Derek Luke the "First" Captain America in the New Movie?

Derek Luke the "First" Captain America in the New Movie?

So the news is out that Derek Luke will be playing in the Captain America movie after the announcement was made that his name will be on the front of the upcoming poster. So he must be an important character but what character is he playing? Well sources over at Big Shiny Robot has a few ideas.

By Oxion - Nov 21, 2010 05:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel
Source: Big Shiny Robot

Aside from the fact that he could be an anscillary character made up especially for this film, there are a couple ideas floating around the BSR! staff here.

He could possibly be playing Sam Wilson (aka The Falcon) – long time friend and ally to Captain America. However, The Falcon came later in Steve Rogers life after he arrived in the present time and wasn’t around in the 1940′s. But, no one knows what the continuity of this film is going to be, they could introduce him as a character during WWII with Cap to help drive the story. Personally, I think this one is unlikely.
Perhaps he is playing Isaiah Bradley (or a similar character) from the Captain America “Truth: Red, White, and Black” series. In the early stages of the Super Soldier Serum testing the military used a small group of African-American soldiers as test subjects prior to injecting Steve Rogers. In this canon Isaiah Bradley becomes the “original” Captain America of sorts. So perhaps the film brings this back story in and Luke is the main focus on that.
Finally, another popular idea around here – and Mr. Vice’s movie-sense is tingling on this one - is that he could be a leading member of the Howling Commandos, Gabe Jones. An elite military unit formed during WWII.
There is no information anywhere about Derek Luke being in this film, so it was quite a surprise to see his name pop up on the poster. Personally, I’d like to see the film incorporate the “Truth” series a little bit and Luke would be a great fit as at least a similar character to Isaiah Bradley. In any case, we will have to hang tight to see if any information surfaces about what possible role he will be playing, or just wait for the movie!

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InSpace - 11/21/2010, 5:56 PM
heres my list:

Aiden Turner
Henry Cavill
Joe Magnellio (IDK how to spell his last name)
Armie Hammer

DukeAcureds - 11/21/2010, 6:04 PM
marvelguy - 11/21/2010, 6:07 PM
You make some valid points with a a fairly thought out argument.

In my op-ed, I outlined why it won't be Routh before Snyder was picked to direct.

Routh was playing Christopher Reeve playing Kent/Superman. He didn't have the script or direction to own the role. All he really brought was the look and a similar sound.

They will assuredly pick someone new to signify that it's not 'Returns' nor "Smallville."

Keep up your efforts!
LP4 - 11/21/2010, 6:12 PM
@marvelguy- I agree with everything you said.

I just hope it's a brand new face.

Matthew Goode could probably pull it off and before he was even mentioned I never even thought about him being Supes...but it COULD work. Cavill would be great but i can't see that happening. I'm thinking it'll be a former "Watchmen" because we have already had 2 of them mentioned- Patrick Wilson AND Matthew Goode. Plus it'd make sense since Snyder usually likes working with actors he had formerly worked with on projects. He has never worked with Routh or Welling and for that matter I don't wanna see either one of them in this new film. This film MUST stand on its own two feet. No bad baggage for this film mister Snyder- PLEASE.
LP4 - 11/21/2010, 6:50 PM
@KlarkCent- He looks like a good fit for Clark Kent. Who is he?
Ibz - 11/21/2010, 6:51 PM
great article and all but in all honesty i highly doubt routh will be picked simply because he was part of returns and i am sure snyder would want to distance him self from that and its a REBOOT
Ibz - 11/21/2010, 6:58 PM
@Klark who is that guy looks a lot like clark kent
KlarkCent - 11/21/2010, 7:05 PM
@Ibz/@LP4 --- He's Travis Van Winkle. IMHO, he's also a Reeve-look-alike. Not quite sure if he's really good actor though but he appeared as Sonio in Meet the Spartans movie...

Anybody who's got the time and photoshop skills, please try to create a Superman photo of him and let's see how it stands up with rest of the CBM candidates...
YourMomNaked - 11/21/2010, 8:39 PM
ONE failed Superman movie DOES NOT entitle Routh to be referred to as "THE Superman of our generation." Far too many Superman fans have STRONGLY disagreed giving that title (deservedly) to Tom Welling! One might argue that he hasn't yet become Superman, but that is simply semantics as he will by the end of season 10.

Oh how I hate when the minority (or the individual) attempts to speak for the many - sheesh!
Ethic - 11/21/2010, 9:35 PM
I liked your article but the end was frustrating because it's become a pointless topic of discussion.
Routh is not going to be the new Superman, fact!
It's not going to happen, people can say he's being considered etc but the fact is they aren't going to cast him in a totally rebooted story.

