EDITORIAL: THE FLASH...Who Is Harrison Wells?

EDITORIAL: THE FLASH...Who Is Harrison Wells?

EDITORIAL: THE FLASH...Who Is Harrison Wells?

Editorial Opinion
By TheRockmore - Oct 23, 2014 06:10 AM EST
Filed Under: The Flash
EDITORIAL: The Flash...Who Is Harrison Wells? 
People say it is "obvious" that Well's is Reverse-Flash so it can't be true...but considering the amount of people who think otherwise in terms of both he and Eddie...I don't think it's that obvious
The Reverse Flash:

Generally and Episode 1: 
-The pilot shows us that Harrison Wells knows something of the future, as seen when he walks (not wheels) up to futuristic newspaper in the futuristic room. This could be a reference to the fact that Eobard Thawne is from the 25th. Although the dates don't exactly match up (the paper said 2024) he IS from the future.
-Another piece that supports this history is that due to Barry's age on the show, if they ever DID introduce Wally he would be much younger. The producers have essentially confirmed that we will get a post New 52 Wally, so having Well's be a merge between Professor Zoom (Eobard Thawne) & Zoom (Hunter Zolomon)The point is...there is going to be some merging of the typical Wally as Flash history and the Barry as Flash history
- Keeping with hHunter Zoloman was trapped in a wheelchair for some time...maybe that is his reasoning for being in the wheelchair?...and he has knowledge of the future, and he knew that to leave this wheelchair he had to create the Flash so he could become the Reverse Flash.
-The wheelchair could simply be a means to keep him from using his super speed. 
-Reverse Flash only ever exists is BECAUSE Barry Allen became the Flash...so who has the most to gain by Barry being struck? and who has the most control and knowledge of this event? The answer is...in the show, Harrison Wells; someone from the future who needed this event to occur from the comics would be Eobard Thawne. This also answers the fan question of "Why Wells would 'help Barry'" as stated above Reverse Flash KNOWS he will only be created IF the Flash is created...and the Reverse Flash loves being...well he loves being the Reverse Flash.... he goes back to ensure that Barry becomes the Flash

-On top of all of this, we know that this twist is one that the Arrow producers have used, although to a lesser degree, in the past; we all know at some point some of us thought, prior to Malcolm's introduction that Tommy Merlyn WAS Merlyn the Archer, we all know that some of us thought Laurel would be the first and only person to suit up as Canary, and we ALL thought that the masked man on the island was Slade Wilson until we found out it was Wintergreen.
-Many fans may have misunderstood is an interview with Geoff Johns where he says Wells is a new character as proof that Wells isn't Reverse Flash...BUT the actual quote from Johns is... "Harrison Wells is a new character that was created, the name obviously is brand new. I don't think we can say anything else about it," says Johns. " ... the NAME IS NEW...the character is not...John's takes care to rephrase and hint quite clearly that it is the name, not the character that is completely new. Some may have noticed that this name is not uncommon, it is actually a play on the name H.G. Wells, who wrote...wait for it...The Time Machine.

-Finally, some fans may not have noticed, especially if they didn't catch the pilot when it was leaked, that Harrison Wells being "engulfed" by YELLOW lightning to close the show was the only obvious effect added after the leak.

-A fan also pointed out that, at the beginning of the pilot. when we see Barry's mother get killed by the Reverse Flash we also hear his father yell to him, "Run!, Barry, Run!".... this may be pure coincidence, but the same phrase is later used the same phrase, "Run!, Barry, Run!" when "motivating" Barry to get up and run. If it is more than just pure coincidence, the only people that could have heard Mr. Allen say those things are Barry, Reverse Flash, Nora Allen, and of course Mr. Allen himself. We know that Well's isn't anther Barry (read below), he obviously isn't Nora Allen, nor is he Mr. Allen...that leaves only one option..

-The leaked post-production image...

