THE FLASH Season 1, Episode 10 Description; "Revenge Of The Rogues"
The midseason finale of The Flash featured the small screen debut of the mysterious Reverse-Flash, but two familiar faces will return in January when Captain Cold and Heat Wave team-up to take on The Fastest Man Alive. Hit the jump to learn more about "Revenge of the Rogues"...

WENTWORTH MILLER AND DOMINIC PURCELL (“PRISON BREAK”) TEAM UP AGAINAS CAPTAIN COLD AND HEAT WAVE CHALLENGE THE FLASH TO AN EPIC BATTLE —Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold (guest star Wentworth Miller) returns to Central City with a newhotheaded partner in tow – Mick Rory AKA Heat Wave (guest star Dominic Purcell). The duo planto steal a multi-million dollar painting, but Cold has another agenda while in town – to set a trap forThe Flash. Snart and Mick kidnap someone close to The Flash and threaten to kill them unless TheFlash shows up for a battle of fire and ice. Barry tells Joe (Jesse L. Martin) he isn’t sure he shouldtake on Snart again after the casualties that happened the last time they fought. Meanwhile, Barryasks Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) to help himdouble his training efforts so he’s ready for the Reverse Flash when he returns to Central City. Iris(Candice Patton) deals with the aftermath of Barry’s confession, and Cisco makes the CCPD a newshield. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Geoff Johns & Kai Yu Wu.
So, it's a Prison Break reunion! There aren't a lot of revealing details here, but it sounds like a pretty interesting way to kick off the second half of the season. You can check out the promo for the episode by clicking here. What do you guys thik? Sound off with your thoughts in the usual place.