Completing the Arrowverse, A Fan-Cast

Completing the Arrowverse, A Fan-Cast

Purely based on speculation and hope, below I will give a list of “Flash Universe”, “Green Arrow Universe” , and general “DC Universe” characters that I would like to see appear on The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, or another Arrowverse show in the future. Along with said characters I will be including casting choices, and potential storylines that each character could be utilized for/in. I will not be listing any big-name heroes, as their appearances are less likely.

By TheRockmore - Dec 22, 2015 10:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Arrow

Purely based on speculation and hope, below I will give a list of “Flash Universe”, “Green Arrow Universe” , and general “DC Universe” characters that I would like to see appear on The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, or another Arrowverse show in the future. Along with said characters I will be including casting choices, and potential storylines that each character could be utilized for/in. I will not be listing any big-name heroes, as their appearances are less likely.


Bart Allen aka Impulse:

Another speedster, another season…no I do not want Bart Allen to make an appearance in Season 2, nor do I want him to even be mentioned. While I do like how Arrow laid the Speedy seeds with Thea Queen early on, and then introduced Roy Harper and had him become Speedy Arsenal before her, I don’t want to see the same formula again. I want Wally West to be around for a little while, til Season 4-ish, and then have a year of Barry “alone” again, and then introduce Bart. If they feel the need to introduce Bart earlier, then do it via time travel sequence where Barry sees flashes of the future and either sees his kids or Bart. As for personification, while I loved Young Justice’s take on Bart – as did others – I find that version a tad overrated and out of character. Originally Bart Allen’s reason for going back was due to his accelerated gaining, “Bart was going to die of old age very quickly, with Earthgov not doing anything to fix his problem. His grandmother Iris West took him away and brought him back to the twentieth century, so that her nephew, Wally West, the third Flash, could show him how to control his speed.” Bart was “sick”, and so a short period of time in which he learned to hone his speed his something I would want, nay, something I would demand The Flash did. And then possibly something like Tim Drake’s “origin”, where Tim deduced Bruce Wayne was Batman (although Bart would know Barry’s identity) and Bruce told him he didn’t want another Robin, Tim then stole a costume and saved Batman.

Played By (if he was introduced now): Colin Ford

Ford began acting at quite the young age and is most notable for his time as a Young Sam Winchester on the CW’s hit show Supernatural. Since then, he’s gone on to appear on various other shows and currently has a regular role on the series Under the Dome. Ford has demonstrated his ability to act in all of the aforementioned performances and his role as Bart Allen would just further this point. His boyish looks also a positive seeing as Bart, while looking older, is actually aged at an accelerated rate  due to Speed Force energy.

Likely to Appear on: The FlashArrow (crossovers), Legends of Tomorrow (crossovers)

More on Bart Allen


Don Allen aka 1/2 of The Tornado Twins:

The son [and daughter] of Barry and Iris Allen respectively, the two were conceived in the 30th Century after his father’s retirement, but born after his death in the first Crisis. He and his twin sister Dawn inherited a fraction of his speed. Since they never knew their father, they often felt jealous of their cousin Wally West, to whom Barry was a father figure. I feel as if these two would be served much better as quick flashes seen in another time travel sequence of “what could be”, and possibly alluded too if Bart Allen, son of Don, ever travels back from the future.

Played By: Kyle Gallner

In a nod to his previous role of Impulse on WB’s Smallville, Kyle Galner’s appearance as a speedster would likely be more than welcome. That being said, his roles on Play it Again, Dick, Jan, and A Nightmare on Elm Street have proved his ability to act. While in the comics Don Allen is the son of Barry and Iris, my take on the character would be a little further down the line of decedents as I couldn’t find someone who both suited the role, and truly inherited Iris’ looks.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Don Allen

Dawn Allen aka 1/2 of The Tornado Twins:

The daughter [and son] of Barry and Iris Allen respectively, the two were conceived in the 30th Century after his father’s retirement, but born after his death in the first Crisis. He and his twin sister Dawn inherited a fraction of his speed. Since they never knew their father, they often felt jealous of their cousin Wally West, to whom Barry was a father figure. I feel as if these two would be served much better as quick flashes seen in another time travel sequence of “what could be”, and possibly alluded too if Bart Allen, son of Don, ever travels back from the future.

Played By: Holland Roden

Holland Roden continues to prove herself time and time again as an actor on Teen Wolf, and a minor role as Dawn Allen would simply be a highlight to an already impressive acting palette. It is worth noting that, while in the comics Dawn Allen is the daughter of Barry and Iris, my take on the character would be a little further down the line of decedents as I couldn’t find someone who both suited the role, and truly inherited Iris’ looks.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Dawn Allen

Max Mercury aka “Quicksilver”/ Jonathan Chambers a.k.a Johnny Quick Amalgam:

No, not Marvel’s Quicksilver! Max Mercury is a time jumping speedster who has served as a mentor and friend to many speedsters throughout DC Comics history. Ideally his role on The Flash could be very similar and assuming both Dr. Wells (the good one aka Harry) and Jay Garrick both head back to Earth-2 by seasons end, a new mentor will certainly be needed. A good avenue to introduce the character would be to make him the founder of Mercury Labs, where Tina McGee currently works, and make him an old-time speedster who has since lost his powers, and unlike Jay, doesn’t seek them anymore as he viewed them as more of a blessing than a curse. This would establish him as a different kind of mentor than Barry has had thus far, Max LOVES the concept of saving people but for reasons unknown (possibly his time jumping?) he views speed as a curse. I also believe that, seeing as Jonathan Quick and Max Mercury serve similar roles and amalgam of the character could be interesting to see. Considering Harry Wells is currently the father of Jesse Quick (despite this being Earth-2) part of Johnny Quick’s purpose has been served, so again amalgamating him again wouldn’t do much harm. 

Played By: Kenny Johnston

Johnston played Barry Allen in the failed Justice League TV Pilot, and, while the show itself was terrible, he certainly proved himself a capabale actor in that and other small outings since then. That being said he does still need to prove he is capable of a guest or reoccurring role, but I would think he’s up to the challenge.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Max MercuryMore on Johnny Chambers

Jefferson Pierce aka Black Lightning:

With Static Shock tied up in a web-series what better hero to introduce than Black Lightning? While Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock resonates with a younger audience the inclusion of Jefferson Pierce and a mention of/knowledge of his full family brings a different element to The Flash. While the show is focused on family, it has yet to entertain the idea of what if the leader of the family were to become something more than just say, a father (what if Joe was the Flash and Barry/Iris were side characters). , As for story, I think bringing in elements of John Henry Iron’s storyline could be very interesting seeing as both Irons and Pierce’s stories are very family-driven. Pierce could potentially be a renown scientist from another city – therefore his story isn’t tied to him and his family moving from Central City – who is saved by The Flash on a visit to Central City. After telling The Flash he “owes his life to him” The Flash tells him that he should make it count, and so, Pierce a journey to becoming a hero of his own via science. Whilst experimenting with an electronically charged suit – think Spider-Man’s Shocker – the suit overloads and Pierce wakes up to realize his body is similarly charged with electricity. This not only successfully introduces Black Lighting but also introduces someone who can delve into DC comics famous metagene, which has been hinted at since the pilot episode of The Flash.

Played By: Charles Michael Davis

Quick Question, have you seen The Originals? If you haven’t seen The Originals, then I suggest you do; if not for story, watch to see Davis’ performance as an actor. Davis’ acting ability is quite large in range, and his natural “soothing/fatherly” position as an actor are quite interesting to watch.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow

More on Jefferson Pierce

John Fox aka. The Flash of the 27th Century:

While John Fox may not seem like the most interesting character in the world, he more than certainly is. Not only is his costume very, very, very cool, but Fox originally gained his powers when he was sent back in time – he’s from the future – on a failed mission to retrieve one or more of the Flashes from the past. Despite the mission being a failure the tachyon radiation that powered his journey gave him super speed. What makes Fox even more interesting and usable for stories is that his powers were given to him by tachyon radiation which, if the writers wanted to, could be spun into a storyline akin to Hunter Zolomon’s in the comic, where is power is deviated NOT from the Speed Force, but from his existence outside the timeline which allows him to manipulate time around him. The storyline could easily be used as a “who makes a better Flash” story where a future Flash, Fox, comes back to “replace” Barry only to learn that he may not be fit to carry the title of The Flash in the first place. Fox could also – quite easily – be used in a breif – 2/3 episode arc – in which he and Fox are swapped in time, with Barry ending up in the future and Fox in present day.