Episode 2:
- Further Helping the Flash

-Now he WANTS Barry to be the Flash
-Harrison Well's "suspicions"
-Harrison Well's THE KILLER....that last scene....really shows that Well's needs to protect Barry...but to what end?...I don't think the CW would go the "future Barry who kills route" especially as we are ALL so new to who the CW Barry is... nor do I think Rip Hunter, or Bart Allen would kill...so who does that leave?.... We have seen Eobard Thawne kill before...does this mean something?...again it isn't unlike him to want to help the Flash reach a certain point in his life/career so that he could be the Flash's ultimate enemy

Episode 3:
-I feel like I have "waited for this day for centuries" - as many do or do not know, Eobard Thawne is from the 25th century

-"That future will be here faster then you think"

-"Surprised what you can get used to" ... as in chilling in a wheelchair when you have super speed???

-The final scene seems to make it clear he knew that this accident would create the Flash...He clearly knew who Barry was and he knew what the lightning would do to him.

Sidenote: The final scene disproves the theory that it is the room that helps wells walk.
Evidence Against:
-Other theories...
-Some people claim he is being "to helpful" to Barry
-Set photos leaked featuring Reverse-Flash, showed a stuntman, based on the look of said stuntman it is definitely possible that Eddie is Reverse-Flash...although as a TEMPORARY thing, personally I see the chances of this at about 50/50. I believe Harrison Wells is definitely the true Reverse Flash, but instead of revealing himself, he gives Eddie the suit and bestows with powers (somehow) just to mess with Barry AND to throw the fans off. It would see that Eddie Thawne could be Reverse-Flash beta, lose the powers and want something more...leading to an interesting Cobalt Blue introduction. None of Eddie's motivations, nor actions imply he is the true Reverse Flash, just as Tommy's actions and motivations never implied he was Merlyn the Archer, but we all assumed he was. It is far more likely that Eddie is a take on Cobalt Blue (see the bottom for details)

Questions Raised:
Abra Kadabra:

-He is from the future...thats about it

Evidence Against:
-All other theories and facts within said theories

Questions Raised:
-Why the wheelchair?

-Why help Barry become the Flash?

-Many more...



-In the second episode of the series, his character referred to himself as a "pariah," who was a character who played a large role in Crisis on Infinite Earths. Refer to EDITORIAL: The Flash Guide to S01E01 With Spoilers ; the first two points in the section titled "Harder to Find Easter Eggs" for the Crisis on Infinite Earths easter eggs.
-During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Pariah worked with different heroes from different realities, including Alexander Luthor, in an attempt to defeat the Anti-Monitor. Once the Crisis was abated, Pariah remained on the newly reformed Earth, relieved that his penance seemed to be over, and hoping to find a new life for himself.

Evidence Against:
-Pariah has no strong ties to the Flash (although they were both prominent in a storyline they rarely interacted

Questions Raised:
-Why the wheelchair?

-Why help Barry become the Flash?

-Many more...
Future Barry Allen:

-He also has black/brown hair like Grant...

-We've recently seen a brutal, alternate-future Barry Allen in the comics (see above); tying into the "five years later" events of The New 52: Futures End, there's a blue-clad version of Barry who is older, and on a mission...and very, very unstable. (pictured above)

Evidence Against:
-All other theories and facts within said theories

-Many people seem to think, for some strange reason that his knowledge of the future suggests that Harrison Wells is actually the "missing Barry" spoken of in the newspaper. This thought is easily disproven by the little evidence we are given; the newspaper contains a photo. The photo below the heading of said newspaper features not only a new Flash suit, but CLEARLY features Gustin's face in that suit. IF the writers were to employ this crazy Harrison Wells is future Barry twist then why make it clear that it is Gustin running around as the Flash in the year 2024? Why not simply include a photo of the Flash running, with a blurred face, or no photo at all. The evidence to support this claim simply doesn't exist.

-This claim also goes hand and hand with the fact that future Barry "disappears" and could have been taken into the past and aged to Well's point, aside from the obvious fact that having future Barry doesn't help perpetuate the show, the disappearance of Flash in the lightning bolt is a clear homage to Crisis on Infinite Earths. As some may know there are things in CBM shows that simply CANNOT be changed as they hold so much comic significance, The Flash's "iconic" "death" in Crisis on Infinite Earths is one of them. To read more into the the easter eggs pertaining Crisis on Infinite Earth's click here and read "Harder to Find Easter Eggs" #1 and #2.

