Ready to find out who Negan killed on the season finale of The Walking Dead? Massive spoilers below;
Last chance, there are really massive spoilers below!
Its pretty obvious who Negan killed; Eugene.
Before Negan goes to call 'it', we see a close up of Rick's face. On Rick's face we see Negan's shadow on the LEFT side - so Glenn Daryl Abraham Rosita Michonne Maggie - everyone on Rick's right is safe.
Then we see a close up of Carl and Negan's shadow move past him. So it has to be the person left of Carl and there's only one person - Eugene.
Also by the number of people engaged in the 'eenie meenie' game and how Negan points to each one, whoever wasn't pointed to at least twice was the goner. That one person who wasn't picked twice was also Eugene.
We also get the victim's POV when Negan says 'My mother....', but it cuts straight to Michonne's reaction. This POV is done after Carl is picked and who does it turn to afterwards? Eugene.
We know as well no one is save anymore on this show with Denise's death - a character who's still alive in the comics but now dead on the show.
Eugene also gave Rick his recipe for manufacturing bullets and told him Abraham can show him where the factory will be - he is no longer needed.
Take in note Michael Cudlitz tweeted the actor who played Eugene saying he 'had a blast' working with him. Everyone thought that meant Abraham was a goner, but now it implies it's actually Eugene.
Finally Negan was surprised when the character was 'taking it like a champ'. With big characters like Abraham he wouldn't have been surprised.
Kirkman said he could only have shown the death if it was a main character. Eugene is an 'also starring' character on the show at the moment.
Kirkman also said the character is 'beloved'. Eugene is now finally 'beloved'. It will also be the biggest tragedy of all. Eugene was the only one of the group in front of Negan at the time who didn't engage in the war against the Saviors.
Mystery solved.
Okay, I've been rewatching the scene some more and now have some more proof for my argument. We see the POV of the victim in front of Lucille three times during the end of the finale.
On the first time, we see the RV in the background but we can see more of the back than we can of the front. By that angle, it has to be someone on Rick's left - Sasha, Aaron, Carl and Eugene.
On the second time, if you look closely, you can see a man in a buttoned blue jacket in front of a vehicle. Look back earlier in this episode when Glenn tried to stop Negan from tormenting Maggie - as Dwight goes to drag him back to where he sat, you can see a burly man in a buttoned blue jacket by the pickup truck.
Finally, on the third time, Negan has his back more to the right, implying that he isn't in the centre or near the opposite end where Glenn is - he doesn't have his back to anyone in the group. A lot of people who are trying to argue it's Glenn online are saying that there are a lot of trees behind Negan and that from the character's POV, it has to be Glenn because there are only trees towards where Eugene is. This is false.
If you look closely, you can see a big old tree to the right of Dwight in the background, and also another large tree directly behind the Pickup truck where Glenn is at, and then a few smaller trees to the right of that large tree. What stands out however is that there is a lot of light from the right of the POV - the only source of light during this scene is towards where Dwight is - towards the pickup truck on the side where Glenn - Daryl - Rosita - Abraham are.
So now I am 100% sold it is Eugene. I hope it isn't and would love it to be Daryl, but I strongly feel it is Eugene.
EDIT II: Look closely at the below image that takes place during Negan's second smack-down on the victim.

See the shadow on his body? The outline of the shadow appears to be Carl's cowboy hat. As Negan brings the bat down, his upper-chest moves to his left - meaning Carl is sat to the right of the victim. There is only one person who is sat on Carl's left - Eugene....