Played By: Ryan Kelley

Yes, that guy from Ben 10:Alien Swarm…Ryan Kelley, although Alien Swarm didn’t support this much, is an excellent actor. His more later outings – such as Teen Wolf – have proven he quite easily can be serious, stoic, and mysterious while balancing those features with a humor that is far from bland.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on John Fox

Patrick “Eel” O’Brian aka Plastic-Man:

While I realize that Ralph Dibny (aka Elongated Man) was mentioned in Episode 1×07 of The Flash as a casualty of the particle accelerator, I also think he should stay as such seeing as both Arrow and The Flash overuse the “not dead” trope. On the other hand, Plastic-Man could easily be twisted to include some of the best of both character’s features or, make  O’Brian and Dibny partners in crime prior to the accelerator going off, with Dibny dying the night of the explosion and O’Brian being blessed with his powers and a second chance (much like Plastic-Man’s comic book origin). Rather than seeing the clichéd villain to hero or vice versa transformation, we get insight into someone who was a petty thief who was blessed with a second chance. As for why I prefer Plastic-Man over Elongated-Man, the answer is quite simple. Plas’ is funnier, more interesting, and more powerful. The average comic reader may not know this but:

Plas can truly change shape, EM simply stretches and bends. Ex: Plas could shape out a hole in his middle to form a true doughnut shape.

Making him a more interesting (and less Mr. Fantastic-like) character.

Played By: Jerry Trainor

This is the man who played Crazy Steve on Drake and Josh, and Spencer Shay on iCarly, need I say more as to why he would be perfect to play Plastic-Man?

Likely to Appear on: The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow

More on Patrick “Eel” O’Brian


Rex Mason aka Metamorpho:

Although Simon Stagg, a key player in Metamorpho’s origin, met his untimely demise in The Flash’s first season, that doesn’t mean we still can’t get Metamorpho on The Flash.  Ideally he would be a minor hero and if you look at my casting below you’ll know why, a minor character whose actor simply nods to his previous involvement in the superhero universe as The Man of Steel himself. Rex Mason could have quite easily have become Metamorpho long before Simon Stagg met his end, much like Ronnie Raymond became Firestorm, but wasn’t discovered for nearly a year, in The Flash’s first season. That, or Rex could simply be in hiding or elsewhere due to his displeasure with how he appears, which is a common issue with the character after he initially transforms.

Played By: Tom Welling

Welling himself has said he’s been typecast as nothing more than Clark Kent at this point, and for those who don’t know he did play Kent for 10 years on WB’s Smallville. While Welling isn’t the greatest of actors, the role of the “heartbroken creature” so-to-speak is something he pulled of quite well when playing a very humanized version of Bizarro on Smallville.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Rex Mason

Wally West aka The Flash of Earth “X”:

Seeing as The Flash is going to be using the Post New 52 look of Wally West – something that bothered many fans – I think a nod too, or appearance of, an alternate Earth Wally West could do wonders for those very same fans and even those okay with Post New 52 Wally being used. This alternate Earth Wally could be a more traditional PreNew 52 “goofball” Wally who stops by Earth-1 as he tries to stop a crisis (left ambiguous) on his own Earth. Another option that could be interesting is that this version of Wally is trying to stop a crisis that our Barry has already stopped, so be happens to stop by Earth-1 and Barry explains to him/mentors him, much like Jay Garrick is set to mentor Barry in Season 2, as to how he can stop the impending crisis. This would then allow audiences to see how much Barry has grown as both The Flash, and a character, to the point where he no longer needs mentorship and has himself become the mentor.

Played By: Gabriel Basso

Basso, although not well known, has proven his ability to act time and time again through various guest outings, reoccurring roles, and starring roles in works such as The Big C and Super 8.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Wally West

Charles Victor Szasz/Vic Sage aka The Question:

A character that could (and I’m surprised he hasn’t) be introduced and able to hold his own in a unique spinoff (ala Dexter) is most certainly the Question. I believe a very interesting story-arch could be set up by pitting Ontomtontopea against the Question, however unlike his comic book counterpart this version of Vic Sage would not be an investigative reporter, but a man straight out of the police precinct, a top detective – by day detective, by night a man whose conspiracy theories allow him to solve any and all crime presented to him.

Played By: David Boreanaz

While tons of people are clamoring for Misha Collins to play Vic Sage, I personally think David Boreanaz is a far superior choice. Not only does Boreanaz have the physicality and build needed to play someone who is going to (lets face it) get the sh*t kicked out of him for pestering people, but his experiece as an actor, and specifcally as an acted detective is well known via Bones.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Charles Victor Szasz

Buddy Baker aka Animal Man:

Much like Vixen, who has now gotten her own animated Arrowverse spinoff, Animal Man has an interesting – almost magical – connection to his powers. Again, much like Vixen, Animal Man could be used as an excellent middle ground between barely magical characters, and magic based characters. Given that Arrow’s fourth season has completely introduced magic to the realm of possibility, having a character who derives his powers from the life force of animals wouldn’t be too far fetched.

Played By: Jesse Spencer

If you haven’t seen Spencer playing Dr. Robert Chase on the now complete series known as House, you’re missing something. Despite Hugh Laurie’s captivating performance as House himself, Chase is among one of the very few other Doctors who is not only masterfully acted, but also delivered by an actor who is versed in delivering a good performance.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Buddy Baker

Connor Hawke aka Green Arrow II/Green Arrow Beyond:

While it’s been essentially confirmed thar Oliver’s son of the show (the one with the woman from the flashbacks in Season 2) is NOT Connor Hawke, the character could still be an interesting one to bring onto either Arrow or DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, regardless of his lineage. A recent scoop suggests Legends of Tomorrow is casting a bi-racial actor as someone who picks up the mantle of a fallen hero, and that could very well be Connor Hawke picking up the mantle of Green Arrow (whether that be Oliver, or his successor), and I have further elaborated on this possibility here

Played By: Roshon Fegan (A more Earth-1 Connor, Rosin’s heritage is actually very similar to Connor’s):

Fegan has proven himself as an actor in his numerous outings and stings on television. While his current focus is music, his heritage and acting ability would certainly be enough to please hardcore comic fans that do not want to see Connor Hawke get whitewashed.

Played By: Adam Hicks (A more New 52 Earth-2 Connor):

Adam Hicks is also a very talented actor who could also easily assume the role of a (slightly more goofy) Connor Hawke based on his New 52 Earth-2 appaearance.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow

More on Connor Hawke

Earth-2 Robert Queen aka Green Arrow:

Despite the fact that the Earth-2 Green Arrow is typically Oliver Queen, I think making him Robert Queen, even if he doesn’t appear, could be a very interesting plot point for the yearly Flash/Arrow crossover. Personally, I think the “he/she isn’t really dead” trope is used WAY too much on Arrow and The Flash, so this would be a nice way to reintroduce a character, briefly, without him having to return to life. In a very Flashpoint-esque way, this version of Robert Queen will have survived the island rather than his son, and taking a page out of the New 52’s book, he will (if shown) bare a very similar appearance to the PreNew 52 Green Arrow, sporting a Vandyke beard and a non-armored Robin Hood look.

UPDATE: In a flashback to Earth-2 Doctor Well’s time on his home world, a television states the following that confirms that Robert is the Arrow and Oliver is dead:

 The Arrow of Starling City, formerly known as the Hood, has been unmasked as billionaire Robert Queen. Robert was marooned on an island when his boat went down in the Pacific an accident that tragically ended with the death of his son Oliver. Robert Queen was thought dead when…

*Moira will NOT be a villain as to avoid Flashpoint and Batman comparisons, all of which I already find hilariously off-base as I state here*

Played By: Jamey Sheridan

Sheridan masterfully played his small role as Robert Queen in Arrow’s first season and I personally see no need to recast the character if it isn’t essential.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash, Arrow

More on Green Arrow (not Robert)

Earth 2 Dinah-Drake…Queen? a.k.a The Black Canary:

In an interesting twist and a tie-in to the comics, the flashback shot could feature Dinah Laurel Lance and Sara Lance’s mother as the Black Canary.

Played By: Alex Kingston

Much like Jamey Sheridan, Kingston masterfully plays the role of Dinah Drake already, there would be no need to recast her unless this was essential.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash, Arrow

More on Dinah Drake

Earth 2 Ted Grant a.k.a Wildcat:

Seeing as a number of fans were disappointed with the fact that J.R. Ramirez’s Wildcat was nothing like his comic book counterpart, an allusion to a much more comic accurate Wildcat would be welcomed by many.

