As the years have passed, the costumes worn by female (and some male) superheroes have grown increasingly more skimpy and revealing. It's a trend which began in the 80s and 90s and continues until today and while the vast majority now wear far more conservative outfits, those which show off a lot of flesh remain the favourites of many fans and are still depicted by the majority of comic book artists.
A very, very long list of the type of costumes we're talking about exists but who are the worst offenders and which of their outfits stand the smallest chance of ever being brought to TV or film?
What you'll find here is a look at the eight most revealing and shocking costumes which we don't think will ever be allowed by Warner Bros. to become part of the DC Extended Universe. However, while you might think you know which of them are never going to grace a live-action setting, we're confident you'll be surprised by many of our choices and the reasons they'll ultimately be left on the shelf.
8. Starfire
Anna Diop was recently cast as Starfire in the upcoming Teen Titans TV series but it's hard to imagine the actress being put in a costume quite as controversial as this one! When the alien's new look was revealed at the start of The New 52 as part of Red Hood and the Outlaws, the response as mixed to say the least and it's not exactly hard to see why. She's been scantily clad throughout the entirety of her history in the DC Comics Universe to be fair but this outfit is definitely going to be left on the shelf.
After all, while her species isn't known for modesty, a powerful warrior like Starfire heading into battle like this doesn't make a whole lot of sense and this is an outfit which Warner Bros. would struggle to market to anyone beyond teenage boys, especially if they're hoping Titans will get a big female audience thanks to the team's impressive roster of female characters.
7. The Spectre
Hey, it's not just the women who have been objectified over the years! The Spectre is a mysterious figure in the DC Universe who wears only shoes, gloves, and underwear beneath his iconic cloak but God's vengeance on Earth still looks pretty ridiculous. We don't know when or if this character could appear in live-action but should it happen, it's fair to say Warner Bros. will dream up a look which isn't quite so daft.
However, while it's possible that the agent of Heaven could sport the look described above, chances are that he won't be looking as he did in Mark Waid and Alex Ross' Kingdom Come. In that series, The Spectre ditched his clothes altogether and is completely naked aside from the hood and cloak. While Ross pulled that off in a tasteful manner, going for this look in live-action would look extremely odd and probably not something you should ever expect to see.
6. Zatanna
Zatanna is expected to make her big screen debut in the long-delayed Justice League Dark movie but what on Earth will she be wearing? The character's appearance has always been unique but these days, the whole top hat, fishnets, and heels look would probably be better suited to a strippergram than a powerful sorcerer like this!
Recent updates have moved away from the skimpy showgirl look but Flashpoint - another movie which is in the works at Warner Bros. - put her in a thong and not much else, so chances are that's another costume which we can forget about seeing on the big screen regardless of whether or not she appears there. There are definitely ways to pay homage to this character's classic appearance without upsetting purists but expect to see her put on some clothes when she joins up with the likes of Constantine and Swamp-Thing.
5. Star Sapphire
We have no real idea what to expect from Green Lantern Corps but it would be wise for Warner Bros. to start delving into some of the other Corps in order to open the DC Extended Universe up in some exciting new ways. Assuming Carol Ferris gets a ring in that movie, you'd hope that she uses it to craft a better costume than the one we see here. Star Sapphire has gone through a number of looks over the years but most are as revealing as this and is that really going to work in outer space?
As you can see, the combination of thigh high boots and a PVC type outfit covering only her arms and cupping her breasts really isn't one which is well-suited for a franchise which desperately needs to be taken seriously after 2011's dismal effort. With any luck, concept artists will be able to dream something up which flatters the actress wearing it but is better suited to a space warrior like Star Sapphire!
4. Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy has already graced the big screen and while Uma Thurman donned a skintight leotard in Batman and Robin, what she was wearing wasn't really that revealing. Since then, the comic book character has gone through a number of different looks but currently wears next to nothing and usually covers her curvaceous body with just a handful of leaves. The character has, of course, had a few more traditional looks but when you think of Ivy, chances are she's pretty much wearing nothing!
Rumour has it that Poison Ivy will be played by Megan Fox in Gotham City Sirens and while she certainly has the right sort of body to pull this costume off, it's an appearance which quite frankly looks like it would be better suited to a porn parody than an actual DC Comics adaptation. It may be sexy but this is one outfit which works much better on the page than it ever would in live-action.
3. Power Girl
How could we write this list without including Power Girl? Arguably one of the most infamous costumes in comic book history, the character's "boob window" has been a topic of debate online for years and DC Comics actually got rid of it for a short while as part of The New 52 reboot (before bringing it back due to popular demand...or because that costume featured a rubbish design).
Either way, this alternate version of Supergirl will probably grace the big or small screen at some point in the near future but when she does, there's no way it will be in a suit quite as revealing as this. While I fully expect Warner Bros. to pay homage to her cleavage in some way (as bizarre as that sounds), there's just no chance that the actress they cast will be expected to dress in such a provocative and almost degrading manner. Disappointed it won't happen? Just find a porn parody or cosplayer because they love it!
2. Supergirl
Talking of Supergirl, there's one costume, in particular, we can probably forget the Girl of Steel ever being expected to don regardless of whether that's on The CW courtesy of Melissa Benoist or the long rumoured Man of Steel sequel. When The New 52 relaunched the character, it was in a costume which surprised many fans; gone was the skirt and in its place was a revealing one piece which put the hero's legs on full display.
Now, that's hardly the end of the world but it was the fact that the young Kryptonian was essentially just wearing a pair of knickers above the knee that infuriated many fans and it wasn't long until she returned to a somewhat more traditional outfit which wasn't quite so overly sexy. A version of this could certainly work in live-action but like Ms. Marvel's original costume, it's a look which now feels outdated and is probably better left for the comics and particularly inventive cosplayers.
1. Harley Quinn

Margot Robbie donned some pretty skimpy outfits as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad but it's fair to say that Warner Bros. will think twice before putting the beautiful actress in a corset which pushes her breasts up to her chin! The studio was criticised heavily for lengthening Harley's shorts in trailers only for the character's butt to be hanging out in the PG-13 movie and that's probably something they'll want to avoid as the DC Extended Universe attempts to find the right track.
Throw in the barely-there shorts Harley wears in the comics with this get up and it's a safe bet that while the villain will no doubt be rocking a new and improved costume when she returns to the big screen in that Joker/Harley Quinn movie, it's not going to be anywhere near revealing as many fans - and comic book artists for that matter - are probably hoping.
Do you guys agree that these NSFW comic book costumes are unlikely to ever reach the big or small screen or do they deserve a chance? Let us know your thoughts on that in the comments section down below.