-People seem to say that the killing at the end of the second episode is reminiscent of what the Barry above is doing...but why then, has he not killed all of the Rogues and villains, why wait for Barry ("himself") to find them one by one.

Questions Raised:
-Why the wheelchair?
-Why help himself become the Flash, and by that, why go so far back in time?
-Many more...
Future Bart Allen:

-From the future

Evidence Against:
-All other theories and facts within said theories
-Some fans go as far as to say Harrison Wells is a grown version of Bart Allen that comes back into the past to "help" his grandfather. This response will definitely contain some opinion as I see this ideology as confusing and rather uneeded. Smallville already ruined Bart Allen, and many have displayed their dismay for this, that, coupled with the fact that the writers/producers have said this show sticks pretty close to source material. Bart Allen is Barry's young, brash, fun loving grandson who comes back from the future and, after starting as Impulse, eventually takes up the mantle of Kid Flash. None of the essential traits are even remotely possible, nor do they seem like they will become apparent as time goes on. On top of this, the New 52 shows us that although not The Flash's sidekick, Bart Allen is actually the first Kid Flash, so who knows? It is more likely that he will be the first Kid Flash, then that he is Wells, although some may contest this point and claim there are "two different versions". The killing featured at the end of the end of the second episode would be extremely out of place even for a seriously disturbed Bart.

Questions Raised:
-Why the wheelchair?

-Why the deaths?

-Many more

Rip Hunter:

-Just a fan theory I have seen...have yet to see any real evidence besides the knowledge of what is to come

-Geoff Johns, who co-wrote the first two episodes of The Flash and is an executive producer on the series, wrote a year's worth of Booster Gold and Rip Hunter team-up stories in 52 and followed them up with another year on a relaunched Booster Gold series
Evidence Against:
-All other theories and facts within said theories

-Doesn't have significantly strong ties with Barry Allen

-This fan theory seem to hold just a little bit of water in the following way, after the Crisis on Infinite Earth's storyline Rip Hunter, unlike most other characters, continues with the same personality and memories that preceded this event. This event was used as a literary device to portray him as a man out of time and without a home. BUT this can just as easily be woven back into the theory that he is Zoom, the detail is playable in both fields, but with one glaring exception, Well's being Rip Hunter, a man out of time never has any connection to The Flash, the actual star of the show?...Whereas being Eobard Thawne, man out of time clearly does have connections to the shows titular character. Fan's also suggest that he could be Rip Hunter because he is "preparing Barry for the Crisis"... why then would have have his reservation in the pilot about making Barry a hero then? Just think of that simple question.  Another point that should be highlighted is the fact that this show is also drawing some major source material, hence Iris' heritage, from the New 52, which has yet to have any confirmed
appearances of Rip Hunter. This is a theory that could pan out, but given the lack of Flash connection I see it as a little more likely then the others, but still less likely. 

-Rip wants to prevent any messing with time. He'd only be preventing something caused by another time traveler. Nothing points to that being the case.

Questions Raised:
-Why the wheelchair?

-Why help Barry become The Flash?

-Many more...
Eddie Thawne is Cobalt Blue (with a little bit of a Reverse Flash twist)

Theory:As for a mass theory (and I have said this before)...it is quite possible that Eddie will be used as a puppet to prolong the theory and belief that Wells isn't Reverse Flash...some speedsters have the ability to share their speed...If Eddie is used as a puppet of the Reverse Flash (Wells) then I could see Wells sharing said speed...and giving him a yellow counterpart to Barry's costume to begin the fight as "Reverse Flash Beta". Then, if Eddie is indeed the Cobalt Blue, and is temporarily Reverse Flash, when he (if he) loses the speed he was given, learns of his true heritage, amongst other things, we could see Eddie/Malcolm's drive to gain some sort of power back. This would also explain the differences in the costume(s) of the leaked photo that seems to be Wells..and the set-photos. (Although that could just be the lighting). Final point being, they may even go the route of having them both be rough adaptations of Hunter Solomon and Eobard Thawne, but one of them will be a puppet to the other (especially with them being introduced so early simultaneously) and that one puppet will be Eddie.