Played By: Michael Shanks

Nothing more than a cameo, but Shanks is a good actor and certainly looks the part of Wildcat.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash (possibly in a JSA group shot)

More on Wildcat

Earth 2 Al Pratt a.k.a. The Atom:

Continuing with the counterpart idea, it would make sense to see the original Atom, whose powers were not shrinking, but rather being a shorter-than-average man who was a particularly adept combatant with a strength level disproportionate to his size. After being exposed to Cyclotron’s energies, Al Pratt gained superhuman strength, agility, and was able to focus radioactive energy into a punch. In addition, Atom was invulnerable to forms of radiation. He also gained incredible youth and vitality after the battle with Ian Karkull.

Played By: Scott Caan

Nothing more than a cameo, but Caan is a good actor and certainly looks the part of Atom.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash (possibly in a JSA group shot)

More on Al Pratt

Rex or Rick Tyler a.k.a Hourman:

While both Rick and Rex Tyler have interesting backstories, it’s how well this character fits into the already existing Arrowverse that puts him at the top of my wish-list. Not only was there – at one point – an Hourman TV Series in development, but the writers could quite easily tie Hourman’s Miraclo-based power drug into Mirakuru, the miracle based power drug that Arrow already introduced in it’s second season. On top of that Rex Tyler, the first Hourman, was killed in a battle against a time-traveling villain, a feat that could easily be tied into the first season of Legends of Tomorrow. Imagine a final battle with a villain taking place in the past and the Legends get help from the first Hourman, Rex Tyler, who dies and we see a shot of his young son, and then in Season 2 we meet his son again, now 15/20 years later, who becomes the new Hourman. If this were the case, the shows second season could quite seamlessly tell us Rick’s origin, in a pretty true-to-comic form as it (the origin) has been described as follows:

Rick Tyler struggled for a while before accepting his role as the son of the original Hourman. It hasn’t been an easy road– he’s endured addiction to the Miraclo drug that increases his strength and endurance, and nearly died from a strange disease. Now, after mastering the drug, he uses a special hourglass that enables him to see one hour into the future.

Played By: Steven R. McQueen

Seeing as I’ve written and mock-cast a Green Lantern pilot that takes place in the Arrowverse, AND I’m a big fan of Nightwing, I’ve certainly done my research on McQueen and I would say I’m more than familiar with his body of work and him as an actor/person in general. That being said, this is one of the few characters that The Vampire Diaries alum could certainly play if he were to be introduced  Legends of Tomorrow.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash (his introduction), Arrow (his introduction), Legends of Tomorrow

More on Rex TylerMore on Rick Tyler

Grant Emerson aka Damage:

At this point it seems the list delivered by “Doctor Wells” in The Flash’s first season – the last of people who had died during the accelerator explosion – was nothing more than a ploy. Not only was one member on the list, Albert Rothstein, not killed by the Particle Accelerator explosion, he wasn’t even in Central City at the time (as revealed in 2×01 of The Flash). Assuming that the list as a whole is untrustworthy bringing such a volatile character to the second Legends team would serve them well. Interestingly, Grant also has common background with the villain of Legends of Tomorrow’s first season, Vandal Savage, as in the comics:

He learned that Vandal Savage was involved in an experiment at Symbolix called Project: Telemachus, where he took DNA samples he had collected from various superheroes and injected them into a fitting vessel: Grant.

Grant was injected with all of this DNA as a child, and as a result, his powers were created. Again, Legends of Tomorrow could EASILY lay the groundwork for this storyline if they so chose, all it would take is a nod to Project: Telemachus, and a scene where Vandal, who has collected the DNA of heroes, injects it into a child; cut to Season 2 and we meet this child as an adult, Grant Emerson. Damages potential as a character are endless, seeing as his arrogant nature and cockiness are counterbalanced by his powers being so volatile, and eventually by the mask he is forced to wear over his cared face.

Played By: Steven R. McQueen

Seeing as I’ve written and mock-cast a Green Lantern pilot that takes place in the Arrowverse, AND I’m a big fan of Nightwing, I’ve certainly done my research on McQueen and I would say I’m more than familiar with his body of work and him as an actor/person in general. That being said, this is one of the few characters that The Vampire Diaries alum could certainly play if he were to be introduced  Legends of Tomorrow.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash (his introduction), Arrow (his introduction), Legends of Tomorrow

More on Grant Emerson

Val Armorr aka Karate Kid:

Karate Kid is actually Val Armorr, a super-hero from the future and also a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. He is a master of every form of martial arts to have been developed by the 30th Century. The extent of his skill was so great that he could severely damage various types of hard material with a single blow and was briefly able to hold his own against Superboy through use of what he called “Super Karate”.

Played By: Steven R. McQueen

Seeing as I’ve written and mock-cast a Green Lantern pilot that takes place in the Arrowverse, AND I’m a big fan of Nightwing, I’ve certainly done my research on McQueen and I would say I’m more than familiar with his body of work and him as an actor/person in general. That being said, this is one of the few characters that The Vampire Diaries alum could certainly play if he were to be introduced  Legends of Tomorrow.

Likely to Appear on: Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash (his introduction)

More on Val Armorr


While Jinx is more of a villain in the comics and while she doesn’t really share much history with The Flash, fans of the cartoon show, Teen Titans, will – possibly – recognize that Jinx is here due to her fun chemistry and interesting relationship with Wally West in their infrequent appearances on the show. For that reason I would hope The Flash gives Wally West an “untouchable love” in the form of the meta human (or magic powered?) anti-hero Jinx.

Played By: Vanessa Morgan

By no means is Morgan an amazing actress, but her role on My Babysitter’s a Vampire certainly leaves her qualified to play an amalgam of the Jinx fans met on Teen Titans and in the comics as well.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Jinx

Heroes Who I Would Like To Appear Who May Not/Honorable Mentions:

  • Ted Kord aka Blue Beetle, played by James Roday
    • Reason They May Not Appear: Ted Kord may be a popular character amongst comic fans, but unlike The Flash has backstory isn’t that vast nor well known to the general public. With a Booster Gold/Blue Beetle Team Up Movie on the way, I’m doubtful that DC would overlap such unknown – to the general public characters – by having two versions of them.
  • Michael Jon Carter aka Booster Gold, played by Eric Christian Olsen
    • Reason They May Not Appear: Booster Gold may be a popular character amongst comic fans, but unlike The Flash has backstory isn’t that vast nor well known to the general public. With a Booster Gold/Blue Beetle Team Up Movie on the way, I’m doubtful that DC would overlap such unknown – to the general public characters – by having two versions of them.
  • John Smith aka Red Tornado, played by Michael Rosenbaum
    • Reason They May Not Appear: Given the characters appearance on the CBS Supergirl show, I certainly have my doubts about his appearance in the Arrowverse.
  • Hank Hall aka Hawk, played by Cody Saintgnue
    • Reason They May Not Appear: Given the characters likely appearance on the TNT Blackbirds/Titans show, I certainly have my doubts about his appearance in the Arrowverse.
  • Don Hall aka Dove, played by Cody Christian
    • Reason They May Not Appear: Given the characters likely appearance on the TNT Blackbirds/Titans show, I certainly have my doubts about his appearance in the Arrowverse.
  • Captain Nathaniel Adam aka Captain Atom, played by Alan Ritchson
    • Reason They May Not Appear: Captain Atom is nearly an exact copy of Firestorm (except Firestorm is stronger) and while he would bring a new personal story to the table, the character is merely an atomic version of the fusion based here we already have.


Citizen Abra aka Abra Kadabra:

Citizen Abra was a stage magician in the 64th Century, going by the name Abra Kadabra, due to the advanced technology of his era his performances were somewhat useless and so he went back in time. After gaining some success in the past, Abra realized the best way to garner attention was by stealing things, and so his crime spree began. In the CW’s take of the character I would NOT have Abra be the one to truly introduce characters from the future, who we know are from the future when they are introduced (Eobard being an exception), first Bart Allen should be introduced and we should learn of how his future is different from our current time, possibly even have Barry travel forward in time…and then, introduce Abra in a manor very similar to the comics.  Seeing as Arrow’s fourth season is set to introduce magic, The Flash should wait and see how much access to “magic” the Arrowverse will get before deciding whether or not to make Abra truly “magic” or “tech” based.

Played By: Shane West

West is certainly a more than capable actor and based on previous work could tackle a role as interesting as that of Citizen Abra.

Likely to Appear onThe Flash

More on Citizen Abra

Alexander Petrov:

Petrov’s role on the show, much like in the comic, should be to establish Captain Cold’s Rogue’s laws. Captain Cold has a strict set of rules as to how the Rogues should act, such as no drugs, not kill unless they have to, and never frame a fellow Rogue. This final rule is exemplified when Petrov frames Cold, and, since he broke Rogue law, Cold kills Petrov. Seeing as last season we were introduced to a slightly villainous, slightly maniacal Captain Cold, and this season we are set to see both Cold and Heat Wave make the jump to anti-heroes on Legends of Tomorrow,  The Flash should take the time to set in place – clearly – what Rogue law is to Captain Cold and Petrov would be an excellent lead in into doing so.