I totally agree with you about Cavill, the sheer mention of his name annoys me at this stage lol.
I understand the vibe people get from him but he is not in any fashion "born to play Superman"
None of the manips look like Superman when he's in them. His face doesn't look like the general comicbook Superman at all. He has a jaw, congratultions, but he doesn't look like him in my opinion.
Although i can see what people seem to find in the guy when you stare at his face for 20mins without blinking lol. But i think people are seeing a heroic flare in him and then attributing what they see onto Supes and calling it a match. IMO anyway.

Plus his body frame isn't right. Even if he pumps up, his shoulder length and mass is all wrong and thats down to his natural frame, not any lack of muscle definition. Plus he's a lil too short.

RANT lol
marvelguy - 11/21/2010, 9:46 PM

Forgot to correct you. Tim Daly was the voice during 'Superman: TAS,' "Public Enemies," and "Apocalypse."

During the two incarnations of the Justice League, George Newbern replaced Daly while Daly starred in "The Fugitive."

Back in the day, Newbern had the look, not the size or height.
writernick - 11/21/2010, 9:56 PM
up there with you in every way, which is why I'd love to see who would be your pics for the role...
thunderguy123 - 11/21/2010, 10:31 PM
this was well done..nice argument i didnt

agree with everything but i see where your

going. first off how is routh this generations

superman when he's probally not even going to

be in the next one? dont get me wrong i love

for him to get another crack at it,but i

wouldnt go so far to say he's this gen's

superman..if you didnt know returns bombed!!

welling isnt superman hasnt been and when

he finally puts on the suit he'll be like

every other character smallville has managed

to screw up..forgetable!! let's talk about

chris reeve he was only in one decent superman

and it was borderline because of all the silly

humor from hackman\lex and his lackeys. as far

as the rest you havent made it as superman unless

you do it on the big matter how good

or great you portrayed the man of steel.
writernick - 11/21/2010, 10:32 PM
up there with you in every way, which is why I'd love to see who would be your pics for the role...
ohsoserious - 11/22/2010, 12:10 AM
@Nexthero08 Routh is not the Superman of my generation he played Christopher Reeves and did bad at that. So don't group every one in with your opinion Routh isn't a good actor and doesn't deserve another shot at it. Its a reboot not a redemption.
Ethic - 11/22/2010, 4:07 AM
@ Writernick

Thanks man.

Well i've been rooting for Joe Manganiello because i think he could be the comic books physical embodiment of Supes.
Keep in mind though, i'm not the kind of guy who likes Clark to be a bumbling idiot with his glasses slipping down his nose, and tripping and falling every couple of minutes.

Any arguments i've heard against him fall down because they're nearly always that
A) He's too tanned.
but much more frequently
B) He's some douchebag.

He tanned specifically for True Blood, he isn't naturally so tanned.
And the fact he's played the douchey character a few times is a non-arguement because he's an ACTOR lol
It amazes me how people place limitations on what an actor can do based on their previous work.

The guy who played a gay cowboy became The Joker.
The guy who played Charlie Chaplin became Iron Man.
The guy who played Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High is an Oscar Winner.
Joseph Gordon Levitt is a fan fave for several Batman characters and he was the lil big headed kid in 3rd Rock from the Sun.

Actors =D
That said though, i'm open to a fresh face being Supes, and a small few of the other mentioned names don't bother me really. I just want a good film.
KeithM - 11/22/2010, 5:40 AM
Your support for Routh undermines your whole argument.

He is NOT the Superman for our generation. He is our George Lazenby. An anomaly. A mistake.

Regardless of whether you like him (WHY?! He was shit!), his association with the turd Returns should be enough for any person of intelligence to discount him.

Vafrous - 11/22/2010, 8:17 AM
Routh was shit...
ohsoserious - 11/22/2010, 11:33 AM
@banekill I think Routh made @keithm's point by making out with Justin long
adamcable - 11/22/2010, 12:18 PM
Great Article. Very well documented. It has to be Routh.
Changing Routh would be like changing the superman sign, or changing the name "Superman" to "Wonderman". Hes part of the thread of the most iconic superhero character out there. And you cant swap it around like a spiderman or hulk. Its part of a diffrerent thread of movie magic history.
YourMomNaked - 11/22/2010, 12:38 PM
@adamcable...or changing Superman to be Bizzaro, er, wait....
LP4 - 11/22/2010, 3:19 PM
Routh aint the Supes of MY generation. I am 24 years old, routh played a Superman for my parents or grandparents at best- MAYBE. But he didnt even do any real acting in Returns so I don't see why people think he suddenly deserves to work with the likes of nolan and snyder anyway
DudeOfSteel16 - 11/22/2010, 7:38 PM
@LP4 Once again I'm with you dude. I just want to say that I would like to see a Superman who looks like he could kick some serious ass. I'm sick and tired of all these preppies being suggested as candidates. I would like to see a Superman who looks like he's been through hell, and so far the only ones that fit that criteria are Manganiello and Hamm, but Hamm himself said that he's too old. So I guess Manganiello would be my main choice now.
KeithM - 11/22/2010, 9:22 PM
@LP4: My son is 26 and we both agree that Routh is neither of our generation's Superman. My generation's was Reeve, but my son is still waiting for his.