General Information and Episode 1:

-WELL aside from what I have already stated above, lets think back to the fact that Arrow and the Flash share the same (mostly) creative team...then lets think back to Arrow Season 1 where 99% of us were SURE that Wintergreen was Deathstroke... we would have never FATHOMED that Slade would appear and become a trainer to Oliver. Seeing as Eddie could easily be a way to connect the two once Well's true name is revealed...Eddie and Eobard sound more connected then Malcolm and Eobard...but obviously its just a name. Based upon this is definitely plausible that Eddie is indeed a version of MALCOM THAWNE (Allen).

-For those who don't know, Malcolm Thawne is actually Barry's twin brother who was given to the Thawne family when there child died due to the doctor drinking and accidentally strangling the baby, and Barry's mother had twins...the doctor felt so bad that he decided to tell the Allen's one of their children had died...and gave Malcolm to the Thawne family. Malcolm learned of Barry's existence and the loving family that fate had decreed he would never know and used his gift for sorcery to give vent to his jealous rage.He empowered himself with a mystic blue flame that was capable of stealing Barry Allen's super-speed and became Cobalt Blue.

-Eddie was at the station when Barry was initially struct, as was Malcolm in the comics

-In an interview Cosnett dropped the Cobalt Blue name which is "strange" considering the fact that Cobalt isn't a huge character

-In a later interview he implied things would be moving at a fast pace in the show, some fans took this as Reverse Flash logic...it can easily also be applied to Cobalt Blue... it would seem that Eddie Thawne is the obvious herring, and every interview with him he seems to heavily hint at the Reverse-Flash, something Guggenheim and Berlanti wouldn't typically do...it seems he is just perpetuating the red herring for the sake of the show.

Making him Barry's TWIN would make it kind of obvious...a long lost brother/fraternal twin brother

Episode 2:
-Eddie Thawne sarcasm ... "not easy keeping a big secret"...although this could be just a funny nod that we know, not that he does...however, this point doesn't stress Reverse Flash, it just seems to suggest villainy, and considering Cobalt Blue was at the scene when Barry (his lone lost brother) was struck.

Episode 3:
-Eddie seems to have actual feelings for Iris...people think that he is merely dating her to one-up Barry, despite Eobard wanting to replace Barry Allen in the comics, that was his only motivation for also taking Iris from him. As of now, Barry doesn't have Iris and therefore taking her would mean nothing.
-It could just be his character (as he is written)...but Eddie seems to give zero f*cks about the Flash ... more so about Barry which sits less with the Reverse Flash theory and more with the Cobalt Blue theory

Evidence Against:
-All other theories and facts within said theories
-"His name is E.Thawne so is Eobard..." he has to be Reverse Flash (sarcasm)


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McGee - 10/23/2014, 7:16 AM
Who Is Harrison Wells?

McGee - 10/23/2014, 7:16 AM
I know my rights.
McGee - 10/23/2014, 7:20 AM
You can't keep me here, man!
Pasto - 10/23/2014, 7:29 AM
Rookie Blue
agni17jun - 10/23/2014, 9:00 AM
He can be MAX MERCURY too...
TheRockmore - 10/23/2014, 9:20 AM
@agni17jun there is even less support for that then there is for him being Bart
Maculis - 10/25/2014, 6:42 AM
@arrowverse I've figured it out, and you can all thank me later. I, like most, assumed he was the reverse flash. Why? Because they made it so obvious he was. Also, I, like everyone else, assumed he was from the future. I was wrong on both these things. He is actually Dr T.O. Morrow, the creator of the Red Tornado. But more importantly, the man who created a television that could see into the future. Thereby, he pretended to be from the future. In this case, he appears to have created a device to read newspapers from the future. In the comics, beat tacked other scientists. In the show he kills Stagg. It's cle, he's T.O.. Morrow. You're welcome.
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