Played By: Maxi Iglesias

I’m not too familiar with this actor, but people claim he’s a “lookalike” with Wentworth Miller – who plays Cold – and considering the storyline I think a lookalike adds a good twist as he does impersonate Cold.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Alexander Petrov

Black Flash aka Death for Speedsters:

See link here where I explain how he may – although a secondary option – show up this season.

Played By: CGI

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on The Black Flash

“Malcolm”/Eddie Thawne aka Cobalt Blue:

Since The Flash’s pilot episode it has been abundantly clear to me that “Eddie” Thawne was an amalgam of well known character Hunter Zolomon aka Zoom and lesser known character Malcolm Thawne aka Cobalt Blue. Despite meeting his demise in the Season 1 finale – Cosnett had to leave the show due to personal issues – the character could quite easily return in a way that I outlined in further detail here.

Played By: Rick Cosnett

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Malcolm Thawne

Albert Desmond aka Doctor Alchemy/ Mister Element:

Ever the schizophrenic Albert Desmond would ideally, much like his comic counterpart, try to fight the evil inside of him. However in this adaptation rather than Mister Element being his first criminal name and Dr. Alchemy his second, one would represent his good side and the other his bad, both living without knowledge of the other’s existence. This could add an interesting spin of a character who is otherwise very bland, it also encompasses the storyline where a “second” Dr. Alchemy emerged that turned out to be Albert Desmond’s twin…who turned out to be a manifestation of Albert’s evil side.

Played By: Eric McCormack

Anyone who has seen McCormack when he started on Perception also knows just how perfect he is for this role. McCormack played a schizophrenic professor whose illusions and multiple personas helped the cops solve cases and this role – as Albert Desmond – could certainly take an already well honed actor to the next level.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Albert Desmond

Thaddeus Thawne II aka Kid Zoom/Inertia:

The imperfect clone of Bart Allen from the future Kid Zoom/Inertia would certainly serve as an interesting character if there ever was one. Seeing as his powers could be derived form either the Speed Force or time displacement his character is open to a plethora of opportunities…although I should probably wait until Bart is introduced to even assume/hope anything of Thaddeus II

Played By (if he was introduced now): Colin Ford

Ford began acting at quite the young age and is most notable for his time as a Young Sam Winchester on the CW’s hit show Supernatural. Since then, he’s gone on to appear on various other shows and currently has a regular role on the series Under the Dome. Ford has demonstrated his ability to act in all of the aforementioned performances and his role as Bart Allen would just further this point. His boyish looks also a positive seeing as Bart, while looking older, is actually aged at an accelerated rate  due to Speed Force energy.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Thaddeus Thawne II

Samuel Scudder aka Mirror Master:

I wouldn’t be to sure how to incorporate the original Mirror Master onto the CW’s Flash, but it certainly would be interesting! While David Cassidy doesn’t have the star power that Mark Hamill’s Trickster does, he does certainly have the ties to the CW network (Katie Cassidy, who plays Laurel Lance on Arrow) is his daughter! That being said, Scudder could be introduced as the man who invents the mirror technology that is later stolen and used by Evan McCulloch, who is the second Mirror Master in the comics.

Played By: David Cassidy

While David Cassidy doesn’t have the star power that Mark Hamill’s Trickster does, he does certainly have the ties to the CW network (Katie Cassidy, who plays Laurel Lance on Arrow) is his daughter!

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Samuel Scudder

Evan McCulloch aka Mirror Master II:

Mirror Master is a mastermind in his own right, and seeing as Captain Cold has also been a mastermind on The Flash M.M. would be the perfect way to set up a very lose adaptation of Rogue’s War – a famous Flash storyline – in which two teams of Rogue’s with different ideals, one led by Cold, the other by Mirror Master could duke it out to see who should truly lead the Rogues. Ideally, much like Capt. Cold, Mirror Master would not be a metahuman in this version.

Played By: Joshua Jackson

Coming off Fringe, Jackson has shown dynamic talent and great drama in his performances, long gone are his days as a Mighty Duck.  He’s tall enough and has the look of a leader and falls in a suitable age range for the role as well.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Evan McCulloch

Richard Swift a.k.a. Shade:

Unlike the others on this list, which concerns those who I would think could and should return to Earth-2 at the end of the season, Shade is one who should stay behind. Justice League, which used neither Jay Garrick nor Barry Allen but Wally West, proved that Shade could be utilized as a rather successful villain for any version of the Flash. In terms of story, I think a focus similar to Grodd’s in Season 1 could be very interesting, by having him hide in the shadows…the shade…until a later season. Seeing as we will be meeting the likes of Vandal Savage and Damien Darhk, and we’ve already met Ra’s Al Ghul, I would opt that The Flash didn’t include the version of Shade’s origin where he is an immortal.

Played by: Matthew Gray Gubler

If you’ve seen Criminal Minds I should have to say no more to convince you of this casting!

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Richard Swift

Owen Mercer aka Capt. Boomerang II:

To simplify an unneeded part of his origin this version of Mercer would not be the son to Digger Harkness and Meloni Thawne (Bart Allen’s widowed mother) and he would not have minor speed powers, he would simply serve as a son (or simply replacement) to the first Captain Boomerang who WB seems to have taken off the table due to the new Suicide Squad movie. Casting someone younger also allows for the Rogue’s to last longer as The Flash grows to a show that has potential to run for 10+ Seasons.

Played By: Cody Linley

Linley, while not an amazing actor, has proven himself in his various small screen outings over the years as a fun, likable and believable actor who would seem quite in place next to the likes of Axel Walker (Trickster II) and other younger Rogues.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Owen Mercer


This is a character solely restricted to The Flash from the 1990’s and she served as the Harley Quinn to the original Trickster. I think her appearance as a side-henchmen to Axel Walker’s Trickster could introduce a “Bonnie and Clyde” dynamic and perpetuate the “Trickster doesn’t work alone” dynamic introduced in 1×17, “Tricksters”.

Played By: Cassidy Alexa

Seeing as Alexa was cast to play Arrow’s Harley Quinn – who was scrapped due to the Suicide Squad movie using the character – it would seem right that she was also the one to play the “knock-off” Harley that was introduced on The Flash back in the 90’s.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash


“A Cold War pilot for a third-world nation, the man who would become known as Savitar was to test a supersonic fighter jet. As he reached top speed, his plane was struck by what appeared to be lightning, and he went down in hostile territory.”… if they chose to not introduce Hal Jordan (which would be stupid) they could theoretically modify Savitar’s origin and make him into the missing Ferris Air pilot. Assuming that isn’t the case I believe Savitar could be used as the “Reverse Flash” to the Max Mercury/Johnny Chambers amalgam I mentioned above…much like Tim Allen’s Zoom “lost his speed” when he sent Concussion (the villain) into another dimension, Max Mercury could have done the same. The story could follow Mercury tracking the impending threat known as Savitar and attempting to get his speed back in order to do combat with the villain

Played By: Eric Winter

Winter is a highly skilled and yet underrated actor who could certainly pull of the commotion of ferocity, unknowingness and cunning to play Savitar in live-action.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Savitar

Auerbach aka Spin:

Much like Scarecrow this relatively unknown Flash villain has the ability to magnify people’s fears and make them reality, something that has been explored by the newest batch of Vertigo on Arrow. I personally hope that by Season 4’s closing Count Vertigo has ditched the drug and gone the more comic route, which would allow for a new twist and formulation of Vertigo called “Spin”, a drug that could begin making the rounds in Central City.

Played By: Kevin Zeegers

Zeegers is an amazing actor, but personally it’s his resemblance to Seth Gabel, the first Vertigo on Arrow, that really allows me to see him in this version of the role.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Auerbach

Roscoe Dillon/Hynes aka The Top/Turbine:

While I do enjoy the New 52 origin of “Turbine” who essentially replaces the Top, it does share quite a bit in common with Savitar’s origin as well, that being said I do think the character should go eventually by the name “Turbine” as it sounds a little less gimmicky, but maybe should get his start as “The Top”. I think Roscoe could easily be an excellent example of the metagene at work, much like Black Lightning above, The Top could draw his powers from a machine of sorts that gives him his spinning speed, and due to malfunction he almost dies. The metagene is said to be triggered to counteract or simulate ones near death experience and “The Tops” transformation into a naturally powered “Turbine” could illustrate that.