Enough with the Supermetrosexuals. His name is Superman.
DudeOfSteel16 - 11/22/2010, 9:48 PM
@KeithM Right on man!!!
TheDarqueOne - 11/23/2010, 6:44 AM
I just wish they would freaking pick someone and be done with it. Then I want to hear something about the actual story. Zack said 'Different' and I want to know what that means. People here I think mostly think that means Classic but I find that somewhat hard to believe myself.
LP4 - 11/23/2010, 10:26 AM
keithm- you speak the TRUTH, I was trying to be a little nicer bout routh than I usually am lol
LP4 - 11/23/2010, 8:36 PM
@NextHero08- HOLY SHIT, ok earlier when i posted comments on your article i hadn't yet read your article because I was at work. Now that I'm home I got to read your let met get this straight- you routh-fans STILL won't give up?

It's pretty clear at this point Routh aint returning- THANK GOD. And furthermore when you make remarks like- "Routh became THE Superman of our generation" that remark holds absolutely NO basis in reality and is an extremely stubborn thing for you to blindly claim- You don't speak for all the fans. He wasn't the Superman of MY generation...and probably not for many others (I retract my earlier statement "KeithM" ^_^)

And how exactly did Routh do an "awesome" job as Superman?? He had virtually NO dialogue so technically he didn't even do any real acting in the film. He just stood there smiling for the camera for nearly 3 hours. That is NOT acting.

Furthermore when people look at Routh, they won't think of him as Superman as you claim they will. When they look at Routh they will be thinking- "wow so that's the guy who played Reeve in that boring film from 2006" THAT IS ALL FOLKS.

Fact- Routh won't be in the reboot. It is a REBOOT. Furthermore your example in bringing up Ed Norton is lame and weak because at least in Norton's Hulk film- NORTON DID REAL ACTING. He actually had dialogue. Routh had NADA, ZIP- NOTHING.

At first I read the headline for this article and how it begged the question of who our next Superman will be and i ASSUMED you would exam each candidate. Instead this article wasn't fair or balanced. It was just a detailed description of your man-crush on Routh. Routh fans always do this crap where they post articles on CBM about how much they want Routh in the film but it doesn't even contribute ANYTHING to the actual film.

Thank god Snyder doesn't go on this site. I can't wait to see our NEW Superman actor and see him become the Superman of MY generation and possibly for future generations to follow.

ThaJackaL - 11/26/2010, 6:21 PM
Brandon Routh has shown in every movie he's done that he's not a good enough actor to play a role this big.

He proved it in the last movie, and for those who put all the blame on Singer for the movie well yes he's the one who is at fault because he cast the wrong actors in the roles.

Truth is this generation already has a Superman or Man of Steel and he's been doing it for the entire decade. His name is Tom Welling who has carried the torch handed down to him by Chris Reeve himself.

Brandon Routh was an impostor to the role, and when he was hired instead of Tom Welling the movie was DOA.

Given the same exact plot with the right actors, and a tad more action the movie Superman Returns would have been as big as THE DARK KNIGHT.

Routh was the main reason along with Kate Bonesworth, and Kevin Spacey why the movie failed.

Nobody left the theater thinking "Damn I just saw SUPERMAN, and it was badass!" most people came out thinking "Damn they should have used the guy from Smallville." I know because just about all my friends who aren't Smallville fans mind you said to me that same exact thing.

They don't watch the show but like him, and think he would have been better in the movie.

Yes Singer is 100% to blame for the downfall of SR but it all started with his casting of Brandon.

So if your going to use the logic that they should get this generations Superman which I agree with the obvious, and clear choice is Tom Welling.
LP4 - 11/26/2010, 9:59 PM
@ThaJackaL- I completely agree with you brotha. Thing is- IF Routh were such a great Superman, then why is the Superman fanbase so damn split between him and welling?? That's what routh-fans don't even consider. Also, i don't get what Routh did that was so great to them...??? I mean he had no dialogue in the film, he barely said a word= he didn't even really act in the film. No acting= NOT a great Superman. I aint blaming him, I know it's the fault of Singer and his two dumbass writers but nonetheless Routh STILL technically did no acting and as such, I don't personally feel he suddenly deserves the right to be in a film that is obviously a REBOOT and he doesn't really deserve to work with such great and legendary talents as- Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder.

This "pity party" people keep trying to make for Routh is soooo pathetic- "he deserves another shot, it wasn't COMPLETELY his fault" oooookay, Superman Returns sucking not being completely his fault, doesn't instantly qualify him to be Superman again when there are soooooo many other BETTER options out there to be the MAN OF STEEL.
Raider20 - 1/12/2011, 2:46 PM
Tom welling will be confirmed in April
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