THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT's Rotten Tomatoes Score Has Been Revealed

THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT's Rotten Tomatoes Score Has Been Revealed THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT's Rotten Tomatoes Score Has Been Revealed

The reviews are in for The Book of Boba Fett, but what are critics saying about the latest Star Wars series on Disney+? Well, the verdicts have been counted, and the show has a Rotten Tomatoes score...

By JoshWilding - Dec 29, 2021 03:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Book of Boba Fett

The first episode of The Book of Boba Fett arrived on Disney+ this morning, but with no screeners offered to critics in advance, we're only just now getting the show's Rotten Tomatoes score. 

Only verdicts for "Stranger In A Strange Land" have obviously been counted thus far, but with 26 in - including our own - the latest live-action Star Wars series currently has a healthy 85%. That's not a bad result for an opening chapter that felt more like a prologue than anything else, and a final score for the series won't be revealed until all seven episodes have arrived on the streaming service.

"'Stranger in a Strange Land; could use more propulsion to properly open The Book of Boba Fett, but its lean summary of the bounty hunter's history provides some clarity without diminishing his mystique," reads the current Critics Consensus for this episode of the show. 

"Boba Fett is back, better, and cooler than ever, and while the premiere is slow to reveal where the show is taking us, Temuera Morrison's intense, gripping work offers hope for a series that will take this story 40 years in the making to the heights it deserves," we said in our review of the premiere.

For a series like this one, reviews are unlikely to matter as Star Wars fans aren't going to miss the iconic bounty hunter's first solo adventure. Still, it's definitely interesting to see how critics are responding.

How would you rate the first episode of The Book of Boba Fett?

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DudeGuy - 12/29/2021, 3:15 PM
ElricReturns - 12/29/2021, 3:18 PM
I wasn't impressed by the first episode, but I look forward to seeing what they do with it.
VicSage - 12/29/2021, 3:19 PM
This is shaping up to be everything I ever wanted in a Boba Fett series/film. Seeing an aged, battle hardened, and injured Boba Fett try to move up in the galaxy as a crime lord? It’s perfect. He’s been a bounty hunter for years, but that doesn’t mean he knows what it takes to be a crime lord. He’s going to learn — the hard way. He’s going to be out through the ringer, and through those struggles we’ll learn more about who he is. Can’t learn anything if he’s just jetpacking and rocketing off missiles everywhere being a badass 100% of the time.

I wish fans were more patient with projects like this. Boba has to fail before we can see him succeed. He’ll earn your respect by the end of the series. Can’t wait.
AmazingFILMporg - 12/29/2021, 3:28 PM
First episode was ok. Looking foward to the rest😎
Batmandalorian - 12/29/2021, 3:30 PM
its ok so far. im actually not crazy about robert rodriguez. i dont know that it would have been better with a different director though. but still def worth a watch.
Spawnnn - 12/29/2021, 3:37 PM
Havent seen something great from Rodriguez since Planet Terror. Guy needs a bitch slap from his buddy Quentin.
thereeljoefish - 12/29/2021, 3:46 PM
How are we judging the whole series off of one episode? Shows like this don’t need a riveting pilot because they’re already green lit.
bobevanz - 12/29/2021, 4:33 PM
@thereeljoefish - lmao you still need to get people to give a shit. Terrible pilot
Drace24 - 12/29/2021, 3:47 PM
It was good. Not spectacular, but promising. It was pretty much the setup that needed to happen, so I guess it's to early to critisize.
clornelas - 12/29/2021, 4:08 PM
I didn't hate the first episode, but how in the hell does a ruthless former bounty hunter ("no disintegrations") and his personal assassin walk through a city admittedly controlled by crime completely unarmed?
bobevanz - 12/29/2021, 4:33 PM
That was the most meh thing I've seen all year
CyberBishop - 12/29/2021, 4:42 PM
I am still amazed that some sheeple actually let RT decide their movie/TV viewing habits.
Typhoon20 - 12/29/2021, 6:14 PM
Can we acknowledge that RT is awful for tv shows ? It's fairly good for movies but not tv shows.
FearTheLiving - 12/30/2021, 4:34 AM
@Typhoon20 - Been saying this for years. It lacks consistency given some people will review the first episode or the first couple episodes or the entire season. With a movie you know exactly what all the reviewers have seen, shows don't have that same uniformity when it comes to reviews collected.
FearTheLiving - 12/30/2021, 4:35 AM
@FearTheLiving - Also the number of reviews are significantly lower.
MrShow - 12/29/2021, 8:31 PM
Sorry that was bad, all of it bad.
TheAstoundingMan - 12/29/2021, 9:29 PM
I had issues with the pacing, and some of the action, but I still enjoyed the hell out of it. Interested to see where this goes.
GeneralZod - 12/29/2021, 11:01 PM
FearTheLiving - 12/30/2021, 4:31 AM
Felt like Mandalorian, which I like so I enjoyed the first episode of this as well. Hope we really dive into the criminal aspect of this and being a crime boss.
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