Played By: Josh Peck

I know what you’re thinking…”that guy from Drake and Josh?!?” and the answer to that would be yes, that guy from Drake and Josh. Peck’s ability as an actor shone bright on that show and has only continued to grow since in outings such as the Red Dawn reboot and his new show Grandfathered.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Roscoe DillionMore on Roscoe Hynes

Albrecht Raines aka Rainbow Archer:

Although the Rainbow Archer – much like many of Green Arrow’s other bow wielding enemies – would most certainly be used as a one off villain,or at least I would hope so. I believe the character could be included to give Hartley a nice cameo and nod to his previous role as Green Arrow on Smallville – maybe the suit he’s wearing is the one from Smallville with a modified color scheme.

Played By: Justin Hartley

The man who “made Green Arrow TV-famous”, Hartley is far from a terrible actor and this would merely be a 1/2 episode cameo (ideally), so why not bring back the original Emerald Archer as a nod to Hartley’s previous television role as Oliver Queen on Smallville.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Albrecht Raines

Anatoli Knyazev aka KGBeast:

While Anatoli appeared in Season 2 of Arrow in both the flashbacks (the bearded man from the submarine) and in present day (Oliver visits him in Russia) we have yet to see his KGBeast side. Given the way he has been set up I doubt Anatoli will ever suit up as KGBeast on the show, but a nod to having been KGBeast in the past, and having trained the new NKVDemon would be nice; especially seeing as Oliver is most likely headed to Russia for his Season 4 flashbacks.

Played By: David Nykl

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on KGBeast

Arthur Light aka Doctor Light:

In 2×19 we had our first hint at lights existence in the Arrowverse, Cisco and Caitlin use a gun/ray built by Arthur Light in order to stop Deathstroke. And, althought we are getting the SECOND Doctor Light on The Flash, I still think Arthur (Light) has his place in the Arrowverse. Personally I think Light should be introduced as a scientist who resides in Star City, strangely enough all the science-based people tend to hang out in Central City and the tech-based people in Starling City. In the comics during the Identity Crisis Light kidnaps Green Arrow, and although the circumstances may be different on Arrow, a similar storyline could certainly be adapted. Seeing as the show is centered around Oliver Queen, fans rarely get to see Oliver Queen being saved – as he is typically doing the saving – a situation where Queen, not Green Arrow, is help captive would create an interesting dynamic as Oliver wouldn’t want to reveal himself and we would get to watch how the team handles an Oliver-rescue.

Played By: Desmond Harrington

Desmond Harrington is known for straring in movies like Ghost Ship, Wrong Turn and The Hole, but shows his acting chops really shone through in his role as Joey Quinn in the showtime’s hit TV show Dexter. Desmond as a strong presence on Dexter, and carried the very unique ability to allow for the audience to love or hate his character within the span of an hour.His role on Arrow could easily draw from Harrington’s time on Dexter (watching Michael C. Hall and recreating his time as Joey Quinn) to deliver a twisted take on Light.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Arthur Light

Constantine Drakon:

You may recognize the name “Constantine Drakon” from Arrow’s pilot, in which he served as Adam Hunt’s muscle against Oliver. Unfortunately Darren Shahlavi, who played Drakon then, has since passed away. Despite not being a part of the “Outsiders War” in Jeff Lemire’s Outsiders War, I do believe if the storyline was adapted he could easily be included as a key player. What makes Outsiders War a particularly interesting story is that it isn’t Oliver Queen v.s. one man, it’s Oliver Queen v.s. many equally balanced characters.

Played By: James Lafferty

Known for his role on One Tree Hill, Lafferty is a solid actor with a strong on-screen presence and would make a great”replacement” Constantine Drakon.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Constantine Drakon

David Drayson aka Slingshot:

Some of you may have noted that David Drayson’s name was actually on Oliver’s list in Season 1, I would hope the list is further explored in later seasons of the show, especially seeing as some of the villains Oliver has encountered, Isabel Roshev and Brick among them were also on the list. If not, Drayson would make an excellent “pawn” villain – much like the role Anarky seems to be playing in Season 4.

Played By: Aaron Yoo

Yoo – as he’s proven time and time again, especially on the recently canceled The Tomorrow People – is an excellent actor. His charisma as Russel – on TTP – could be an interesting take on the character slingshot, especially if he’s combating the newly “happy” Green Arrow. Rather than Oliver makign quips to some hardened villain Yoo could play a version of Drayson who is similarly happy-go-lucky.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on David Drayson

Gregor Dosynski aka NKVDemon:

While I can already hear claims of “Batman villain, Batman villain” I’ve already made out why I think those claims are laughable here, as for the NKVDemon, while he may have appeared first in Batman comics, he has since gone on to battle Aquaman, Robin, and Nightwing; also seeing as NKVDemon is such a small-scale character his backstory is thin and could use some filling in from the Arrow writing staff.

Played By: Matt Lanter

Best known for his voice work on Ultimate Spider-Man (as Harry Osborn / Flash Thompson / Agent Venom) and the short-lived cult-followed show Starcrossed, both of which have provided ample evidence that Lanter is a good actor who is able to use merely his voice to convey emotion. Fingers crossed this voice work would also lend itself to a decent Russian accent.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Gregor Dosynski

Jade Nguyen aka Cheshire:

Seeing as her character ties lie strongly with Roy Harper, Cheshire could be the perfect villain to bring Colton Haynes back for a guest appearance or two on Arrow. When a mysterious assassin by the name of Cheshire enters Star City both Green Arrow and Speedy are immediately intrigued as they attempt to stop her, little do they know someone else…another hero…is hot on Cheshire’s tale, and that is when Arrow fans meet Red Arrow, a familiar face, but a new identity, and costume.

Played By: Brenda Song

While you may look back and chuckle at her days on The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Song’s time on both that show and in movies such as Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior, have shown the actresses vast acting range. By no means is Song an “amazing actor”, but she would certainly stand out amongst those typically cast on the CW and has the looks and ability to pull of Cheshire quite nicely.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Jade Nguyen

Killer Moth:

Although not much is known about the version of Killer Moth that works with The Outsiders, his persona does seem volatile and reckless – hence the casting – Moth could easily be introduced alongside Constantine Drakon and others as part of an adaptation of The Outsiders War.

Played By: Shia LaBeouf

Crazy is as crazy does and Shia LaBeouf, while a talented actor, isn’t a highly sought after one anymore due to his past “issues”. That being said, these issues could certainly lend themselves to a very twisted take on the New 52 Killer Moth.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Killer Moth

Christopher King-Jones. aka Sportsmaster & Warrant Amalgam:

As you’ll notice below I’ve made several alterations to the Crock family (typically including Artemis Crock – who is nothing like the version seen on Young Justice) and so I felt that whilst I was changing the backstory of one family member so much I may as well do so for the other. Ideally in my version of the future, this amalgam of Sportscaster and Warrant would be not be Lawerence Crock but instead Christopher King-Jones, essentially the character combines the bada**ness of Jason Todd (the Red Hood) and the confidence of Arrow‘s Slade Wilson, to form the ultimate paid assassin.

Played By: Jensen Ackles

“But he should play Red Hood!”

Yup, 10-15 years ago he should have!…but he didn’t.

Ackles, while a good actor, has proven that he has the ability to play the “hardned badass” and not much more than that. The emotional acting needed to portray Jason Todd is and extreme and Ackles certainly couldn’t pull that off. That being said, his ability to act as the aforementioned hardened badass would make his time as Sportsmaster/Warrant well earned, especially seeing as my vision of the character is a hardened, cold character almost equivalent to “The Vigilante” in the first 1-2 epsidoes of Arrow.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on SportsmasterMore on Warrant

Laura Crock aka [The] Arrowette Gender-bent Lawerence Crock:

The other half to my Green Arrow/Speedy rival pair and the sister to Apollo Crook, Laura. Unlike [his] her comic book counterpart this version of Lawerence Crock is actually Laura Crock, sister to Apollo Crock (below). I felt that an excellent dynamic used in more popular character’s comics is the idea of the perfect rival, while Oliver does have Merlyn in the comics, the show has taken it’s liberties and made Merlyn a sort of twisted father figure. Ideally Laura Crock serves as a direct counterpart to Oliver Queen’s Green Arrow, with a similar and yet more twisted upbringing.

Played By: Amanda Righetti

I feel like this is one of those castings you can’t even question…well if you’ve seen The Mentalist you can’t question it. Righetti is not only an amazing actress, but the “vibe” she gives off and her ability to play a strong female character is evident in all the roles she has that demand it.

