Ever since the pilot episode of The Flash, speculation has run rampant as to who will actually become Flash's archenemy, The Reverse Flash or Zoom. Well, I too have a theory on that topic. What if there are in fact two of them? Now bare with me for a moment as I elaberate.
In the comics, there has been more that one person use the name Zoom. I believe that both Eddie Thawne and Harrison Wells will be representing two of the characters to take up that mantle. |
Who is Eddie Thawne?
I have two possible theories as to who Eddie is. I think he is either Eobard Thawne aka Professor Zoom, or Malcolm Thawne aka Colbalt Blue. Honestly, we don't know a whole lot about Detective Eddie Thawne yet. Therefore, my opinion is based soley on his last name. I just feel that there is no way in hell it is a coinsidence. Also, him dating Iris adds to this since Prof. Zoom knows who Barry is and knows this would be a good way to force himself into Barry's life and hurt him emotionaly at the same time.

Who is Harrison Wells?
Now, this is where it gets a little interesting. Harrison is obviously up to no good, yet at the same time however, he seems to actually care about Barry. I believe Wells is actually another take on the character Hunter Zolomon aka Zoom.
First off, I know Zoom usually was primarily involved in stories pretaining to the Wally West version of The Flash, but it is not uncommon for characters to be changed/updated for their live action debuts. In the comics, Zolomon was obsessed with making Wally the best Flash he could be. In the show, Wells seems to have a similar goal. He even pruposely cause the event that turned Barry into the Flash.
Another thing to take into consideration is that Wells is in a wheelchair, pretending to be paralyzed. Hunter Zolomon in the comics was paralyzed from the waist down in an attack by Gorilla Grodd (who was also refernced in the show as to being at STAR Labs when the particle accelerator blew).

Another reason for my thinking is the newspaper from the end of the pilot episode and the fact that Harrison Wells seems to know a good bit about The Flash's future. The Hunter Zolomon version of Zoom doesn't have a speed based ability, instead he has time manipulation. This allows him to actually move about in different moments in time and gives him the illusion of speed. That could explain why Wells has the newspaper and knows as much as he does. Lastly the newspaper is dated for the year 2024, which really isn't too far into the future. Therefore, another reason I believe Wells is this version of Reverese-Flash is because the Thawne version hails from the 25th century which is a much more distant future that 2024. Why would he make a pit stop in that year on his way to present time just to pick up a paper?
Well, that's my theory anyway. What do you think?