above shows. This Joker looks like he has attitude, pizazz, and like he'll gut you and (if he doesn't laugh) wouldn't physically show any signs mental or emotional response to what he's doing. As if it's a boring routine he's been doing for years. Though I think while in Arkham, restrained in a strait jacket, he should look a little more rough.

In this DC Cinematic Universe, Batman has been around for a while. This probably means that Joker has too. If so, then I think his history with Batman should go back far. 2 of Joker's (and Batman's) defining moments in comics are when he kills Jason Todd and cripples Barbara Gordon. In this universe, Joker should've already done both of those things. This would explain the darker and rougher Batman we've been told Affleck will portray. In the comics after Todd's death and Gordon's crippling, Batman took a downwards dive in to darkness. He went from a detective aided by fear, to nothing but fear. When Batman comes in contact with Joker he should want to kill him, but he can't. Joker knows this, and taunts him with it. Joker wants a reaction out of Batman, he gets a kick out of it. 

Joker should have a very dynamic with someone else. This persons name? Harley Quinn. These two should've had an on and off relationship for about 3 or 4 years now (as Margot Robbie is 24), but by the point we meet them in Suicide Squad they should be separated. Joker did something to her which caused her to leave him and do something stupid to get incarcerated. Even though the two deny it (verbally and physically), it's apparent that they have some feelings for each other throughout the movie, but the characters should not be dependent on each other. Harley doesn't always have to be thinking about Joker, and Joker doesn't always have to be thinking abut Harley. 

Joker's origin should not be blatantly shown or stated, but I do want a nice balance between how they handled them in Batman and The Dark Knight. I don't want to see the origin told to me on screen, but some (contradicting) references to it from the Joker himself would be nice. I'd really love to finally see the Red Hood aspect of the character incorporated. Whether he's the Red Hood or the leader of the Red Hood Gang. I'd just love to see that and it would be the perfect set up for a certain other Batman storyline that could be used in the Affleck films.

S U I C I D E   S Q U A D
Like I mentioned earlier, Joker will likely not be a part of the Squad in this movie. If he is, he'll definitely turn on the team by the end of the movie, but that isn't the way they should go with this film. The Suicide Squad is ran and put together by Amanda "the Wall" Waller (potentially played by Octavia Spencer, Viola Davis, or Oprah Winfrey) and she's not stupid. She wouldn't let the living embodiment of chaos loose in the field, even if there was a bomb in his head. That's why I believe the film can go one of two ways, and I'm not 100% sure which way I prefer.

1 )   C A M E O
The first way they could go is by giving the clown prince of crime a small, Hannibal Lecter-esque, cameo in the movie. The scene would parallel the Joker's first scene in the recent DC animated film Batman: Assault on Arkham (which was admittedly more of a Suicide Squad movie). In this scene, Deadshot (disguised as an Arkham guard) is taking Harley (who got herself arrested) to her cell when they pass Joker's cell and he notices her. The movie could give us something similar to this where her and Joker have a very intense and emotional moment. This appearance would not only give us a taste of what's to come in a Batman standalone film, but would be a great source of character development for Harley. The best part is that this will allow Harley to grow as a character and be introduced without Joker, who up until the new 52 was really her crutch. Crutch in the sense that she couldn't do anything without him. I like the more independent new 52 Harley and would love to see that Quinn in this movie, but c'mon. There has to be at least one appearance of the Joker in her theatrical debut. 
2 )   A N T A G O N I S T
The other option is having the Joker as the main antagonist of the film. This would be an opportunity to raise the Joker's threat level to a whole new height. Why would the Joker be the man the Squad is going after? Think about it like this. Who is the guy that who's made it his job to stop the Joker? Batman. Let's say in the past few months/years, whatever works better, Joker's been winning a little too much. Joker attempts a major feet and maybe Batman just doesn't win that one time, which causes something horrible to happen. Waller is fed up with Batman capturing Joker and putting him in prison, only to escape not too long after and start wreaking even more havoc. So Waller enacts Task Force X and sends the Squad after the Clown Prince of Crime, before he could do something horrendous. 

I'd be happy with either two of those. These two options aren ot only what I prefer, but what I realistically see happening in the 2016 film.

That's all for today's editorial guy's!!! Thanks for dropping by and visiting another one of Django "The Reddest Hood" Freeman's editorials!!! Press the big ass thumb button below this article, and comment your thoughts on my thoughts. What do you want to see form a DCCU Joker? I'd love to here your ideas, speculation, and theories. Thanks again, and as always....

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DrKinsolving - 12/6/2014, 6:40 AM
Cool article. Can't [frick]ing wait to see the Joker in the Theatre again
DrKinsolving - 12/6/2014, 6:45 AM
Also, we don't need Joker's origin, he can hint at different origins because it's multiple choice, ha....

but I think it would be cool to see Harley's origin. I think it would be cool to see when The Joker first meets Dr. Harley Quinn and watch The Joker get in her head and see Harley evolve and become more and more twisted
kong - 12/6/2014, 6:54 AM

Not exactly. I would've said Arkham Joker if I meant it, but I don't want him to be a Joker we've seen before, or want even more comparisons to mark Hamill.
kong - 12/6/2014, 7:33 AM

Exactly, though I wouldn't call it cartoony, but it seems like you couldn't find a better word for it which was fine.
GoldenMan - 12/6/2014, 7:58 AM
Seems to me like a cross between John DiMaggio in 'Under the Red Hood', and the Joker's depicted in the 'Arkham' games and 'Death of the Family'. I like it!

tokens - 12/6/2014, 7:59 AM
...why are there no editorials about the new Alfred...
Dingbat - 12/6/2014, 8:48 AM
Arkham Joker is my favorite.
Dingbat - 12/6/2014, 8:49 AM

Everyone's a badass when Snyder is involved.