Likely to Appear onArrow

More on Lawerence CrockMore on Arrowette

Apollo Crock aka Apollo: Gender-bent Artemis Crock:

I bet your first question is…why gender bend the character Artemis? And that answer is two-fold, and quite simple:

1) The character most people know as Artemis (of Young Justice, the cartoon) is not actually anything like Artemis in the comics. She is actually an amalgam of Mia Dearden (Speedy) and Cissie King-Jones (Arrowette) from DC Comics. Seeing as Thea Queen-Merlyn is already embodies numerous traits from both Mia and Cissie, Thea is technically a version of “Artemis” already.

2) This is only 1/2 of a fancast, the other half will be posted later. By 1/2 I mean Apollo is part of a duo…Green Arrow and Speedy really don’t have any direct opposites like Batman and Robin have Wrath and Scorn, and so Apollo and Arrowette are supposed to serve as those opposites with Apollo opposing Speedy and Arrowette opposing the Green Arrow.

While Artemis may be a goddess of archery, there is another god who holds the title as well, Apollo. Apollo Crock is the perfect opposite to Thea Queen’s Speedy. I see Apollo as what “Chase” from Arrow’s third seaosn should have been, a character we don’t know much about…we potentially can like, and then it’s revealed he is a villain. Arrow servely lacks in that department (with exception to John Barrowman). Building a character who the audience could potentially love as a person and as a character, only to reveal that he’s a villain would be an excellent twist for a later season.

Played By: David Henrie

Although many people look at Henrie and immediatley associate him with Wizards of Waverly Place, many of his post-Waverly Place projects (whether they be small movies, or low budget films he has directed) have shown his growth as an actor, and growth as a person overall. Unlike his fellow Disney Channel stars Henrie has accumulated his small group of devoted fans not by doing stupid attention grabbing things (Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, etc) but by being true to character, humble, and an overall good person. On that same note Henrie’s acting range is quite expansive and his physciality lends itself well to a role that demands one to be physical.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Young Justice’s Version of ArtemisMore on Artemis Crook


While Kevin Smith has said Onomatopoeia would be a difficult villain to pull off in live action I couldn’t agree less. In their feeble attempt to bring him into the Arrowverse Marc Guggenheim included the chaarcter in a 1 panel throwaway in the Arrow Season 2.5 comic. Personally, I think the charcater could and should be portrayed as the classic 80’s slasher film killer, imagine any classic horror film, Friday the 13th, Halloween, etc. any film with a silent killer. Now imagine that after each kill the killer mad an effect, in a monotone voice – he shoots someone…”Bang”- and that’s all. Personally I feel like the villain could not only be pulled off well but could be one of the scariest the show has ever featured without needing to add blood, gore, or really much viloence.

Played By: Sam Witwer

My reason for choosing Witwer is simple, not only would his face be obscured by a mask most of the time (if not all of the time) – so no Smallville confusion would be possible, but Witwer already seems to embody the character to a certain degree in how he acts. Of all of his roles Witwer seems to do his best in using his physical action to portray what he is doing and feeling (much more than the dialogue he delivers). Not only that but Witwer already has an extremely physical build, something needed if this mere human is going to be going up (physically) against the likes of Stephen Amell’s Green Arrow.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Onomatopoeia

Red Dart:

Yet another character I would like introduced if the Outsider War (modified to exclude the Robert Queen, Shado, and Emiko subplot) storyline is explored.

Played By: Madeleine Mantock

Mantock proved herself as a good actor on the CW’s The Tomorrow People and seeing as not much is known of the new Red Dart, both CW and Mantock have plenty of creative freedom when it comes to adapting the character.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Red Dart

Richard Dragon:

Only featured in flashbacks, Richard Dragon would ideally be someone Oliver deals with in the Season 5 flashbacks (as either a trainer or a villain). His character could be someone/something that could either build up to, or lead directly into the Outsider War storyline.

Played By: Mark Pellegrino

Pellegrino is a realy underrated actor who, due to that, has yet to be recognized by the larger acting community. His work on  Supernatural shows a sympathetic character, but one with malice behind his words.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Richard Dragon

Ricardo Diaz, Jr. aka Richard Dragon II:

Another character I would like introduced if the Outsider War (modified to exclude the Robert Queen, Shado, and Emiko subplot) storyline is explored. However in this version it would be highlighted that the first Richard Dragon – above- was his mentor and trainer.

Played By: Shemar Moore

Criminal Minds?…Have you seen it? Nuff said…

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Ricardo Diaz, Jr.

Silent Majority:

Little is known about the softspoken adventurer known as Silent Majority, seeing as that is the case I believe that it would be ideal if Multiplex amalgamated with this character. Rather than introducing yet another character that can clone himself, we find out that one of Multiplex’s clones actually survived and grew into his own being after The Flash‘s first season. This clone of Danton Black becomes the being(s) known as Silent Majority.

Played By: Michael Christopher Smith

Likely to Appear on: Arrow, The Flash

More on Silent Majority

Veronica Sinclair aka Roulette:

Roulette’s introduction could serve as a very cool one-off episode (much like it was on Justice League Unlimited) in which we see superheroes and super heroines smack down against each other. The Superhero Fight Club Promo – featured here – proves that the concept could be very cool if introduced properly and with a storyline behind it and Roulette serves as the ideal character to fuel said storyline.

Played By: Scarlett Pomers or Steph Song

Both Pomers and Song have proven themselves capable of taking on the vixen-like role of Roulette in live-action. Song actually did (on Smallville) and Pomer’s has proven herself a suitable fit in roles such as Naomi Wildman on Star Trek: Voyager and Kyra Hart on the television series Reba.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Veronica Sinclair


“Ah he’s a Batman villain”…Nope, no he isn’t. While he may have been featured fighting Batman from time to time Prometheus has smacked down with other heroes as well and the villain actually met his end when:

‘While being interrogated by the JLA, Prometheus offered to reveal the locations of the devices and deactivate them in exchange for his release. After one of his devices severely devastated Star City and inflicted millions of fatalities, including Roy Harper’s daughter Lian, Prometheus’ ultimatum was reluctantly met to save the cities. After Prometheus returned to his lair, he is ambushed and killed by Green Arrow, who shoots an arrow through the villain’s head.’

So no, not a Batman villain but a formidable foe that Arrow could easily incorporate as a season-long, one off, or recurring villain. He is most notable – in the Green Arrow lore – as the man who brought Oliver Queen to a very dark place and destroyed much of Star City. If Arrow were ever to need a “dark” Green Arrow again, this would certainly be the villain to push Oliver to that place.

Played by: Justin Bruening

Bruening’s roles in Knight Rider, and his connection to the CW/WB via the failed Wonder Woman pilot combine to form an actor who is up to par in the Arrowverse and has potential connection to the studio that makes the show. Bruening is a talented actor and the role of the masked, very physcial villain- what if he were to be masked all season?!? – is almost perfect for him.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Prometheus

Liam Hawkleigh aka Gunhawk:

Arrow is known for it’s filler episodes, the episodes that seem to have nothing to do with the plot of the entire season simply because they are mandated by the CW to produce a 23 episode season. Many fans find these filler episodes boring and flat due to their lack of interesting villains, I for one think Gunhawk, Deadline, and Hatchet, could certainly bring unknown and interesting villains to these filler episodes – similiar to Flash’s “Rogues”. Seeing as the trio teams up in the comics, their roles as filler episode villains could eventually be expanded on as a mini-storyline where the three team up in order to stop the Green Arrow.

Played By: James Maslow

Maslow is best known for playing James Diamond on Big Time Rush, but his acting abilities extend far past those of “typical” Nick actors. On top of his natural acting ability Maslow’s natural behavior is extremely enthusiastic, and that could – and likely would – certainly lend itself to creating distinct difference between Gunhawk and similar characters such as Deadshot.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Liam Hawkleigh


Arrow is known for it’s filler episodes, the episodes that seem to have nothing to do with the plot of the entire season simply because they are mandated by the CW to produce a 23 episode season. Many fans find these filler episodes boring and flat due to their lack of interesting villains, I for one think Gunhawk, Deadline, and Hatchet, could certainly bring unknown and interesting villains to these filler episodes. Seeing as the trio teams up in the comics, their roles as filler episode villains could eventually be expanded on as a mini-storyline where the three team up in order to stop the Green Arrow.

Played By: Sean Faris

Never Back Down showed us that Faris could certainly fight, or at least act as if he was, and his various other roles have added to his ability as an actor. All things coupled together Faris is more than good enough to play a character would likely appear as a guest villain here and there.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Deadline

Roland or Mark Desmond aka Blockbuster:

Seeing as Arrow loves to avoid using CGI on characters who should be CGI heavy – Solomon Grundy – despite the fact that The Flash doesn’t – Gorilla Grodd and Atom Smasher – introducing Desmond as a human would be the route most likely traveled by the show runners. As a means to tie season to season stories together it would be interesting if Desmond, a mob boss much like Brick, took a modified form of Mirakuru only to become the hulking Blockbuster.

