IRON FIST Star Finn Jones Wants To Return As Danny Rand; JESSICA JONES' Krysten Ritter Ready To Join MCU

IRON FIST Star Finn Jones Wants To Return As Danny Rand; JESSICA JONES' Krysten Ritter "Ready" To Join MCU

Is Finn Jones Teasing His Return As IRON FIST? MCU Fans Seem Convinced That's The Case
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Is Finn Jones Teasing His Return As IRON FIST? MCU Fans Seem Convinced That's The Case

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LoveLoveLove - 2/2/2017, 8:53 PM
I smell a new trailer coming... hopefully.
sKeemAn - 2/2/2017, 8:57 PM
I'm enjoying that Netflix cover.
NoMeaning45 - 2/2/2017, 8:58 PM
AvisQuinn - 2/2/2017, 9:00 PM
Hurry up and punch something already, Rand!
TomSolo - 2/2/2017, 9:26 PM
@AvisQuinn - I hope he has better form when he punches, because that is some really sh!tty form in that kick. I hope that is somehow a scene from before his training. If this is how they showcase a martial arts master in the MCU, then shame on them.
AvisQuinn - 2/3/2017, 10:20 AM
@TomSolo - I'm expecting this to be a series more heavily concentrated on the martial arts than the mythology of Danny Rand. That's my assumption going into the series. A kind of love letter to a bygone era of well-choreographed fight scenes. I actually can't tell from the picture if the form is poor. You've probably got a good eye for that. I'm curious to see how this series stacks up against the first seasons of the other shows and whether any attention to detail has been lost since we have The Defenders right around the corner.
Jaspion - 2/2/2017, 9:02 PM
I sense a trailer coming.

Jaspion - 2/2/2017, 9:03 PM
We didn't see Daredevil's final costume before the series, right?
KnifeWasTooSlow - 2/2/2017, 9:05 PM
Wait, we knew Trinity was in this?
NinnesMBC - 2/2/2017, 9:06 PM
Cool banner and nice to see more pics of Danny in action.

Seems he'll do some press conferences about where he's been and what is the future for the Rand company, etc.
ScionStorm - 2/3/2017, 3:37 AM
@NinnesMBC - He better not steal Tony Stark's "Get me a cheeseburger" speech.
NinnesMBC - 2/3/2017, 8:43 AM
@ScionStorm - LOL! Good one.
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