Pedrito - 12/6/2014, 9:07 AM
They need to humanize the Joker, make him more relatable, like Apocalypse.
Haha just kidding.
DrKinsolving - 12/6/2014, 9:19 AM

Haha, Jesus, can you imagine WB stating "We need to humanize the Joker".... ?? haha

Can't wait for this, I'm hoping Joker pops up in Batman v Superman too, were waiting long enough for it to be released, we should get a cameo or sneak peak of the Joker too
Darkknight2149 - 12/6/2014, 9:25 AM
Joker is my second favourite villain of all time (the first being Hannibal Lecter) but believe me, it's a close call! I, naturally, have strong expectations for both Jared Leto and whatever version they go with in Fox's Gotham (Bruno Heller and David Cannon say they are going to introduce him. We Joker fans have our eyes on you, Fox!)
ScarletWarlock - 12/6/2014, 9:41 AM
I honestly wouldn't mind them doing something very similar Batman: Assault on Arkham, especially in terms of Jokers personality. Although, nothing can ever beat cartoon Joker, not with the likes of Troy Baker and Mark Hamill.
kong - 12/6/2014, 10:35 AM

Favorite Joker Performances:
1. Heath Ledger
2. Mark Hamill (Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker)
3. John DiMaggio
4. Troy Baker
5. Everything else Mark Hamill
NightWatcher - 12/6/2014, 1:43 PM
Great Article @RedNTheHood!

staypuffed - 12/6/2014, 4:37 PM
Nice work, dude! Love the look and layout of this, and your ideas are good.
staypuffed - 12/6/2014, 4:41 PM
On the topic of the Joker's origin; I never liked knowing who he was before until Zero Year came around. The idea of the Red Hood Gang was a stroke of genius, and that incredible fight between Bats and the Red Hood in ACE Chemicals is something I'm dying to see on screen (perhaps an animated ZY film?).

Perhaps, if they do give us a glimpse at his origin, it would only be a short snippet.
MrBlackJack - 12/6/2014, 4:51 PM
Awesome editorial! In terms of personality I agree with you through and through. I'd love to see him have some of the absolute darkness that Ledger really highlighted in The Dark Knight, but I would like to see his satirical side. Done right, the extravagant makeup, antics, and theatrics could be even more menacing than what we saw in TDK. I want to see J be able to crack a bad joke one minute and blast a security guard's head off the next minute with ease and flow together. For his history, I want it to remain a mystery in Suicide Squad. All I want to know about him in SS is he's been around for roughly as long as Batman has, and he's got at least a couple years with Harley under his belt. I don't think we need to see any origin stuff in SS. For his role in SS, I don't think you go out and get Jared Leto and not give him a sizable role. I'd like to see him in one of two roles: A) He's in Arkham Asylum and is almost used as an intell source for the squad, or B) He's the film's main antagonist, which causes the team frictional issues because Harley's still hung up on him. If they go with the latter, I'd like to see Harley break J out of Arkham and run off with him by film's end, setting them up for a villainous reunion in the solo Batfleck film. As for appearances go, I actually wouldn't mind seeing him suited up similar to how he was in The Dark Knight Returns. I mean we've already got a TDKR inspired Batman, why not a TDKR inspired Joker? He looks pretty slick in the book and it'll help distance Leto's Joker from Nicholson's and Ledgers. Oh, and permawhite Joker all the way!

kong - 12/6/2014, 5:13 PM

Thanks man! And maybe I should've been more specific. His history wouldn't be delved in to even the slightest bit until a solo Batman film. I agree with everything you said though. If Leto could get a purple version of this suit, I'd be happy.

Jaffi - 12/6/2014, 6:25 PM
I'm ready to bet something of not much value that Joker will be in an after-credits scene for BvS.
Khanlark - 12/6/2014, 7:13 PM
i'm so excited to see Leto's take, I'd love to see a live action take on the Arkham Joker. Hopefully, and I'm praying here, hopefully DC/WB decide to adapt Under The Red Hood, it's a brilliant storyline and would work wonders for this new Batman.
MightyZeus - 12/7/2014, 12:20 AM
Great editorial, i would love to see a new interpretation f The Joker with more elements taken from the comics and Batman TAS. I would like to see a more comic book version of The Joker. It is going to be difficult to top Heath Ledger's Joker because no other comic book villain can match or out match his performance, not even the Marvel villains can keep up to standards with The Joker from The Dark Knight.

I'm not entirely sold on Jared Leto playing The Joker but i am optimistic. It would be great if we can have comic book villains just being evil again.
admindantheman - 12/7/2014, 1:12 AM
Great article man!
HerMisterJ - 12/9/2014, 7:13 AM
Maybe something like this, guys?
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