Played By: Triple H

While Triple H’s acting career is barely fit to be called an acting career at all, his real life persona, looks, and size would be more than suitable for a role like the brute that is Blockbuster.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Mark DesmondMore on Roland Desmond

Joseph Wilson aka Jericho:

Slade Wilson, debatably Arrow‘s best villain, once mentioned his son Joseph to Oliver whilst the two tracked across Lian-Yu. Joe Wilson’s induction into the world of Arrow could not only be a very interesting storyline – as Joe pursued revenge for his father against the Green Arrow – but also a very interesting way to bring a metahuman onto Arrow without forcing him/her [Deathbolt] into the plot of the episode and show as a whole.

Played By: Cayden Boyd

Boyd is one of those actors who was good, but has dropped off of many people’s radars in the past few years. Judging by his past work however, he would be a suitable candidate both physically and acting-wise for Joseph Wilson.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Joseph Wilson


Arrow is known for it’s filler episodes, the episodes that seem to have nothing to do with the plot of the entire season simply because they are mandated by the CW to produce a 23 episode season. Many fans find these filler episodes boring and flat due to their lack of interesting villains, I for one think Gunhawk, Deadline, and Hatchet, could certainly bring unknown and interesting villains to these filler episodes. Seeing as the trio teams up in the comics, their roles as filler episode villains could eventually be expanded on as a mini-storyline where the three team up in order to stop the Green Arrow.

Played By: Corbin Bleu

All Corbin Bleu need is to have his chance to prove he is more than one of those singing and dancing ex. Disney stars, while he is outspoken in real life, he has yet to have in largely breakout roles that have shown he’s an actor though and through. That being said, like his co-star Zack Efron before him, Bleu has the potential to be an excellent actor.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Hatchet

Peter Merkel, Jr. aka Ragdoll:

Much like Ontomtontopea I would hope Rag Doll was introduced as a twisted character – whose ‘sickness’ stemmed from an abusive childhood – again, another character I would like to see if Arrow really wanted to make a tonal shift for the show, but leave Oliver in a happy-go-lucky state of mind.

Played By: DJ Qualls

While small and timid Qualls has proven that his screen appearance and screen presence are two vastly difference things. If his stand out guest spots on Supernatural are any indication, his time as Ragdoll on Arrow would be one that is difficult to forget.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Peter Merkel, Jr.

Stanley Dover aka Star City Slayer:

Simply put The Star City Slayer is a satanist who kills for his own sick and twisted purposes. Much like Ontomtontopea and Rag Doll, the Slayer falls in my own category of, “If Arrow goes dark again”. In the hopes that Oliver can stand out in a very very dark world (as he is now happy) it would be interesting to see a dark season long, or possibly multi-season long serial-killer story arch in the vein of Dexter’s Ice Truck Killer, and The Mentalists’ Red John.

Played By: Christian Camargo

Charismatic and wicked looking at the same time coupled with an eerily interesting acting style, that’d be Christian Camargo! If this version of the Slayer were to be a long term mystery villain akin to  Dexter’s Ice Truck Killer, and The Mentalists’ Red John, who better than the man who played the Ice Truck Killer himself?

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Stanley Dover

Thomas Bolt aka Steelclaw:

With the Mayor Queen storyline confirmed for Season 4 of Arrow, and the assumption that Oliver wins the election, who better to introduce as Oliver’s replacement (in later seasons) then a substantial character himself. To date Arrow has killed what has to be 4 or 5 mayors each less significant than the last. Bringing in Bolt as not only Oliver’s replacement but also the enemy of the season would be an interesting storyline that could still see Oliver entrenched in the political world.

Played By: Cary Elwes

From his fitting role in Comic Book Villains, too his role on shows like the X-Files, Elwes has proven himself as an actor who can take what is given to him in a script and make it interesting. Elves is a quality actor and his previous roles, including Tough Trade and Fallen Moon further support the claim.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Thomas Bolt

The Thinker – With the ATOM as a guest star

The Thinker used his incredible intelligence to model the world and predict what would happen. Somehow, he predicted the invasion by the Crime Syndicate, and got himself committed to Belle Reve Penitentiary.

Thinker’s incredible brain came at a price: his brain drains energy from the rest of his body, prematurely aging him. He predicted that he would be dead within a decade, until the arrival of the Crime Syndicate. He agreed to serve the villains in exchange for a new body; specifically, the body of OMAC. When they agreed to his terms, he began subverting the work of the Suicide Squad, arranging a second Squad (while pretending to be Amanda Waller) to counter the first, and cutting into Amanda Waller’s bandwidth, preventing her from getting valuable data to her operatives.

Played By: Unknown

Earth 2 Joar or Cameron Mahkent a.k.a Icicle:

This character isn’t actually a Flash villain, but could certainly act as an interesting Earth-2 counterpart to Captain Cold. Ideally, he wouldn’t play a major role in terms of on-screen time, but if his powers were made natural – this would differ him from Cold – he could play a part in Caitlin Snow’s transformation into Killer Frost, come the end of the season.

Played by: Mackenzie Crook

Despite Crook’s prior performances usually being comedy based Crook has the right look, and acting skills to be this incredibly insane madman or, if they so chose, they could adapt material based on a  newer more “friendly” and laughable version of Icicle.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash, Arrow

More on Joar MahkentMore on Cameron Mahkent


Fiona Webb/Ashley Zolomon Amalgam:

“She met Barry Allen after the death of Iris West and started to have a relationship. After they engaged, Professor Zoom tried to kill Fiona like he killed Barry Allen’s ex-wife but his action ended badly by Barry Allen who accidently broke his neck. Fiona had a serious nervous breakdown because of nearly being killed and got left at the altar.”… I think her story could easily be adapted almost directly from the comics as I see Iris’ time on The Flash as short-lived BUT she would ideally return (much like she did in the comics)…using the Iris dies and Barry moves on storyline not only opens up the chance for Barry to visit the future (to meet/save Iris) but also serves as a great proxy relationship just like Chloe and Clark, Lana and Clark, and Oliver and Felicity before the true finale romance comes to fruition.  Rather than have her move to Central City and change her name from “Beverly Lewis”, this version could have moved away from her abuse husband, Hunter (a nod to Zolomon) and changed her name from “Ashley” to Fiona Webb. The character (like her comic counterpart Ashley) can work in a special unit of the CCPD known as the “Rogue Profilers”, those whose job it is to specifically determine and stop the Rogues rather than the normal criminals, something The Flash could easily build to for Season 3 – although I would venture to say her inclusion as part of the show and more specifically the CCPD depends on how long Patty Spivot remains part of the cast.

I merged Ashley Zolomon into the character due to the fact that I don’t believe we will ever see Hunter Zolomon in his true form for reasons I tackle here (CW Zoom Explained), here (CW Cobalt Blue Explained), and here (CW Professor Zoom Explained).

Played By: Ashley Tisdale

Tisdale is one of few Disney Channel stars to excel past Disney Channel and her teenage years and make somewhat of an acting career out of the base she had been given. While not an excellent actress, Tisdale would be more than a suitable replacement for Patty Spivot on The Flash (the actresses are very similar in terms of talent) and so, she would make a more than suitable Fiona Webb.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Ashley ZolomonMore on Fiona Webb

Jerry McGee aka Speed Demon:

Seeing as Tina was aged upwards so that the original actress who played her on The Flash in the 90’s could reprise her role, I would do the same to Jerry, thus eliminating his time as Speed Demon. Speed Demon’s original suit injected him with a drug known as Steroid B-19, what if, and I reference points I made above again, both McGee’s, and Max Mercury use Steroid B-19 as a temporary fix for Max’s speed at some point, either causing them to realize how bad the idea and abandon it for years, or simply before they figure out how to get his speed back permanently; this again ties into the “stories” for Max Mercury and Savitar above.

Played By: Geoff Pierson

Not only is Pierson an experienced live-action actor (Dexter, Castle, The Brink) but he’s actually voiced a speedster in the past, Jay Garrick, on Young Justice. He is a solid actor who could certainly pull of the role with relative ease.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Jerry McGee

Vince Everett:

Everett would appear as an allusion to both the PreNew 52 Wally West and Vince Everett of the 90’s Flash spinoff comic. Everett appeared as a teenage thief named in The Flash TV Special #1 (based on the 90’s show). “Unlike the Flash, his powers did not require eating to replenish. His speed is pushed to the limit as he chased the Flash through an amusement park, eventually burnt out his powers.”

