When The CW Television Network aired The Flash-Arrow crossover event you might have noticed that Oliver Queen's superhero costume had a few upgrades. Conceptual artist
Andy Poon (via
Film Sketchr) updated his website with concept art of those upgrades. "The strap for the quiver is more like a bandolier now that holds special trick arrow tips," Andy explained. "There are flechette holders added to his left arm, lower back and his thighs. 2 seams were added at the lower front of jacket which makes it feel abit more like the lines of the abs which we all know Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) has, but also for the new jacket belt to loop through that holds 2 side pouches."
Andy also created a fun, "blooper version" of Oliver's costume that included a boxing glove arrow tip, like the one Oliver has used in the comic books. Andy never dreamed that it would actually be used, but producers utilized earlier this year in the "Guilty" episode.