In Wednesday's episode of Moon Knight, Khonshi was imprisoned by The Ennead after using his immense abilities to turn back the night's sky to help Marc/Steven and Layla find Ammit's tomb. Left trapped inside a small stone statue, the Moon God told Steven that Marc would come and save him, and we saw Arthur Harrow take great delight in taunting his former master about his predicament.
Unsurprisingly, the latest poster for Moon Knight offers a closer look at that statue. Marvel Studios would be smart to make replicas of this as it's arguably one of the show's coolest props yet.
In related news, the show's Head Writer, Jeremy Slater, was recently asked about where this series takes place in the MCU's timeline. They pointed out that Disney+ has said it takes place after December 2024, with banners outside the London National Museum of Art suggesting the events of Moon Knight play out somewhere between April and July the following year (taking us all the way to 2025).
"A lot of people have asked this, but I have no idea, sorry," Slater replied. "We didn’t know when our show would debut in relation to their other shows and films, so the timeline was intentionally left vague." This appears to be the case with all MCU movies and TV shows right now, likely due to the complications caused by Avengers: Endgame jumping five years into the future.
Check out this latest Moon Knight poster below: