SUPERMAN Set Photo Reveals An Intriguing Possible Change To The DCU's Version Of LuthorCorp

SUPERMAN Set Photo Reveals An Intriguing Possible Change To The DCU's Version Of LuthorCorp SUPERMAN Set Photo Reveals An Intriguing Possible Change To The DCU's Version Of LuthorCorp

Another photo from the set of Superman has found its way online and it reveals a potential link between LuthorCorp and the U.S. military. Take a closer look at this latest sneak peek at the set here...

By JoshWilding - Jun 15, 2024 02:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Superman: Legacy

Work continues on James Gunn's Superman reboot and a new photo from the movie's set has caught the interest of fans. As you'll see below, the "LuthorCorp" logo is emblazoned on militaristic vehicles, suggesting there will be a link between them and Lex in this movie. 

We've already seen what appeared to be a makeshift military base, and the comics have also occasionally gone down this route. The question now is, does Lex work alongside the military or is this LuthorCorp more weapons-based than what we may be used to seeing on the page?

Either way, it seems likely that the villain is going to be targeting Superman with all manner of weapons...including a certain power suit if we're really lucky (it's about time that join Lex on the big screen).

Rumour has it he creates a Superman clone - likely a new take on Bizarro/Ultraman - and if that's true, Lex more than likely will still be portrayed as a "mad scientist." 

"I have been working out," Hoult previously said of his preparation for the role. "There’s that bit in 'All-Star Superman' where he talks about his muscles being real and hard work and all that. I kind of took that as a little bit of a fuel for the fire."

Check out this newly revealed Superman set photo below.

Superman tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way, guided by human kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

David Corenswet is playing the Man of Steel, while Rachel Brosnahan has been tapped to star as Lois Lane.

The cast includes Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific, Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, and Gabriela de Faría as The Engineer.

Supporting characters include Sara Sampaio as Eve Teschmacher, Wendell Pierce as Perry White, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Pruitt Taylor Vince as Pa Kent, Neva Howell as Ma Kent, Beck Bennett as Steve Lombard, Mikaela Hoover as Cat Grant, Christopher MacDonald as Ron Troupe, and Nicholas Hoult as Lex Luthor.

Milly Alcock is also expected to make a cameo appearance as Supergirl before taking flight in her own movie, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Superman is currently set to be released in theaters on July 11, 2025.

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Malatrova15 - 6/15/2024, 2:30 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Potus are always good persons not xenophobic maniacs like Luthor
Malatrova15 - 6/15/2024, 2:29 AM
But he will be bald or will he kang?
Doomsday8888 - 6/15/2024, 2:29 AM
Lex working with the government happens all the time.

If he becomes POTUS then yeah, now THAT would be quite interesting.
Th3Batman - 6/15/2024, 2:33 AM
@Doomsday8888 - I think having Lex become the president and work against the heroes like what happened in the animated series Justice League Unlimited would get a lot people in seats. Have him be this overarching villain of the DCU. Who needs the likes of Braniac and Darkside when you can have a simple human, but a human with the influence to turn so much of the world's population against the heroes ? There is so much potential there.
Doomsday8888 - 6/15/2024, 2:54 AM
Agreed, SO much potential.

I know you're our lil clown here but you've accidentally touched upon an interesting topic.

Is Lex xenophobic? No, no he is not.
At least *my version* of Lex is not, he wouldn't be DC's "Smartest Man Alive" in that case.
So WHY does he hate Superman so much? Actually...DOES he hate Superman in the first place? :)

My 2 cents: He *hates* Superman, because he hates *death*, which comes in many forms, such as stagnation.
He fears/hates the death of progress, of mankind's evolution and THAT is the threat of Superman, that's what that \S/ symbol means to Lex, death.

He doesn't actually hate Superman per se, he just f*cking loathes humanity's overreliance on this alien, a God among Men.

That's why he has taken upon himself to prove once and for all that Man too can be "The Man of Tomorrow".
Th3Batman - 6/15/2024, 2:59 AM
@Doomsday8888 - In the 90s animated series, he doesn't hate him because he's an alien, he hates him because he can't control him. Lex hates everyone he can't control, be it human or alien.
Malatrova15 - 6/15/2024, 3:01 AM
@Doomsday8888 - you talk like being a clown is some easy job but my family is in the business since Claudio Yarto starred in Tric Trac

....some deep lore for you ..the NCMEc is still unawere off
Doomsday8888 - 6/15/2024, 3:05 AM
There are many versions but the one depicted in certain comics written by guys like Morrison, Johns and Waid is my favorite one. :)

Not at all, i know how difficult it is, Mr.Pagliacci.
Are you happy?
Malatrova15 - 6/15/2024, 3:07 AM
@Doomsday8888 - GO SEE PAGLIACCI

jst5 - 6/15/2024, 3:11 AM
@Doomsday8888 - If the script is good Hoult has the talent to take over this movie as Ledger did with the Joker.
HappyMan1 - 6/15/2024, 6:20 AM
@Doomsday8888 - I've always found the idea of President Lex to be incredibly compelling for storytelling. Imagine the most evil man on earth gaining enough public support and influence to become the President of the United States. It surprises me that Hollywood has never explored that plot line. I had hoped Zack Snyder might venture into that territory with his portrayal of Lex Luthor, but seeing Jesse Eisenberg's character end up in prison at the movie's conclusion dashed those hopes.

Maybe James Gunn will take on this idea, or perhaps he'll stick to the tired clichés we've seen countless times with this character. Anyway, that Superman suit reveal sucked ass. So I don't know anymore...

User Comment Image
Vigor - 6/15/2024, 7:10 AM
@HappyMan1 - too close to real life. This is supposed to be escapism
comicfan100 - 6/15/2024, 8:06 AM
@Doomsday8888 - I'm just now realizing we've never had a live-action President Luthor. Smallville finale showed him running for the office, but that's about it.
HermanM - 6/15/2024, 10:08 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Lex Luthor hates Superman because Superman gets in the way of his white collar criminal empire and can't be bought, bribed, or controlled.

@Th3Batman has it right.

In the comics, Superman didn't even know he was an alien until years into his career as Superman, well into adulthood, and long after he'd already been encountering Lex Luthor in his Superman career. There's no reason anyone would assume Superman is an alien, and Clark himself didn't even think this. Lex is like a Brad Wesley from Roadhouse on steroids...imagine how someone like Superman merely existing and stopping random crime could [frick] up your entire international criminal empire. That's Lex Luthor's problem with Superman, and from here it turns to an obsession since he realizes he can't just kill him.
NinnesMBC - 6/15/2024, 2:34 AM
It's never been out of the realm of possibility that Lex can be tied with the military.

If they can connect it more personally so that he's working with Lois' father, better yet.

The Lexosuit appearing on the big screen would be nice, after Jon Cryer did it a couple of times in Supergirl.

User Comment Image
HappyMan1 - 6/15/2024, 6:24 AM
@NinnesMBC - I hate that whole nanobot suit thing they have going on in Hollywood movies now. It's so lame.

1. It always looks fake
2. It's just lazy
NinnesMBC - 6/15/2024, 4:22 PM
@HappyMan1 - It can look bad when it's done repetitively with some heroes, but villains with the amount of resources like Lex it makes sense because they wouldn't waste time putting on piece by piece of their armors. Something swift and quick from a command of his watch is fitting, like it was done there.
DocSpock - 6/15/2024, 2:46 AM

I hope Luthor does something so huge and awful that in the closing we see that he has caused Braniac to notice Earth.

Malatrova15 - 6/15/2024, 2:59 AM
@DocSpock - like bombing some desert occupied land or giving money to a genocidal goverment.
But a dont think he is that evil
Floke - 6/15/2024, 4:34 AM
@DocSpock - Yeah, like it turns out he was the mastermind behind the Paramount Halo show or he was the one that pulled the plug on Raised by Wolves.
Spawnnn - 6/15/2024, 12:19 PM
@Malatrova15 - You should join Hamas or ISIS to fight against the evil. Lets go, brother.
Malatrova15 - 6/15/2024, 12:48 PM
@Spawnnn - rejected both times pal ....trying Hezbollah next weekend :/
DocSpock - 6/15/2024, 9:50 PM
@Malatrova15 -

Yeah, life is tough for you terrorists.
DocSpock - 6/15/2024, 9:51 PM
@Floke -

Malatrova15 - 6/16/2024, 12:06 AM
@DocSpock - not really. We all got it hard sometimes
ObserverIO - 6/15/2024, 6:47 AM
It sounds really odd to say it but this little plot detail has piqued not just my interest but my hope in this project (both the movie and the DCU franchise in general).

Because if LuthorCorp is working on weapons for the military with all these superheroes in the flick and this being the introduction to the franchise, the plot may indeed have an element of metagenetics weapons technologies and if they explain what that means (that people have metagenes and these are the source of untapped potential and superpowers) then it could provide a good catch-all explanation for the world that we're being introduced to in the DCU.
HermanM - 6/15/2024, 10:01 AM
Private industry selling weapons to the gov happens all of the time in the real world, and Lex's technological innovations have always had military applications, so this is nothing new.

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