I just got finished watching Smallville: Absolute Justice and was kinda impressed by it. The TV movie tried new things and I respect the producers and writers for having the guts to attempt it. Doctor Fate was definitley spellbinding (See what I did there?). But that wasn't the master stroke of this mini-movie.
As most of you know, Pam Grier appears in these two episodes as Amanda Waller. She is an agent of Checkmate and introduces us to the Suicide Squad by name only at the end. But before she ends the life of our frost bitten antagonist, she warns him of the Apocalypse yet to come. Or is it Apokolips?
The majority of you have surmised from my subtle title that I am referring to Darkseid, another of Superman's more powerful adversaries and ruler of the planet Apokolips.
Poster earlier today was an interview with Geoff Johns who described writing in "more than a dozen Easter Eggs." All the JSA equipment and history aside, this might refer to Darkseid.
If they decide to put Darkseid in the show, and I suspect that it would sometime next season, I would ask that 1) Michael Ironside gets to voice the role. Ironside portrayed Darkseid in the Superman Animated Series and he can do a good job with this given the opportunity. And 2) don't mess this up like you did the Doomsday arc. I still cringe everytime I see those episodes.
And to prove that ironside is THE Darkseid, check out this segment below:
That's all for now.
Wadey OUT!