Played By: Grayson Russell

Russell is a relatively solid actor known for his roles in Talladega Nights and the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film series.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Vince Everett

Evan Gibson:

We actually know that Gibson, who is typically a young Star City reporter, exists in the Arrowverse as he is the one who wrote the article about Nora Allen’s death ( and Henry’s subsequent arrest). We also know that he wrote the original – temporary – 2024 paper. Seeing as he was around at the time of Nora’s death and he was a high profile enough reporter to cover a front page news story I would put him in his late 40’s-early 50’s on the show (maybe a little older than Barry/Iris when he first wrote the piece on Nora’s death). I would hope that mentors Iris in Season 2 – rather than be rude to her like Mason Bridge – and puts her on the path to becoming the reporter she is in the comics.

Played By: Matthew Perry

Perry, who is best known for his role on the cult-hit show Friends, is more than an experienced actor whose enthusiasm and happy-go-lucky attitude could bring an interesting twist to the character – Evan – who could potentially be Iris West’s boss.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Evan Gibson

Darryl Frye:

Darryl Frye was a captain in the Central City Police Department. One of his subordinates was police scientist Barry Allen. Frye would occasionally adopt the costumed identity Captain Incredible and fight crime in the city. Seeing as David Singh is the current leader of the CCPD I believe that Darryl can make his entrance in a later season, an ex. CCPD cop who moved to another city and is now back, maybe he could drop a joke about his days as “Captain Incredible” as well.

Played By: Scott Paulin

Another Castle alum who has proven himself an actor worthy of the aforesaid role.

Likely to Appear on: The Flash

More on Darryl Frye

Andrew Lopez:

Don’t get me wrong, I love Paul Blackthorne’s Quentin Lance, but I do feel as if some characters can overstay their welcome, and he is one of those characters. Arrow can only push the “does he like the Arrow or not” storyline sooooo far, and I think they’ve long surpassed that limit. Andrew Lopez is a detective in the Star City police force who has developed a good working relationship with the Green Arrow. If the cop-vigilante relationship is a necessity I think post-Season 4 it would be nice to see a fresh face and fresh take on the police department in Star City.

Played By: Danny Pino

This Cold Case and Law and Order: SVU vet has proven time and time again he’s worthy of the role of the loveable/relatable/damaged cop, so why not do it again?

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Andrew Lopez

Naomi Singh:

While some fans still enjoy the current IT girl we have on Arrow many more fans would prefer a change up. That change up happens to have a name…Naomi Singh. While not much is known about the characters past her quirky (not awkward sexual joke quirky) attitude and overall mold-ability to nearly any plot would allow for the character to enjoy a long, or short run on the show. Singh’s introduction in the New 52 (alongside Jax) was one of the highlights of a very solid Green Arrow run, a notion many comic fans agree with.

Played By: Kelsey Chow

Another proven Disney actress whose talents have yet to be completely recognized, Chow was part of the Pair of Kings cast and has since gone on to roles in shows such as Teen Wolf.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on Naomi Singh

Natas & Magus Amalgam:

After Season 5 of Arrow we – theoretically- lose the flashback sequences, I think it would be very interesting if – in the lead up to the Outsider War storyline, which I see taking place in Season 6 – Oliver takes the gap between seasons 5 & 6 to go off and train much like he does in the comics. However, in this version rather than training with Natas, who also trained Deathstroke, he will have trained with an amalgam of Natas and Magus which would allow for a very smooth transition and cohesive storyline between the new flashbacks and the Outsider war.

Played By: Donnie Yen

Donnie Yen’s resume includes all of the following: Hong Kong actor, martial artist, film director and producer, action choreographer, and multiple-time world wushu tournament champion, without saying much more I think that certainly more than qualifies him for the role allotted above.

Likely to Appear on: Arrow

More on NatasMore on Magus

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SimplyAz - 12/22/2015, 2:36 PM
Wow, that is detailed, will read it on the train to work tomorrow and tell you what I think.
MikeZ - 12/22/2015, 2:54 PM
I hate to sound like a twat, but this cast is far too huge. I don't even know if either Arrow/Flash would go through all these characters, even though you've got a nice set of actors and actresses here (everyone from The Vampire Diaries truly needs to break out with a superhero role).

I'm not sure Shia LaBeouf has plans to go back to television, however.

Matthew Perry? I have no problem with him whatsoever. He's more versatile than being given credit for.

I've always had a soft spot Ashley Tisdale. It's a shame she got set up with such bad movies, including Scary Movie 5. She's deserving of a nice comedic/dramatic role.

Josh Peck's a solid Nick actor who I've seen for Spider-Man villain Shocker, but the role you gave him might fare well. You've got a nice set of Disney/Nickelodeon actors there, might I mention.
TheRockmore - 12/22/2015, 7:47 PM

In regards to your first comment, it's less of a list of character who "should show up" and more of a list of characters who make sense in the Arrow/Flash world, who could show up
theultimatefan - 12/22/2015, 8:31 PM
@Arrowverse - First I applaud your hard work and the amount of time it took for you to do this. But why not split this up into two articles? A lot of people might pass by it because it is so long. You have couple of guys on here that's odd. Not because they can't act but for other reasons. Like Charles Michael Davis for example who is already a regular on a CW show. Plus he is not a good actor.

Tom Welling? Another CW hero show, do you really think that would happen? I would like to see him reprise his role as Clark for a TV JL film. HHH still acting is a bit of a stretch though it is a great choice, but there are other actors who could pull off block buster.

Colin Ford is amazing I hope he gets more movie roles hopefully as a hero. Introducing Jericho would be great. Cayden Boyd is not someone I've seen so I can't judge. SO many characters so little time.
DangerMan - 12/22/2015, 9:20 PM
Constantine Drakon was Adam Hunt's replacement head of security in the Pilot of Arrow, portrayed by the late Darren Shahlavi.
TheRockmore - 12/23/2015, 6:45 AM

As my description for him states....

"You may recognize the name “Constantine Drakon” from Arrow’s pilot, in which he served as Adam Hunt’s muscle against Oliver. Unfortunately Darren Shahlavi, who played Drakon then, has since passed away. Despite not being a part of the “Outsiders War” in Jeff Lemire’s Outsiders War, I do believe if the storyline was adapted he could easily be included as a key player. What makes Outsiders War a particularly interesting story is that it isn’t Oliver Queen v.s. one man, it’s Oliver Queen v.s. many equally balanced characters."
TheRockmore - 12/23/2015, 6:47 AM

Eh, I chose not to split it because I rarely post here, it's in it's entirety on my site and people have any and all free time to view it there.

As for actos, it's more a hypothetical, as most fan casts are, "if _____ were free too, he would make a good ______" and in terms of talent, it's all relative and opinionated. I think Davis is a fairly solid actor while apparently you don't.
theultimatefan - 12/23/2015, 3:04 PM
@Arrowverse - I got you. And Davis just seems so dry as Marcel. Especially when it comes to the emotional moments. When he's in a scene with Clarie Holt, Daniel Gillies, or Joseph Morgan they steal the scene from him. He's ok when he's with other actors, oh another one who outshines him is Yusuf Gatewood.
FlyntCoal - 12/23/2015, 5:46 PM
Good job! Thumbed.
Robby - 12/23/2015, 6:21 PM
I like this list a lot. Especially casting Colin Ford in those roles. I do want to see who you'd cast as Ralph Dibny since he's Barrys friend in the comics. Im hoping that they'd introduce him first before Patrick. I like both of your Connor Hawke choices.

I've always wanted Luke Mitchell to play Evan Mirror Master. But great casting overall.
TheRockmore - 12/23/2015, 6:31 PM

Personally I think you (if you're watching currently) gotta take a look back at Season 1 Marcel. I'll certainly agree Marcel is just a pointless character as a whole at this point and thats why he's being written as so dry. but if you go back to S1, and take a look at some of the more emotional stuff there...he wasn't half bad, or at least I didn't think si.


Dude I wanted Luke Mitchell too! And then he was cast on SHIELD :(. As for Dibny, I don't know...I'd like to assume he's dead as Eobard said in Season 1, but if he were to return...hmmm...

Assuming Damian Lewis was free and they wanted an older, "hardened investigator" version of Dibny for a short 1-2 episode stint I would go with him. If they wanted a more light hearted version who was more open to something like a long term role on Legends or something I would say Stefano Masciolini, or - and this might shock you - but topher grace
Robby - 12/23/2015, 7:04 PM
Haha not surprised with casting Topher Grace. He was one of my choices for Elongated Man if they were to have Ralph in the DCEU. If they wanted an older version for Ralph in the CW i'd say Justin Hartley. But if they typically aim for the more attractive/younger actor, i'd say Oliver Stark.
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